It's almost May…

By In Uncategorized

Wow, April went by FAST. I still remember April 1st like it was yesterday…

Anyways. Let's start with a topic.

My brother.

He's back. His exams are over, and he's back from first-year university. Queen's University, in case David asks. Well anyways. First day was all like "YEAH YOU'RE BACK YEAH THIS IS AWESOME!" And now…

He bugs me like every hour. Today, I was doing my French homework, and he just walks in and says with this annoying tone, "Kevin, stop watching anime. You still need to vacuum, and you didn't play piano."

I was like, "I'm doing my homework."

And he was like, "Right." *walks away*

So yeah. It kind of sucks. Plus, his Chinese dramas are extremely loud. He's like 3 rooms away, and I can hear it from his laptop.

Guitar Hero Tournament

I won. Hell yeah. Good ass investment. Pay $2, get $25 and 2 teacher slaves.

Last round was actually a small challenge, but I've faced better people. Basically, it was best 2 songs out of 3. My opponent chose first. He chose Knights of Cydonia. If you don't know, it's all gay and you have to alt-strum like hell. I SUCK at that. For about 90% of the song, he was beating me for about 5000 points (not a lot). He liked that song. But at the end, it was gay, and we both failed that. It was basically really quick notes where you had to strum every freaking one, and alt-strumming would totally mess up your rhythm and break your combo.

However, at the end, it was still like that, but there was a string of 4 hammer-ons every 10 seconds or so, and it kept repeating. I was like in my mind, "YES, FREAKING YESSSSS. I CAN REST MY ARM FROM STRUMMING FOR 1 SECOND!" Also, I love those, and those helped me fix my rhythm, because I would mess up on that because my arm would get tired, and I would strum too slowly.

But my opponent… I later understood why he chose Knights of Cydonia, which was a song without really any crazy ass fast hammer-ons/pull-offs solo. He SUCKS at them. He messed up every single time those string of 4 hammer-ons came up at the end. His combo broke. Mine stayed at x4. I was only behind by 5K points, so I caught up. That put on a hell of a good show. When I got ahead of him (it was like at the VERY end), people were CHEERING LIKE MAD. If I shouted, I probably wouldn't be able to hear myself.

Once the cheering died, all you heard was boo's. Those were grade 7's. They wanted their grade 7 (my opponent) to win. GG, grade 7's!

2nd song, I chose Impulse. He got owned. Twice his score. THE END.

Gundam Papercraft

I haven't worked on it since. I will later.


I have a crapload of homework this weekend. I finally finished…

We had to make a political cartoon for Geography. I used Agent Smith to represent assimilation, which represents the melting pot of the United States of America. And fellow Americans…

It's not a good thing. =)

And also French homework. Bah. Don't get me started.


I'm watching Tayutama: Kiss on my Deity thanks to, I think was Zhlink. However, they're like subbing the Tayutama episodes every other week. It's pissing me off.

W00T! Fullmetal Alchemist! New season! 'TIS AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. So gud. The first episode was already so entertaining… Ice Alchemist? I was like "LOLWUT AWESOME."

I started watching Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica. I'm already disliking it though. The male protagonist has been revealed to be a substitute, not a Master Root. Being a perfectionist, that pisses me off.

I watched School Days a second time. I feel dead.

K-On is awesome, but messed up. How the hell did she learn pitch harmonics in one day? >O I wish I could.

Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Rei episodes aren't coming out anymore? What are they doing, releasing one per month?

Requiem for the Phantom is AWESOME. But it's kind of a rip off of Wanted (movie). Ah well. Plot is actually really good. =D

More school.

Summatives start next month. I'll be glad to be going into a semester school next year. I'm pissed off about 8 summatives (either culminating activity or exam) at the end of the year, all at the same time. Bah.

AMI (Music): Theory test, playing a random scale, performing to the class, and something else.
BBI (Business): I'm actually fine with this. I always pay attention in all my classes, so I'm able to wing tests. Also, this one is open book, and my notes are very organized.
CGC (Geography): I think it's an exam. Shiet.
ENG (English): Exam. Romeo and Juliet + Novel Study (Either Ten Green Bottles or Lord of the Flies).
FSF (French): Oral presentation (5 minutes, memorized), reading comprehension, and grammar exam. I'm only pissed about the oral presentation.
MPM (Math): I'm Asian.
PPL (Phys Ed.): Health exam. I always do poorly on health tests (except sexuality). I don't know why.
SNC (Science): Oral presentation (I'm doing theories on the universe by guys like Aristotle. My partner is gay. He plagerized everything, so I have to rewrite it for May 4.), written exam.

'kay. Yeah.


Gujju 26 April 2009 Reply

Queens is hella expensive. I am hitting ryerson next year.

Pirkid 26 April 2009 Reply


Nice blog lol. I should blog again soon..

Arladerus 26 April 2009 Reply

My brother went to Queen’s. I don’t exactly come from a debt-free family, but the reasoning is good. It works like this:

McMaster Health Science
UofT Life Science
Queen’s Life Science

He didn’t make it to McMaster or UofT, so he went to Queen’s. Screw the price. When he becomes a doctor, he’ll have loads of money.

But he’ll be old. =D If I go the doctor path, I’m gonna find a waifu during my Master’s Degree courses.

Wai wai wai wai…

What school do you go to, Gujju?

Pirkid 26 April 2009 Reply

I’m accepted to Ryerson as well. Computer Science.
I really want Space Engineering at York, or Astrophysics at McMaster. ><

Gujju 26 April 2009 Reply

I got into york and Mcmaster, but i really like where ryerson is. Downtown rules.

as for my school..its about 10 mins away from yonge and finch

spygirl57 26 April 2009 Reply

I want to go to McMaster. 😀

Arladerus 26 April 2009 Reply

McMaster kind of sucks unless it’s for Health Science.

Ganzicus 26 April 2009 Reply
Arladerus said: ENG (English): Exam. Romeo and Juliet + Novel Study (Either Ten Green Bottles or Lord of the Flies).

There’s probably going to be an essay as well. *needstolearnhowtowritefaster*

Arladerus said: PPL (Phys Ed.): Health exam. I always do poorly on health tests (except sexuality). I don’t know why.

Brackets not surprising. *f3*

Vicelin 27 April 2009 Reply

Fullmetal Alchemist? That show is still running? I thought it ended with that Conqueror of Shamballamallamawhatever movie?

MasterCheeze 27 April 2009 Reply

Is your avatar supposed to be Ephraim with black hair? o_o

Quang 27 April 2009 Reply

The Full Metal Alchemist anime finished but the FMA manga is still going.

FMA manga> FMA anime

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