I've Escaped to Reality.

By In Uncategorized

I've been busy.

I guess I'll start this off with good news. My two year plan is moving to the next plateau.

1. Join a Gym for one full year
2. Live/Eat Health for one full year
3. Loose 100lb (lost 30, 70lbs to go)
4. Get Certified in Medical Billing and Coding
5. Get a drivers license
6. Get a Job
7. Get a real marriage license from the Justice of the Peace (The end of Year One and the Beginning of Year Two)
8. Clear my name from Debt
9. Move out from this bad neighborhood.
10. Save up for Paramedic Training
11. Put Zoe into a private or catholic school.
12. Begin a college trust fund for Zoe
13. Continue my Medical Knowledge as a LPN (back up plan if Paramedic training doesn't work)
14. See a Cosmetic Surgeon for a Consultation of my flaws after my completely changed body after my year long diet. (The End of Year Two, beginning to plan for Another Two Year Plan).

Yeah as you can see from the list this is my two year plan. I've started this a week prior to the new year. So far I'm almost 1/3 of the way completed and it's 1/3 of the year that's passed. So far I'm on schedule. Yes this is my new years resolution. I've mentioned before, to those who still remember, that I enrolled in school -mostly a trade school- for Medical Billing and Coding. Well, not to long ago I've been certified by the Nation to work wherever I want as a Medical Billing and Coding Specialist. Not only that, before I graduated from this school I'm going to go ahead and snatch my Microsoft Office Suite Certified license before I walk across the stage. I'm not complaining about my GPA either. I'm not straight A student but a lot of the people in class treat me as one.

This means, I'll be the first in my family that doesn't have to clean up toilets for a living. Even though my older sister is flashing her masters in my face. I don't let it bring me down. She can take that master and shove it up where the sun doesn't shine. For the most part, I've been verbally and mentally abused since I decided to go back to school. I live with my mother, and she's not ray of sun shines when it comes to her expressing how she feels. Above all else, I don't want or need anyone's approval to tell me what I want or need to do. I am doing me. Unfortunately, this doesn't stop her, or anyone else, to bring me down. It's ok though, I can make it shine. 🙂

So much to tell I don't know where to begin.

Well, in getting my butt ready for the nationwide certification test for Medical Billing and Coding. I've had my fair shares of haters. Well, mostly just one and a few nasty glares from others. Did I mention that I was the only Spanish student in the morning sessions of the school, including all 8 classes, not one White, Asian, just one Spanish person and that's me. And this excludes the teachers. So yeah, it was interested to see that a lot of people thought I couldn't speak English and such and most of the time there was an interpreter in the classroom. Lol, it didn't bother me much because I didn't speak much. However, my scores showed them otherwise and eventually fired the interpreter. (My bad). Out of all those who started the class with me, I've only made one friend. And I love her to no end. She gives me the academic-competitive edge I needed to keep myself at the top of my game, and at the top of hers.

We would argue to no end of which code is the right code for whatever procedure we were looking up and the code for the diagnosed disease. We were often separated from each other when it came to class challenges, with team one and team two. Lol. It was, and will always be an honor going up against someone that is if not much more smarter person than I. Not only that, but I believe she learned a few new things from me as well, Like the meaning of a BRAIN-FART lol.

In this friendly competition there is always one who doesn't enjoy it at all. Well, this person, just took it too far. Little did I know all this drama she was creating about me behind my back has been going one since day one when I first walked into the classroom. She goes to my friend, and a few others, just throwing up her little heart about me of how much she hates me and this and that and the other. And that I think I'm better than everyone else because I'm smart but what really set her off was because I ignored her. lol. You don't believe me, Well, I'll post up the letter I wrote to the director of the school in a later blog. Maybe it'll give a few laughs. It escalated out of control when she deleted my mock clinical practice -flawless- from the computer and she deleted my friend's too. Even though she denied it I believe she did it. So she creates drama upon drama upon drama about the first time she met me and how she forgave me about something I did to her and whatever, and I know nothing about it, and yet she continues to bring this 'feud' to an uproar that almost gets me in trouble with the director. And my teacher is on the verge of getting fired. This is all happened not to long ago, back in March.

You just have to read this letter.
Other than that, I've done a lot and I continue to plan my life in segments. It seems to work better for me.

My daughter is doing great. She's 18 months now, talking, singing, misbehaving, potty training. 😀 It's great. Although she's getting into a bag of recycled plastic trash bags (for laundry purposes only) and pulling on my shirt causing me to make typoes a lot. lol. her father is still around be we decided to call it a break before I break his neck. But I'm not gonna drown anyone with that bucket of problems. lol You all are teenagers you just have high school to worry about. And if you must copulate put a cap on it. 🙂 Or at least graduate high school first before you decided to ruin your life with children. ^_^ At least that's what I did. (It's a joke if some of you don't get it. I'm blessed to have my child and no My life isn't ruined. It just took a detour of my first plan after high school.)

