It's pretty much explanatory. I started over in Maple Story since I'm having so much trouble trying to install FlyFF. Oh well.
So I play maple. Again. I'm doing pretty good for myself too. I'm broke and low leveled but so what… the hard work makes it so much more rewarding. In any case I started out as a pirate. I didn't know we had that type of class until my little brother's friend told me about it. I was like cool. I want to try it out. Though I'm not used to it yet, I keep forgetting my shift key isn't the teleport skill anymore but the 'rapid fire' (I only say this because I don't know the skill's name … yet). It's fun. And damn it I level a hell of a lot fast than I did. In just an hour I leveled about 10 levels. Though I cannot pull an all night like I used to because I'm making fat nasty pay checks… I still feel accomplished.
Speaking of fat nasty pay checks… I love my two new jobs. My schedule isn't hectic because I make my own schedule, which is convenient for me because I have Zoe to look after. As a foot note, my husband finally got his job at Hollywood Videos, to be honest I didn't think they were still in business. Lol, silly me. Anyway I'm finally moving forward. I just hope that I don't get sanctioned because I haven't been to my vendor in two days. If your wondering… a vendor is a case manager assigned to welfare participants, that's me, to prep them for job readiness and provide a proper and structure job search, also they help you allocate a proper child care facility paid for by the government. Crazy huh? All this free stuff and people sometimes just don't know about it or take advantage of it.
What else can I mention… what didn't I mention.
Oh! another small note: my husband and I made up. We ended our fighting with a reasonable explanation as to why he hasn't be 'successful' in finding a job. It's hard to find a job if you have no experience… and I told him the Military counts for something. So does JobCorp. But no one really wants to listen to me. Either way, he's hired now. Well, that's what he tells me anyway. I guess we'll all have to find out when he receives that first paycheck.
And no to sound so geek, lol, but do any of you still play maple or said fuck it? 😛 Because I'm lonely and I'm shunned because I'm a noob… again XD.
Don't pay attention to that really… I'm just goofing off. >_>
But seriously, do you guys still play maplestory? or moved on to bigger and better things? Because if so.. 🙂 I want piece of that action!
I just got back onto GMS for the heck of it. Everyone on my BL is dead, not surprising.
Shunned. xD I swore to myself one summer that I’d never go back to GMS again.
Many of us are playing the new VuMS Private Server that David is running, some people are also onboard with 24 League, Wonderking, GHOSTX, and others. 🙂 Check around.
Glad things are looking up for ya 🙂
Many of us are playing the new VuMS Private Server that David is running, some people are also onboard with 24 League, Wonderking, GHOSTX, and others. 🙂 Check around.
I got on yesterday… and it was fucking 2 am here LOL
I’ve been resting most of the time. My knee injury isn’t getting any better.. so no dance either. fuck.
anduh i would never go on the official maple lol. but VuMS yeah.
im really troubled with common app
omg whatever i just said has totally no connection LOL
I still play MapleStory.
I was thinking of starting over…
I hack =D
Shut up. Just… no. -___- I’m not even going to bother…
And @Aaru: Congratulations? 😀 It’s nice to hear that things are looking up~
I played a new mage to try out I/L and get back to MS for the first time in about two years, and I got to level 34 in five days and made 9 mil.
Also spent a lot more time helping out random people in MS because in addition to me having fun helping them out, they have fun too.
I played a new mage to try out I/L and get back to MS for the first time in about two years, and I got to level 34 in five days and made 9 mil.
Also spent a lot more time helping out random people in MS because in addition to me having fun helping them out, they have fun too.
I don’t understand how ppl can get to level +30 and X mil in less than a week. I totally do not understand how. But I do understand the fun in helping other people, I’ve done it alot myself too before I stopped
I said f:)ck it. I shall spend my life on better stuff… Such as sleeping. 😀
Haha well but I never like to start anew. I never have the patience to start anew again… Well I did it once or twice, once in Runescape and the other in Maple, and sure it turned out better than my previous character, but… I still say, f:)ck it. 😛
Lol I play Cross Fire and Fiesta along with the pserver nowadays xD
FlyFF was awesome 😀 I LOVED flying in that…
Shit, now I wanna start playing FlyFF again >.<
FlyFF got old after I realized ROSE was better :[
Meh, ROSE was nice but FlyFF was free 😛 Plus ROSE had no flying brooms/boards 🙂
Double post… The stupid HTML Header Error made me double post >.<
I just got back on.
I play Scania, as LegaiPiracy, a level 25 to-be Brawler as of now, and as DaggerAlloy, my old Chief Bandit.
Good for you and your persistence! 🙂
Good for you Aaru. =)