Draining My Life

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Basilers VS VuTalers

Recently, Annona has started a new thread called "Raczynski and V". It's apparently a battle between VuTalers and Basilers. I'm not quite sure how it will work out, but I'm quite convinced that it will be a success and much fun. However, there are still some things I am unsure of, but only experience and trial-and-error will solve these issues. Of course, there are a few questions that we all wish to find out…

Who is Bodgan?

Of course, most of the people wish to find out who is V as well, but 1/3 of the players knows who he is.

Vid-ee-ur. Until I can figure this out.

Who IS V? Is V truly Deitrich? If Deitrich is V… Who's Deitrich? I would prefer if this video was about Bodgan, because more people ponder about Bodgan's identity than V's identity, but it wouldn't fit the context. =P

But yes, only time will tell the outcome of this "battle".


School! Recently, a lot has been going on. It's kind of overwhelming, actually, since most of the year, I've been really relaxed and wing'd most of the tests while still getting good marks. But since my school is on a trimester system, it's 8 subjects throughout the year. That means 8 summatives in June. FREAKING EIGHT. AWRRGHHGHGHGHHGHGHGHGHGHHGHHGHGLSDKGHLSKDGHG LSHG;LASJS;LFWA8T38WTHOAHTSD LKKSD NOWAH8O3H

Meh, no problem. I'll manage.

I'm sure a lot of you are already sick of me mentioning this. Today was the Guitar Hero Tournament. I'll tell you the result: They forgot the game and it's delayed until tomorrow. GG. But I'm going to DIE tomorrow. SLAUGHTERED, UNLESS I'M REALLY REALLY LUCKY. SLAUGHTERRREDDDDDDDDD! I'll probably make it to the last round, but then I will get SLAUGHTEREDDDDDDDDD. KEEL'D. Apparently, there's another person who plays Guitar Hero as much as me (in terms of game-time per day). However, he had the game longer. I'm screwed. Eff'd in the A.

Spring Fling! It's basically a talent show. #1 winner gets a prize of $50! IN CASH! Amazing! But there's no way that my friend and I are going to win. We don't exactly have outstanding voices. Above par, but not outstanding. I would tell you guys what song we're going to do, but I shouldn't reveal, since Ganzicus, a fellow classmate of mine, will know it. (Bleach opening 6)


I volunteered to transpose this poorly written piece of music from D Minor to C Minor. Sounds simple, right? WRONG. WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG. Superman will- WRONG!

It's for a choir, so there's the SATB and piano accompaniment. I got the Finale Notepad 2009 Trial, and since I know how to use it, there was no problem. It's just the fact that there are 7 FREAKING PAGES FOR ME TO PUT DOWN ON FINALE NOTEPAD NOTE BY NOTE! It takes me an hour for one page. Oh well, looks like I'm getting 7 community hours. Teehee. But still! There are parts where the choir members say things like "ch" or snap, in which they make no musical tone. Those notes look like regular notes, except the noteheads are X's. FINALE NOTEPAD DOES NOT SUPPORT THAT.

I'll have to ask the teacher about that tomorrow. (And she's scary!)


In a comment to a blog named "Pedophiles, Lolicons, me. I'm BACK!", I read a post about making Papercraft. So I google'd it and found a papercraft for the Freedom Gundam. But it's not a chibis style Gundam; it's actually a scaled model! URESHI!! There are parts A to L on it:

Right Arm
Left Arm
Left Leg
Right Leg
Right Wing
Left Wing

I've finished the head and the chestpiece so far. Finished in 660 minutes. Papercraft is truly the best life drainer if you can get into it. I've started on the pelvis, and have created the inside part, which is where the bottom of the chestpiece glues to. If I can manage to finish this, my next project will be Master Chief in the MJOLNIR Mark V armour. =D

The head.

The body.

The tilted head on body.

Draining my life.

Oh. I actually haven't named this blog yet. I will name it "Draining My Life". And David, don't say anything about how your life makes mine look like paradise.


DarkDragoon 15 April 2009 Reply

U gots too much free time

spygirl57 15 April 2009 Reply

Cool. 😀

I remember Basil…


But ish okay. 😀

Vicelin 15 April 2009 Reply

Transposing = pain in the ass.

And, holy crap, you made that out of paper? How the hell?

Well, at least be thankful that it’s a hobby that drains time and not money ._. try having ball jointed dolls as a hobby. Then you’re really effed in the A.

Pirkid 15 April 2009 Reply

I’m pretty sure I know who both Bogdan and V are.
And some of the VuTalers in opposition to the Basilers. You’d be surprised in how much you can derive from simple conversation.

SilverFx 15 April 2009 Reply

xD I contemplated doing a scaled model, but I got scared off looking at all the pages of parts. Plus I didn’t understand the Japanese instructions. XD So I picked the next one that had step-by-step pictures. Did you use printer paper or some other kind?

Vicelin said: And, holy crap, you made that out of paper? How the hell?

A lot of patience, sharp fingernails, loads of double-sided tape and a sharp sharp scissors. And preferably a printer that doesn’t decide to konk out on you when printing. >_>[/experience]

David 15 April 2009 Reply

Eum, quick tip on Finale notepad, the membership works like hamachi does, just set your system date back a bit and you’ll have the trial forever. 🙂

Er, also, what’s with that last sentence/paragraph? Aimed at me? o.O

dee32693 15 April 2009 Reply

looks haaarrrddddd .__.

Imppala 15 April 2009 Reply

That Freedom Gundam looks thin. Anorexic, even -_-.

SilverFx 15 April 2009 Reply
Zhlink said:

Vicelin said: And, holy crap, you made that out of paper? How the hell?

Use extremely high quality/rigid paper, or else the whole thing’ll collapse.

I used printer paper for my gundamkins. >_> It sort of stands okay…

Arladerus 15 April 2009 Reply

I used printed paper too. It’s fragile, but they ARE boxes glued together. Boxes are strong.

BTW, how does Freedom look anorexic? Looks similar to the Justice too.

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