Well, I wish I had more time but It's almost dinner time and I have to prepare a yummy and delicious meal for me and my daughter.

Think positive, and you'll live/be positive.



Dest1 18 April 2010 Reply

I’m glad you’ve been doing so well. And yeah, move out of DC (especially the projects) as soon as possible, to maybe Virginia or something. I like it there.

I got jumped earlier this month at night a block from where I live, so I’m really hating DC right now…

I hope you complete your New Year’s Resolution list. I usually can’t even make one without breaking it. I just don’t make one now, lol.

Gujju 18 April 2010 Reply

Good for you. Actually sticking to resolutions is a lost art i think :P.
Good luck wit the rest of the list!

Dustin 18 April 2010 Reply

“Cosmetic surgeon”?

Nass 18 April 2010 Reply

Dang, I don’t think I could stick with a list that long. Glad to see you’re doing great on it so far! ^^

@Desty: Carry something man. A glass bottle, switchblade, knuckles or something 🙁
It can help sometimes if you show you’re not afraid to use it.

Lithium 19 April 2010 Reply

Good for you Aaru. <3

DarkDragoon 19 April 2010 Reply
Dest1 said: I’m glad you’ve been doing so well. And yeah, move out of DC (especially the projects) as soon as possible, to maybe Virginia or something. I like it there.

I got jumped earlier this month at night a block from where I live, so I’m really hating DC right now…

I hope you complete your New Year’s Resolution list. I usually can’t even make one without breaking it. I just don’t make one now, lol.

You’re asian, pull out that kung-fu whoopass >O

Glad to see someone actually fulfilling their resolutions 😀

The best of luck to you and a tip of my hat.

David 19 April 2010 Reply
Aaru said: And if you must copulate put a cap on it. 🙂

lol. Not the right crowd to address (for the most part anyway).

Good luck.

Aaru 19 April 2010 Reply

@Dest: Just have a black person walk with you wherever you go. It seems to work, and no it’s not being racist… it’s known to be true. Get those tough looking guys too.. not the nerdy ones because they don’t work. Lol. Ok it’s a lil racist but it does help if they know the person who’s gonna mug/jump you. (Ok sure it’s a lil insensitive however, it’s true… I’ve been in DC for 22 years. I know what I’m talking about).

@Gujju: It’s actually a two year plan… but I’m trying to fit most of it in one year.

@Dustin: Yeah… I’m huge. -_- What do you expect from a new mother who has no job and just stayed at home all year and was required to eat 1,000 calories more than she should because she was breastfeeding. I did a lot of damage to me. 🙁

@Nass: Thanks. I got to keep focused somehow right?

@David: Well… You never really know. Can’t be to careful.

In all, for some reason I feel patronized. : Or maybe I’m just reading everything wrong. Oh well. I don’t care. 😀 What can I say… I’m old fashion I’ve always set out a new years resolution. lol I only ended doing one thing out of the whole list. But not this time. This year is my year. Eff all the rest. (no offense).

Dest1 19 April 2010 Reply
Aaru said: @Dest: Just have a black person walk with you wherever you go. It seems to work, and no it’s not being racist… it’s known to be true. Get those tough looking guys too.. not the nerdy ones because they don’t work. Lol. Ok it’s a lil racist but it does help if they know the person who’s gonna mug/jump you. (Ok sure it’s a lil insensitive however, it’s true… I’ve been in DC for 22 years. I know what I’m talking about).

@Gujju: It’s actually a two year plan… but I’m trying to fit most of it in one year.

@Dustin: Yeah… I’m huge. -_- What do you expect from a new mother who has no job and just stayed at home all year and was required to eat 1,000 calories more than she should because she was breastfeeding. I did a lot of damage to me. 🙁

@Nass: Thanks. I got to keep focused somehow right?

@David: Well… You never really know. Can’t be to careful.

In all, for some reason I feel patronized. : Or maybe I’m just reading everything wrong. Oh well. I don’t care. 😀 What can I say… I’m old fashion I’ve always set out a new years resolution. lol I only ended doing one thing out of the whole list. But not this time. This year is my year. Eff all the rest. (no offense).

Yeah, I heard that. I had a nerdy black kid with me, so it didn’t work. He even had a damn skateboard with him and he didn’t help.

Dustin 19 April 2010 Reply
Aaru said:

@Dustin: Yeah… I’m huge. -_- What do you expect from a new mother who has no job and just stayed at home all year and was required to eat 1,000 calories more than she should because she was breastfeeding. I did a lot of damage to me. 🙁

But but but….You’re beautiful, You’re beautiful,
You’re beautiful, it’s true,
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don’t know what to do,
‘Cause I’ll never be with you.

