[Arladerus] QoTW #6

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Do you behave differently online than you do in real life?

Is there an altogether different personality you have IRL? Do you talk/laugh/sing/dance/breath/spell/write/see/[insert verb of choice] differently? Or are you a well-balanced, single (or simple)-minded person in both dimensions?

Suggested by SilverFx.

What you see is what you get. I'm crazy online, and I'm quite the lunatic in real life. Actually, no. I'm probably even more retarded in real life. I made an innuendo out of every sentence that you will say. I guess I'm more serious about the net than life. That's kinda sad…

Okay. Do I talk differently. Yes. On the Internet, you do not know my emotions about what I'm saying UNLESS I TALK LIKE THIS AND RANDOMLY INSERT F*CKING SWEAR WORDS EVERYWHERE LIKE F*CK. Also, only if I spam a crapload of faces will you know what I'm doing. Speaking of faces, I just realized that I am more myself on Messenger than on forums or blog sites like this. Every 5 messages I send will be a face to tell my emotion of the response.

Laughing. This is how I laugh online. *ahem*
Retarded comment – Rolololol
Not-so-retarded comment – Lulz
Saying as an ice breaker out of habit for no reason at all – Lol

Singing. YOU CAN'T FREAKING SING ON THE INTERNET. But yeah, a friend and I plan on Rick Rolling the school for Spring Fling.

Dance. Spam the dance action on an MMORPG. That's my dance. Otherwise, I can't do crap! Well, I haven't even tried dancing. I don't know how they do it. And even if I try, I'll probably stumble and kill myself by landing on a… land mine, or something.

Breathe. I definitely breathe differently. For some gay reason, I think I have an allergic reaction to air. One of my nostrils, whether it is left or right, is always almost completely blocked, while the other one is completely open. So when I breathe, you hear this loud air swooshing sound/whistle noise. On the Internet? A clear hum that's my laptop fan running to keep it cool so it doesn't go WHAT THE FU- *boom*.

Spelling. It's the same. It's not like I write essays leik diz and al wit al teh gey spllin n everythin leik ghey leik wth.

Writing. On the computer, there is a special device that is plugged into the computer, with special keys specified to special symbols, that when tapped, an electrical signal is sent through the wire and to the computer, in which a symbol appears on your screen. This is very neat, as every A and every B etc. looks exactly the same with unified formation. On the other hand, my handwriting in real life SUCKS ASS. At first glance, you'll think that my writing is cursive. But no. It's in fact a very lazy form of printing, where every letter is dragged and the pencil is never lifted except between words.

See. Nope. No difference. Actually, yes. On a computer screen, if there is Red and Blue beside each other, the Red will look like it's coming out of the screen 3D, while the blue looks depressed. Why? Probably because the wavelengths of the light is so screwed up due to my 5mm thick glasses. (Not a joke about 5mm.) So yeah. It looks funny.

Last one. Of my choice… I'd say training and improvement. In a game, although tedious, all you do is click a few times, and your character does all the training and improvement. Within a few hours, my character on Mabinogi was able to play a Lute. Sure, it wasn't good, but still can play. A week ago, I started to play the guitar. I am too goddamned lazy to try to learn the actual note frets, so I usually end up playing a whole song on one string, which slices my fingers, by the way. But yeah, I know about the each fret = 1 semi-tone higher, and I play piano, and have an excellent grasp on theory, BUT I CAN'T FREAKING PLAY WELL. If I tried to play that thing my character plays with the Lute, I'd probably have to play at a 75% slower tempo.

But yeah, I'd say I'm quite well balanced. The only reason why I am different in the Internet is because of its limitations. But these limitations are good. If the Internet were to be just like real life, it would suck. Balls.


SilverFx 30 March 2009 Reply

No joke about 5mm? :O I may have met my match in lens thickness hurhur. What’s your degree? ^_^

David 30 April 2009 Reply

Writing. On the computer, there is a special device that is plugged into the computer, with special keys specified to special symbols, that when tapped, an electrical signal is sent through the wire and to the computer, in which a symbol appears on your screen. This is very neat, as every A and every B etc. looks exactly the same with unified formation. On the other hand, my handwriting in real life SUCKS ASS. At first glance, you’ll think that my writing is cursive. But no. It’s in fact a very lazy form of printing, where every letter is dragged and the pencil is never lifted except between words.

Seriously Arly? ._.

Arladerus 30 April 2009 Reply

… What? This blog is old.

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