Boo. It is a ghost.

By In Uncategorized

Check. Check one-two. Is this thing on?

Yo. What is up. Glad to see most everyone still here. Do you remember me perhaps? Well, it’s alright if you don’t. I’ve been gone for 11 months, so says the email I got. Figured I’d drop by to say hi. Hi. Bye- oh fine, I’ll share what I’ve been up to.

So you see, there’s this thing called the real world. As in, not the internet. Some people call it having a life? I appear to have attained one of those. Only slightly though, still a heavy gamer.

So what do I do with myself? Hm. Good question. Well I’ve been a bit busy with school. Just a bit. Most of my time is still spent in front of my laptop. Or Xbox. I got an Xbox by the way. Add me up, my gamertag is sD Yui Hirasawa. Can you tell I’m a huge K-ON! fan? Speaking of, still highly addicted to anime. On average I’ve been watching 10 shows per season. Maybe I’ll filling the void while waiting for season 3 of K-ON!. Maybe.

Surely that’s not all I do. I mentioned I have a life, right? fucking love Mincraft. Having a life is for losers, all the cool kids play Minecraft. All up in this bitch playing survival multiplayer, I’ve pulled all nighters just playing smp. God damn it it’s addictive. Probably more so than crack. Wait, no, definitely.

As for being productive, haven’t done much in that right. I still single-handedly update my image hosting site Dreadful Images (shameless plug). It’s gotten quite comprehensive over the last almost-year. For starters, I completely rewrote it from the ground up. The rewrite brought Web2.0 enhancements, as well as themeing (sp?) support. The most recent major update to it however, has been the addition of a GUI Screenshot Let’s Play Writer, called Update. If anyone is familiar with Let’s Play here you know what it is, otherwise the idea is to play through a game while either being informative, entertaining or both.

For the interested, I’m done with MMOs. Never touching one again. Now I get through the day with a bit of Halo, TF2, Minecraft, other assorted steam games which I have yet to play, and Visual Novels.

Wait, visual novels?

Hell yeah, love ’em. Well, the ones that I can find at least. I have a preference for comedy/deformed style, though so long as the story and art are good, I’m game. As of now I can only attest to finishing 3 so far, of which only I’ve finished only 1 to 100% (as can be, patch was unfinished). I’m going to go ahead and name them; Canvas 2, Osanajimi wa Daitouryou (My Girlfriend is the President), and Wanko to Kurasou (Living with Puppies). Of them, Osadai is definitely my favourite. I was literally LOLing all the way through the game. So funny, was awesome. The ero-scenes were good too, but the comedy really made it shine. It broke the 4th wall, it poked fun at literally everything. I’d recommend everyone give it a try.

So uh yeah. That’s me. That’s what I’m doing. Meant to keep this short and sweet but I just kept typing OTL.

and if I know you and you don’t have me on any of the following places, add up

Skype: blindingnova
Steam: AnimaBolt
XBL: sD Yui Hirasawa

(ok fine I’m bullshitting, I completely forgot this place existed, maybe I’ll remember and stay this time)


David 27 June 2011 Reply

I don’t think I’ve seen you on Steam recently -goes to double check-

EDIT: Oh, that’s cause you never added me. D: check for an invitation from dot.Dervd, and accept, please? 🙂

DarkDragoon 28 June 2011 Reply

My gamertag is Harem End. Yarr

MasterCheeze 28 June 2011 Reply

Pfft, XBL. Thought you were cooler than that.

Oh yeah, are you still a girl or something?

Dest1 28 June 2011 Reply

XBL: The Asian Boss

I don’t play very often though 🙁

Vusys 28 June 2011 Reply

I like K-ON! I’ve been slowly working through the first season for a while now. I don’t really know why though, nothing really happens and I don’t really belong to the culture or the social group of the girls.

DarkDragoon 28 June 2011 Reply
Vusys said: I like K-ON! I’ve been slowly working through the first season for a while now. I don’t really know why though, nothing really happens and I don’t really belong to the culture or the social group of the girls.

Get out while you still can Vusys. Just do it man, you’ll thank me later

Nass 28 June 2011 Reply
DarkDragoon said:

Vusys said: I like K-ON! I’ve been slowly working through the first season for a while now. I don’t really know why though, nothing really happens and I don’t really belong to the culture or the social group of the girls.

Get out while you still can Vusys. Just do it man, you’ll thank me later

In the show’s defense, I laughed at some moments. It was maybe a little too cute for my liking, but I still ended up watching every episode.

True13lue 28 June 2011 Reply

‘Eyyyyy, welcome back, you.
I totally fucking forgot your name but I still enjoyed when you played that hacked Mario game and tried to defeat those boos and me and everyone laughed our asses off at your expense.

Aww…good times.

Gujju 29 June 2011 Reply

I am a girl i still dont know why i liked k-on. -.- I thought it was aimed toward grown men who need moe in their lives.


Anima 3 July 2011 Reply

Maybe, just maybe I’ll play Enigmatic Mario for you guys sometime again.

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