Ezyan 19 April 2010 Reply

Are you serious about the cosmetic Surgery? I feel like I should applaud you for having it last on your list, but the fact you are even considering it automatically Negates any congratulatory feelings on my behalf. Okay, I get that you’re 22; you’re young and Vain enough to care about your Weight, stretch marks, Cellulite, whatever, it’s a Girl thing.

But in all honesty I can’t say I condone plastic Surgery. It costs a lot of Money and working in coding and as a receptionist (and paramedic if you get your certificate), I reckon that by the time you move out of your neighbourhood (at least $400k for a decent neighbourhood), save up for Zoe’s School Fees (working on the assumption Private School Fees are about $10k/yr where you are, and that’s CHEAP where I come from. That’s another $60k if you start her there in High School, more if you start in Primary) & College Fees (I don’t know what College Fees are like in the US but I hear they are noooooot Cheap) at the very least, you’re going to be at least 40, probably closer to 50, by the time you have the Money for your Surgery.

Unless you get her father back in the picture, but from what you’ve said I don’t think you two are going to work out and he probably won’t be getting a job that pays huge salaries (correct me if I’m wrong, I’m just inferring from what you’ve said previously), so you’re probably not going to be able to depend on him very much.

By that time, I don’t think it’s worth it. You might as well Save up and buy yourself a rocking chair and a warm quilt, coz that’s gonna be a lot more comfortable for your arthritis in Old age.

Pirkid 19 April 2010 Reply

Good for you. Following your plans is better then most can claim.

Aaru 19 April 2010 Reply
Ezyan said: Are you serious about the cosmetic Surgery? I feel like I should applaud you for having it last on your list, but the fact you are even considering it automatically Negates any congratulatory feelings on my behalf. Okay, I get that you’re 22; you’re young and Vain enough to care about your Weight, stretch marks, Cellulite, whatever, it’s a Girl thing.

But in all honesty I can’t say I condone plastic Surgery. It costs a lot of Money and working in coding and as a receptionist (and paramedic if you get your certificate), I reckon that by the time you move out of your neighbourhood (at least $400k for a decent neighbourhood), save up for Zoe’s School Fees (working on the assumption Private School Fees are about $10k/yr where you are, and that’s CHEAP where I come from. That’s another $60k if you start her there in High School, more if you start in Primary) & College Fees (I don’t know what College Fees are like in the US but I hear they are noooooot Cheap) at the very least, you’re going to be at least 40, probably closer to 50, by the time you have the Money for your Surgery.

Unless you get her father back in the picture, but from what you’ve said I don’t think you two are going to work out and he probably won’t be getting a job that pays huge salaries (correct me if I’m wrong, I’m just inferring from what you’ve said previously), so you’re probably not going to be able to depend on him very much.

By that time, I don’t think it’s worth it. You might as well Save up and buy yourself a rocking chair and a warm quilt, coz that’s gonna be a lot more comfortable for your arthritis in Old age.

Isn’t this a little slap to the face.

Fortunately, I do my research before I decided to do anything.

Yes I’m serious about cosmetic surgery. Vain isn’t the issue, so of course you wouldn’t know my reasons behind it. There are different types of cosmetic surgery, ranging from liposuction to abdominoplasty, and each price differs from doctor to doctor. The doctor I go to is my nutritionist and he also does cosmetic surgeries, tummy tucks and liposuction. I’m an established patient of his so the prices differ from me than a new patient. From that, he charges his establish patients a little less than 2,000 dollars for either procedure. Which is a steal to other places. Yes he’s licensed and even owns his own medical office. He’s also flexible with payment plans with those who are unable to pay all at once.

I’m not working as a receptionist, that’s not what I do. Medical Billing and Coding Specialist. There’s a BIG difference from the two, like a medical receptionist make 20,000 annually as appose to Medical Billing and Coding Specialist which they make, on average 30-35,000 annually. As for being a paramedic, they are not far behind with 5-10,000 more, depending where you work. Even still, I plan to further my education in the health/medical/medicine field.

Now, it’s just me and my daughter so a one bedroom apartment would suffice. I don’t need a house to be happy. However, having a home away from this mess would be greater than any house, or gated-community. If I play my cards right, after cleaning up my credit, I could live in an apartment that ranges from 600-1,000 a month. Which is not at all that bad.

As for my daughter’s education, there are public charter schools that offers equivalent excellence in education as that of private/catholic schools. And even still some cost a little less than 10,000/yr, or even free. Depend on the location and the slot on the registration list, which my daughter is already listed. Saving up for my daughter’s college is better to do now than later. You see… saving 50-200 a month for a year and times that by 20, she’ll have enough for at least one year of college, depending on where she goes, or even if she decides to go. There are also student financial aids and scholarships to fill in the gaps. When it comes to college, I will no longer be responsible financially for my daughter. Back when I was in college I worked and paid for my education. Now you see, most people don’t know that if you work for the school first, may it be cleaning, security guard, administrative assistant, etc. anything with having to do in the school’s property. The school pays your tuition as long as you remain a staff on their payroll. Not only that. The staff’s children are able to go to school for free.

