Amusingest thing…

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Hmm… the most amusing thing I have ever seen while I was at school is sort of tied between 2 things: (that was sentence was structured weirdly…)

1: One of my friends called the police in Grade 6, and they came to the school. My whole school had to go outside and say "WE'RE SORRY" to the cops. After we went in, the principal slapped mah friend across the face (yes, he did :O)
I'm a heartless bastard so I just laughed 🙂

2: My friend hacked the computer system, inserted a virus and locked out the main technician from his computer. The computers were down for 2 weeks. It was hilarious because the principal had to run to classrooms to talk to the teachers (he's a fattie)

Yah… They were both funny, in different ways 😀


Vusys 8 March 2009 Reply

He slapped a student? O_o;

Blackboy0 8 March 2009 Reply

He’s a bastard <_<

Vusys 8 March 2009 Reply

That kinda thing gets people sued nowadays.

Blackboy0 8 March 2009 Reply

’twas years ago

Vusys 8 March 2009 Reply

How old are you? o_O

FunnyFroggy 8 March 2009 Reply

Hahahaha, apparently I called the police in kindergarten. Or soemthing like that. And then a SWAT time came in. I don’t remember any of this happening, a classmate told me.

Awesome! At 6 years old and already being badass! 😀

BlackNazgul 20 March 2009 Reply

I’m pretty sure he was just exaggerating.

-=The Nazgul=-

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