Originally, I wanted to enter VuTales early so I saw V's message and emailed immediately, only to find that I wasn't selected. Although this downed my hopes a bit, I wasn't exactly ready to give up. After a hours or days, I messaged SirPainsalot. It seems like he too, wasn't selected for Alpha testing. We talked for a bit before I came up with the idea of trying to view VuTales without signing up. After about half an hour, I played a bit of games[Warcraft 3, Combat Arms, etc.] and ate lunch. When I returned to my computer, Oliver had messaged me telling me about the site, only he was too scared to enter[Wimp :P].
Please refer to his blog for more details about his breakthrough!
Being the crazy son of a bitch that I am, I entered for about a few seconds before leaving. I waited a moment to see if I got any messages regarding my entrance into the site, none. Meanwhile, Pansy(Painsy without the i) was chatting it up with David, who was selected for Alpha testing. From then on, I have been lurking around VuTales waiting for the time to use the Sign Up button. There were several opportunities where I was able to sign up but I was able to resist temptation. Now that I am here, I'm happy that I don't have to watch from the sidelines anymore, able to comment, able to like. It's just like the old MMOTales but with a whole new twist! 😀
lulz Whole blog is true, yo.
You and Pains are dirty devils… xD
-=The Nazgul=-
Yes, yes we are. 😀
I saw the blocked letters/numbers were only about 3 or 4 places, so I tried random combinations of words and letters. It’d probably take me a few weeks or maybe months to reach vuii if I continued to use that method.
Isn’t it though! ^^ It’s like Heroin without the crash!
Yeah tell me about it.
Ah, he told me about this.