Even though, If her father is back in the picture, it’ll be a few month hundred dollars a month. Which is ok by me, but I’m not depended of him as most mothers are to their baby’s fathers. If he wants to support, I’ll let him support. If not, then hell have to stay the hell out of my way. And sure, we may or may not work things out, but that doesn’t mean I’ll deny the man to be apart of his little girl’s life. That just wouldn’t be human.

So by the time everything is said and done, I’ll have my cake and eat it two. And I guess I’ll be a sexy ass grandmother in my rocking chair and warm quilt in my “OLD AGE”.

A little piece of advise, do not critic what you don’t understand. I decided not to go into full details of my plans because I feel as though is doesn’t and it shouldn’t matter to everyone else. However, for you to say such ‘harsh’ things and try to put me down like that… it’s not going to work. This is why smart people plan ahead, even for a rainy day, so they don’t have to fuck up what they’re trying to achieve.

Aaru 19 April 2010 Reply
Pirkid said: Good for you. Following your plans is better then most can claim.

Thanks. 🙂

EvilStranger 19 April 2010 Reply

wow you’re only 22 and you’re under all this stress
i wish you the best!

i wanna tell you.. my brother.. omfg he’s 26 years old and he doesnt have the same stress as you do, in fact, his stress is way below yours. and he’s all complaining and hating on life.

so yeah, i just had a fight with my brother.. that arrogant dick. so after reading your struggles with the real world, i really admire your positive view on life. : )

BlackNazgul 19 April 2010 Reply

You’re last line about positivity is absolutely, positively true. Thanks Aaru 🙂

-=The Nazgul=-

Quang 19 April 2010 Reply

We will always be here to provide you with moral support Aaru ^_^

Aaru 19 April 2010 Reply
Max said: wow you’re only 22 and you’re under all this stress
i wish you the best!

i wanna tell you.. my brother.. omfg he’s 26 years old and he doesnt have the same stress as you do, in fact, his stress is way below yours. and he’s all complaining and hating on life.

so yeah, i just had a fight with my brother.. that arrogant dick. so after reading your struggles with the real world, i really admire your positive view on life. : )

Thanks for that. Life is just harder on others…

@Black: Well, it’s true, if you think like a loser then 9 times out of 10 you are a loser.

@Quang: Thanks. That really means a lot to me.

Taelin 20 April 2010 Reply
Aaru said: Yes I’m serious about cosmetic surgery. Vain isn’t the issue, so of course you wouldn’t know my reasons behind it.

Am I worthy enough to hear the reason why you would consider cosmetic surgery? I am genuinely curious to what your reason behind this life-changing decision.

Aaru said:
A little piece of advise, do not critic what you don’t understand. I decided not to go into full details of my plans because I feel as though is doesn’t and it shouldn’t matter to everyone else. However, for you to say such ‘harsh’ things and try to put me down like that… it’s not going to work. This is why smart people plan ahead, even for a rainy day, so they don’t have to fuck up what they’re trying to achieve.

Woah…calm down…

Chameleon 20 April 2010 Reply

May I just say, Aaru, that you are like. My role model for life? Not kidding. :X

Erm, and I also kinda agree with what Taelin asked/said up thar, I think maybe Ez was being unnecessarily harsh (Idurno, Asians tend to be pretty blunt in their manner of speaking even when they don’t mean anything bad?), but it kind of felt a little like you might have overreacted a bit. Are you bottling up your stress? ._.”

… dunhurtmeplz :c

Aaru 20 April 2010 Reply
Taelin said:

Aaru said: Yes I’m serious about cosmetic surgery. Vain isn’t the issue, so of course you wouldn’t know my reasons behind it.

Am I worthy enough to hear the reason why you would consider cosmetic surgery? I am genuinely curious to what your reason behind this life-changing decision.

Aaru said:
A little piece of advise, do not critic what you don’t understand. I decided not to go into full details of my plans because I feel as though is doesn’t and it shouldn’t matter to everyone else. However, for you to say such ‘harsh’ things and try to put me down like that… it’s not going to work. This is why smart people plan ahead, even for a rainy day, so they don’t have to fuck up what they’re trying to achieve.

Woah…calm down…

What is it with this sudden interest in my wanting cosmetic surgery? Though I having nothing to hide, I’m really sensitive about my body. I’m not doing cosmetic surgery soon but it is something that I want to do.

