I play a role of a simple housewife. Not desperate. Just plain Jane housewife. I have no complains of what I do. I have no complains of what I don't have. I know that in the end of the day that my child never goes to sleep hungry, and just by doing that I feel like I'm indestructible. But I know I'm not. I know that I cry at night when my husband's sleeping. I can barely have any sleep myself. I'm not depressed, I just missed what I could of had if I was more careful. But I don't regret what happened, it just happened and I took my big girl pill and decided that that day forward I was to become a Woman, better yet a M.O.M..
What my friends have done is beyond me. They've all made a pact, it seems, and they all had babies. Edward, Tania, Nicole, Samantha, Dawn, They all had babies shortly after I did so I wouldn't feel alone. We're all housewifes. Out of work and broke as fuck. We don't care, I surely don't. It's what I chose to do. And Abortion is not the answer.
I play a role bigger than a housewife. I play a mentor who needs it, a friend, a sister, a secret journal that sometimes people just dump their troubles on me. It doesn't bother me much, I love to listen. My role is bigger than I thought. I am a protector. Guidance. Love. I am often searched for the smallest this and the biggest that.
I play a role that others envy. I have people that literally hate me and it is only because I have what they can not make. I have happiness. This person hates me. My own blood. My sister. She takes everything into a completion. "If you're pregnant I must get pregnant too." or "if you have a black boyfriend then I must fuck black man too" I could only look at her and I can't help but laugh at her direction. She often points me out and yells at me and declares that I'm mother's favorite child when I am clearly not. That mother would tell their own child that they're a mistake. I am a one-night-stand baby.
I play a role.
I play a role that other girls would just give up on the first try. Dump their troubles on others. Never taking responsibility for themselves. I play a role that not even my own husband understands. He can't come to comprehend why I suddenly become a crazy bitch at the worse of times, and a silly bitch at the best of times. He can't understand what goes through my corkscrew of a mind and I don't expect him too. He has a role to play too. He is my protector. My Love. My Guidance. My Comfort.
I play a role of a healer when one's hurt. A napkin for someone's tears. A shoulder to lean on.
I play all these roles yet I'm not an actor. I don't want to be. I am not labeled. I am just me.
Well said.
I can’t really say much more
Lovely, lovely.
So I gotta ask, are you older than me, or am I the oldest one on the site besides Blackboy?
But, I feel like I have a connection with you, because you’re married, and you know how it goes, which is awesome.
No offense to the people here, but sometimes 15-year olds aren’t the number one authority on marriage. xD
Many of the new generation teenagers I see these days are becoming more ignorant and naive. If they can only invite and embrace to what’s in front of their eyes, then their future would be of shattered realities and broken hearts in consequent to their rash actions.
These recent blogs are a bit depressing.
But anyway, well said I suppose, although I can’t really connect in this situation. =)
So I gotta ask, are you older than me, or am I the oldest one on the site besides Blackboy?
But, I feel like I have a connection with you, because you’re married, and you know how it goes, which is awesome.
No offense to the people here, but sometimes 15-year olds aren’t the number one authority on marriage. xD
My age doesn’t quite match up with my personality. I guess. lol I think you’re older than I am. by a year or so. I’m not really sure.