That's this blog's blog number. So I'm going to talk about 1337 1337 things.
1. Windows. They let light in. 1337.
2. Pocky. They're epic.
3. Xbox 360. 'nuff said.
4. The shininess of Playstation devices. Oops, I touched it…. Not shiny anymore. QQ
So we'll scrap that…
4. Caramel popcorn. Delicious as hell.
5. Cheetos. Epic epic epic.
6. Corn Pops! Need I say more?
7. Lamps. They're just sexy. Especially the PIXAR lamp.
8. Steyr AUG A1. Sexiest gun ever.
9. Clannad. Such an awesome VN.
10. Star Wars. W00T
11. The Godfather.
12. The Godfather Part II.
13. The Godfather Part III.
14. The Godfather novel.
15. The Dark Knight… that was some intense shiet.
16. Led Zeppelin.
17. The Beatles White Album
18. Cryogenic sleep.
19. Halo Halo Halo!
20. The fact that Obama was able to get people to vote for him, but is failing so hard right now.
21. Heaven's Gate. They all died. Lulz. Existing members: 0
More to come…
Hey Obama said let’s hope not OH I CAN VERY WELL PERFORM A FREAKING MIRACLE AND RESTORE EVERYTHING TO ITS STATE BEFORE GEORGE W BUSH THE 2ND. it was already going downhill, hes gotta stop the rock from rollin
You have wasted the 1337 blog spot, good sire. =/
Make 25 about Zappy
Which was the point. =3