I’ve been stuck at home for one year, with a new baby. As a new mother who breastfeeds a very high-need baby, I was required to eat 1,000 calories more than an average person who should only consume then average of 1500-2000 a day. I was taking in 3,000 calories a day. So I gained about 100lbs on top of my pregnancy fat. I blew up. HUGE Almost 300lbs. So even if I lost all the weight I gained during the year I spent at home… my body won’t be the way it was. Not only that, there are health risk involved if I don’t take care of my body now. Which is what I’m doing. I don’t want a quick fix to be beautiful. I already know that I’m beautiful, nay gorgeous… I just want to be able to live healthy long enough to see my great grand babies be born. What made me decided to get cosmetic surgery… when I was carrying my daughter, at the time she was 9 months old, in my arms walked up four flights of stairs. Hyperventilating as though I was having an asthma attack. It hit me like a ton of bricks… I need to change. I’ve been slowly and healthily loosing my weight… from then until now, I’ve lost a total of 60lbs… which includes the 30 i lost when the new year began.

Now since I feel exposed and humiliated, I hope your curiosity has been satisfied.

Taelin 20 April 2010 Reply
Aaru said:
What is it with this sudden interest in my wanting cosmetic surgery? Though I having nothing to hide, I’m really sensitive about my body. I’m not doing cosmetic surgery soon but it is something that I want to do.

I’ve been stuck at home for one year, with a new baby. As a new mother who breastfeeds a very high-need baby, I was required to eat 1,000 calories more than an average person who should only consume then average of 1500-2000 a day. I was taking in 3,000 calories a day. So I gained about 100lbs on top of my pregnancy fat. I blew up. HUGE Almost 300lbs. So even if I lost all the weight I gained during the year I spent at home… my body won’t be the way it was. Not only that, there are health risk involved if I don’t take care of my body now. Which is what I’m doing. I don’t want a quick fix to be beautiful. I already know that I’m beautiful, nay gorgeous… I just want to be able to live healthy long enough to see my great grand babies be born. What made me decided to get cosmetic surgery… when I was carrying my daughter, at the time she was 9 months old, in my arms walked up four flights of stairs. Hyperventilating as though I was having an asthma attack. It hit me like a ton of bricks… I need to change. I’ve been slowly and healthily loosing my weight… from then until now, I’ve lost a total of 60lbs… which includes the 30 i lost when the new year began.

Now since I feel exposed and humiliated, I hope you’re curiosity has been satisfied.

Well, liposuction isn’t the only option (I’m really weary of these kinds of options myself). Try doing those fitness classes for women who just finish giving birth, and exercising more often. Remember, short cuts don’t usually work well in real life; doing things naturally is the way to go. Unless, of course, you’re as lazy as me (which I doubt you are).

Chameleon 20 April 2010 Reply

Um… I (for one?) don’t respect you any less for wanting to get cosmetic surgery (since it is for a pretty legit reason), just gonna wish you the best of luck, hopefully there will be no unforeseen complications. fingers crossed jajaja? 🙂

Aaru 20 April 2010 Reply
Chameleon said: May I just say, Aaru, that you are like. My role model for life? Not kidding. :X

Erm, and I also kinda agree with what Taelin asked/said up thar, I think maybe Ez was being unnecessarily harsh (Idurno, Asians tend to be pretty blunt in their manner of speaking even when they don’t mean anything bad?), but it kind of felt a little like you might have overreacted a bit. Are you bottling up your stress? ._.”

… dunhurtmeplz :c

I’m passive aggressive, if I wanted to hurt you I couldn’t. That’s just not in my human nature.

No, I don’t have bottled up stress. I unleash all of that at the gym with a little kick boxing, weight lifting, cross-ramping (that’s my favorite). If I were stressed, I’d be bald.

People are entitled to say what they want, but they should choose how to word they’re comments carefully with a polite tone. And I don’t think I overreacted. I felt the need to say what I needed to say after reading what he said. He could be Asian, Black, White, Latino, it doesn’t matter to me. Be considerate of other people’s feelings. “Think before you type”

Arladerus 20 April 2010 Reply

No matter how you look, I believe everybody should feel great about themselves (which I absolutely fail at, but you know, those who can’t teach, eh?). Whether helping you feel better about yourself means cosmetic surgery or breast implants, what matters in the end is how you feel about yourself. Of course, this would be long-term, of course. Feeling great for a month and then having silicone leaking out if your breast the next isn’t exactly good…

As you said, you planned this out carefully, so I wish you the best of luck. Of course, I’m doing my part in helping Asians feel better about themselves…

DFC: Deliciously Flat Chested

Taelin 20 April 2010 Reply

@ Aaru: Well, to be talked to in a polite tone, one must reply in a polite tone too. I personally think you were also a bit harsh in your response to Ezyan. Well, not that my opinion matters to you anyway.

@ Arladerus: ONE MUST TAKE PRIDE IN BEING FLAT-CHESTED! =) Lol, I love Konata (from Lucky Star).

Aaru 20 April 2010 Reply
Taelin said:

Aaru said:
What is it with this sudden interest in my wanting cosmetic surgery? Though I having nothing to hide, I’m really sensitive about my body. I’m not doing cosmetic surgery soon but it is something that I want to do.

I’ve been stuck at home for one year, with a new baby. As a new mother who breastfeeds a very high-need baby, I was required to eat 1,000 calories more than an average person who should only consume then average of 1500-2000 a day. I was taking in 3,000 calories a day. So I gained about 100lbs on top of my pregnancy fat. I blew up. HUGE Almost 300lbs. So even if I lost all the weight I gained during the year I spent at home… my body won’t be the way it was. Not only that, there are health risk involved if I don’t take care of my body now. Which is what I’m doing. I don’t want a quick fix to be beautiful. I already know that I’m beautiful, nay gorgeous… I just want to be able to live healthy long enough to see my great grand babies be born. What made me decided to get cosmetic surgery… when I was carrying my daughter, at the time she was 9 months old, in my arms walked up four flights of stairs. Hyperventilating as though I was having an asthma attack. It hit me like a ton of bricks… I need to change. I’ve been slowly and healthily loosing my weight… from then until now, I’ve lost a total of 60lbs… which includes the 30 i lost when the new year began.

Now since I feel exposed and humiliated, I hope you’re curiosity has been satisfied.

Well, liposuction isn’t the only option (I’m really weary of these kinds of options myself). Try doing those fitness classes for women who just finish giving birth, and exercising more often. Remember, short cuts don’t usually work well in real life; doing things naturally is the way to go. Unless, of course, you’re as lazy as me (which I doubt you are).


I never said I’m doing a short cut. I’ve done my life style change legitimately… and I don’t plan to change that.

Ok, I’ll give you a visual…

You have a new balloon, fresh out the pack. You blow air into it until it expands to capacity… and then you release the air… it’s somewhat stretchy and saggy now and not firm and new like before.

Hence my reason. I work hard now so I’m able to play later on in life… Am I not entitled to correct my flaws?

Taelin 20 April 2010 Reply
Aaru said:
I never said I’m doing a short cut. I’ve done my life style change legitimately… and I don’t plan to change that.

Ok, I’ll give you a visual…

You have a new balloon, fresh out the pack. You blow air into it until it expands to capacity… and then you release the air… it’s somewhat stretchy and saggy now and not firm and new like before.

Hence my reason. I work hard now so I’m able to play later on in life… Am I not entitled to correct my flaws?

Dunno, I’m still weary about liposuction. Doesn’t it only suck fat out though? Because if that’s all it does, then it won’t do anything about your stretched skin.

I still say exercising is the safest, and cheapest (lol, I’m Asian) way to go. Might as well use that money for stuff like rent, down payment, RESP etc. right?

Arladerus 20 April 2010 Reply

As long as silicone isn’t leaking and the area edited (sorry for the nerdy term XD) doesn’t become worse than it would have later on, it’s all good. =D

Aaru 20 April 2010 Reply
Taelin said: @ Aaru: Well, to be talked to in a polite tone, one must reply in a polite tone too. I personally think you were also a bit harsh in your response to Ezyan. Well, not that my opinion matters to you anyway.


Opinions are always welcome.

In my defense, Ez should have been polite to begin with and not make a mockery of my plans. I’m not bending anyone’s arm to agree with me. Nor do I seek approval or acceptance from anyone. That is not what I come here for. As the old saying goes ‘if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.’ That’s all I’m saying!


Aaru 20 April 2010 Reply
Taelin said:

Aaru said:
I never said I’m doing a short cut. I’ve done my life style change legitimately… and I don’t plan to change that.

Ok, I’ll give you a visual…

You have a new balloon, fresh out the pack. You blow air into it until it expands to capacity… and then you release the air… it’s somewhat stretchy and saggy now and not firm and new like before.

Hence my reason. I work hard now so I’m able to play later on in life… Am I not entitled to correct my flaws?

Dunno, I’m still weary about liposuction. Doesn’t it only suck fat out though? Because if that’s all it does, then it won’t do anything about your stretched skin.

I still say exercising is the safest, and cheapest (lol, I’m Asian) way to go. Might as well use that money for stuff like rent, down payment, RESP etc. right?

X__X dude you’re killing me here, I felt like I’ve repeated myself once to many times.

>_> Obviously you haven’t seen a LARGE person loose all their weight and their legs… are just… huge. And the love handles remain, Lower belly fat.

Either way, I’m not there at my cosmetic surgery part of the list so I’m not worried about it now. It’s not like I’m going to go ahead and get my fat sucked out tomorrow.

Taelin 20 April 2010 Reply
Aaru said:

Opinions are always welcome.

In my defense, Ez should have been polite to begin with and not make a mockery of my plans. I’m not bending anyone’s arm to agree with me. Nor do I seek approval or acceptance from anyone. That is not what I come here for. As the old saying goes ‘if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.’ That’s all I’m saying!


Well, one must look at both sides of an issue to gain the full perspective, right? Try calmly thinking about what she said (yes, it was said/typed in a harsh tone, but has some valid points) and analyzing her opinion. Perhaps you can gain a new insight on your current situation and future decisions.

Taelin 20 April 2010 Reply
Aaru said:
X__X dude you’re killing me here, I felt like I’ve repeated myself once to many times.

>_> Obviously you haven’t seen a LARGE person loose all their weight and their legs… are just… huge. And the love handles remain, Lower belly fat.

Either way, I’m not there at my cosmetic surgery part of the list so I’m not worried about it now. It’s not like I’m going to go ahead and get my fat sucked out tomorrow.

Lol, lower belly fat..*pokes tummy*…I got that too! =D

Well, judging by your plan, you probably don’t need it anyway.

Arladerus 20 April 2010 Reply

I’m sorry, no offense, but this whole topic is running the scene in Click where Adam Sandler is flopping his… belly tongue around.

Gujju 20 April 2010 Reply

lmao i loved that movie.

Also, while we may not agree with the decisions a person makes, its a choice she has made after much thought. So I think we should respect her choice. I mean I am pretty sure she isnt dumb enough to think surgery is the only fix. She is aware of the alternative and the risks in a surgery. I am not hopping on anyone’s side because I too have my opinions about cosmetic surgery, but its just that: an opinion.

Aaru 20 April 2010 Reply
Taelin said:

Aaru said:

Opinions are always welcome.

In my defense, Ez should have been polite to begin with and not make a mockery of my plans. I’m not bending anyone’s arm to agree with me. Nor do I seek approval or acceptance from anyone. That is not what I come here for. As the old saying goes ‘if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.’ That’s all I’m saying!


Well, one must look at both sides of an issue to gain the full perspective, right? Try calmly thinking about what she said (yes, it was said/typed in a harsh tone, but has some valid points) and analyzing her opinion. Perhaps you can gain a new insight on your current situation and future decisions.

Grated. Her opinion, like everyone else, is welcome. I always analyzing and think (calmly) before I began to type down my response. And in any case, I still stand firmly on what I’ve said and nothing can really ever change that. Before I decided to do anything or plan anything, may it be a small trip to my local grocery store. I always do a little research. It doesn’t hurt and it’s always useful. But from what I got from Ez’s tone was pretty much like this: “You’re vain. you’re poor. you can’t afford cosmetic surgery. You can afford your daughter’s education. Let’s me break down your financial life so by the time you’re OLD (she called me old -.-) you wouldn’t need it. So just ‘use the money to buy yourself a rocking chair and a quilt to stay warm cuz you’re gonna need it for your arthritis’..” Some shit like that.

Can’t you see why I’m so -___- <-- like that.

Aaru 20 April 2010 Reply
Arladerus said: I’m sorry, no offense, but this whole topic is running the scene in Click where Adam Sandler is flopping his… belly tongue around.


Aaru 20 April 2010 Reply
Gujju said: lmao i loved that movie.

Also, while we may not agree with the decisions a person makes, its a choice she has made after much thought. So I think we should respect her choice. I mean I am pretty sure she isnt dumb enough to think surgery is the only fix. She is aware of the alternative and the risks in a surgery. I am not hopping on anyone’s side because I too have my opinions about cosmetic surgery, but its just that: an opinion.

And your opinion is very much welcomed. 🙂 And thanks.

Aaru 20 April 2010 Reply



Ezyan 20 April 2010 Reply

Okay, I have a few things to say.

Firstly, if my post had a bit too much salt in it, I apologise. It was not intended and I generally don’t like to tiptoe around things as big as this. Yes, I will tell a friend her hair looks nice when I think it looks like a crow’s nest, because that is hurting nobody. I just have very strong views on liposuction and cosmetic Surgery, especially when they are unwarranted. Have you ever seen The Biggest Loser? They lose weight like nobody’s business and still manage to look fine in clothes, and you’re losing it a lot slower than they are. And if your partner in the future really loves you, I don’t think he (or she) will care overly much about the love handles and marks on your body. As long as you lose the weight that is the problem to your health, that’s all that really matters.

Secondly, I still don’t understand. You say you’re not Vain, but since you’re losing your Weight you don’t really have a reason for the Liposuction/Tummy Tucks except for image that I can think of. You gave Taelin a ‘visual’ with some shit like saggy skin; to me, that’s wanting it for image reasons rather than health reasons, which brings me back to the original point of: why do it?

Lastly, I didn’t call you ‘old’. If you’ll read carefully, I clearly mentioned ’50’ before that, although in truth I meant around 60, but who’s splitting hairs?

But hey, the decision is ultimately yours. Just don’t expect to post things like ‘I’m getting cosmetic Surgery’ up on the internet without getting a few feelings hurt. I’m glad you have your life back on track, but the cosmetic Surgery thing is rubbing me the wrong way.

Aaru 20 April 2010 Reply

[qoute=Aaru]14. See a Cosmetic Surgeon for a Consultation of my flaws after my completely changed body after my year long diet.[/quote]
A Consultation doesn’t mean the actual surgery.

And I don’t believe I’m vain. If a morbidly obese person choose have a gastric bypass surgery because they’re way too big to loose it on their own. Would you call them vain?

People do what they want because they can afford it. I’m grown with my life in order so am I not entitled to splurge a little on myself? A decision like this is life changing but it doesn’t differ from getting a hair cut or braces or contacts because someone doesn’t want to wear glasses.

However, I see that no one pays any mind when I’ve said a hundred times before that I’m doing my life style change legitimately. And in the end there are flaws and problem areas that not even the contestants of the biggest losers dare not to reveal. A person’s body differ from the rest, so even if I lost all my weight like thost people in the biggest loosers, there will ALWAYS be problem areas that people just can’t fix. Since the surgery. I’m not doing it for a quick fix. (Again I’ve said that a hundred times before).

And why just focus on my wanting to have cosmetic surgery… why can’t any just say.. Oh congradulations on being certified.. or Oh I congradulations on your recent weight lose. *rolls eyes*

Ezyan 20 April 2010 Reply

Perhaps we should put this down to a difference in opinion. Quite frankly, I’m tired of arguing the same points again and again, and I think you are too. In case I haven’t been making myself clear enough, I do respect your decision to have your Surgery as a last resort, so go ahead and have it if you want, since I’m hardly in a position to stop you. The way you’ve been defending yourself about the Surgery seems like you’ve already decided to have one. But if you didn’t want people disagreeing about the topic of Surgery, which is very controversial, you probably shouldn’t have mentioned it at all. People have been dying from Bariatric Surgeries from a negligent Surgeon here recently, so you can understand why I don’t approve of them.

When I said ‘losing it a lot slower than they are’, I meant there will be less impact on your collagen and elastin than rapid Weight loss, i.e. less baggy skin, which means no need for Corrective Surgery of any kind. And problem areas…honey, you aren’t likely to get problem areas unless you have something like Hypothyrodism, which is a completely different issue. You’re 22. You can exercise and watch what you consume for the rest of your life. If you start early, you’ll be fine.

I did mention previously that I am glad you have your life back on track, but I guess you missed it. I will repeat it for both our benefits; congradulations, and I am glad you have your life back on track.

Aaru 20 April 2010 Reply

I just noticed I was pinged. :O What is all that about?

Sweetie, either way, I haven’t made a decision to do surgery. just a consultation. And frankly that’s at the bottom of my list… so I won’t have until another year to even decide on something like that. By this time next year maybe I won’t even remember we even had this arguement, or my wanting cosmetic surgery. But I put it down because it is a part of my list.

I’m a person that doesn’t omit much of my life. And I don’t complain much about it, but rather who falls in it. But I don’t do it to look for advise or acceptance, I do it because I need a channel to vent. However, I still resent that you think I’m vain, but I can’t twist your arm to make you think otherwise. As I’ve mentioned a couple of days ago, I’m really sensitive about my body. So yeah, I can get a little bitey when it comes to sort of stuff like this, especially me making a huge decision like surgery. (or my love handles which either one comes first).

I’m not mad at you. I’m just really passionate about stuff, I can’t help it I’ve done three years of debate team it’s embedded into my DNA.

And If I happened to offend you in anyway, then I apologize. I may be a little hot headed, but I’m never to prideful to apologize.

And thanks. 🙂

dee32693 22 April 2010 Reply

What the hey was everyone flippin out at you for? urgh!

Anyway, congrats on being certified!! 😀 look at you, you’re doin stuff now! you lost weight and now you have the rest of the stuff on your list. i think you can do it Aaru, gosh it may seem weird but whenever i hear whats up with you im like “Hey, look at all shes doin! and im complaining about a paper here and there and just being lazy. i should get up and do somethin!” so yeah, motivation! xD

Aaru, if cosmetic surgery is want you want after you get a consultation then go ahead and do it. its your life and if getting it is what you want then for all means go for it! no one can tell you how to run your life because it IS your life. (well your mom is a bit of a dragon lmao…but youre hanging in there)

@those people Not everything is about “OH NO A TINY STRETCH MARK I HAZ TO HAVE PLASTIC SURGERY!” My mother herself has looked into getting a gastric bypass for all her health -related obesity concerns. she decided against it but my grandmother is planning for it in the next 10 years or something. She also has looked into getting rid of her excess skin (theres a crapload for people who have been BIG and then LOST WEIGHT) Maybe you guys just dont understand. I’ve seen it.

Well whatevs xD Im happy for you Aaru! 😀 tickle Zoe for me! xD (hopes that wasnt creepy D; )

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