VuTale Gamers' Games…

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Hmmm… well… since my last blog, I've been reading all the comments and I've noticed that a lot of people don't play Maple Story anymore. I've been told my a couple people that it is more Mabinogi now, and a bit of World of Warcraft.

But, I got that from about 7 different people, and I know that there are a lot more people here on your friendly neighbourhood VuTales, so… What do you all play?

Are you RuneScapers? Guild Wars? Have you all moved onto FlyFF? Tell me. I would like to know 😀


Oh yes, how could I forget? What Characters do you have on the game you have named in the above section? Are you the highest level? Have you done all the end-game and gotten the best armor? Are you at Level 1 beating the first mob you have ever seen?

Tell us all!!

If there is like a… Thread or something about this, please do tell 😛


irawk 19 April 2009 Reply

I still play MapleStory. I’ve just recently started a Dexless Sin on Bera by the name of McPvVn. I play GuildWars on occasion, and I have 2 level 20 characters. I have the original Sonic The Hedgehog on an emulator that I play when I’m realllly bored and there are various flash games on that I enjoy too!

FireLeo86 19 April 2009 Reply

Dude, check my latest blog entry.

Blackboy0 19 April 2009 Reply

I have never actually heard of before. I’m gonna go check that out now…

Aaron 19 April 2009 Reply

Now? Well I go on Combat Arms like, once every two days. Other than that I play my DS, which is surprisingly addictive if you want to do something.

irawk 19 April 2009 Reply

Yes, Kongregate is an amazing collection of fun flash games, and you can earn awards on some of them and stuff too!

Blackboy0 19 April 2009 Reply

My friend is addicted to Combat Arms… I don’t really like it that much. It’s good, but… I dunno 😛

Btw Aaron, you Sig is epic 🙂

Mipsacri 19 April 2009 Reply

Uhm.Haven’t played anything recently.

But I still got my full support end game-ringmaster on Flyff, and my 7-something bandit on MS.

On WoW, I had my fury 80 tauren warrior, with most of my 7.5 tier gear, but I sold her for almost 400.

I still have my Phantasy Star Universe character, she’s a 150 beast. And I vaugely remember my GunZ character with her flame-ish cash shop clothes, I think she was level.. 26? Maybe?

Somehow, I think if you name a game, I have a character of some sort on it.


Blackboy0 19 April 2009 Reply

Shit… why didn’t I get your Warrior? 😛

irawk 19 April 2009 Reply
Mipsacri said: Uhm.Haven’t played anything recently.
I still have my Phantasy Star Universe character, she’s a 150 beast.

OMG! I never played PSU but PSO ep II&III was the SHET. I used to have a lvl 12X FOmar or whatever it was called and I was PWNAGE 😛

Mipsacri 19 April 2009 Reply

‘Cause it was ‘spensive and I have no clue why anyone would buy a character? It seems to take the fun out of it, AND when you get thrown in with a maxed character, you don’t really know how to use it, so it’s much harder to learn and enjoy.

I never played PSO.@___@ I wanted to, but they closed it. >: PSU is kind’ve garbage, but I can get a $1/mil for selling meseta, so it’s a bit profitable.


Dest1 19 April 2009 Reply

I’m playing GTA 4 alot…even though I finished the story.

Pirkid 19 April 2009 Reply

In my Rockdock I have right now..
TF2 (my crack.)
L4D (amazing.)
Fortress Forever (balanced better the TF2)
CS Source (lol headshots)
Mabinogi (><)
Atlantica Online (party system where you control a party of up to 9 characters in an MMO in real-time)
S4 League
Combat Arms link (LEVEL 11 :D)
Tribal Wars link (browser tribe village game)
CyberNations link (nation owner browser game, multiplayer online)
Armor Games link
Assassin’s Creed
Mirror’s Edge
Fallout 3
Burnout Paradise
Battlefield 2
iDeaS Emulator
VBA Emulator
NFS Underground (it’s crap.)
Zombie Panic! Source
Natural Selection (great game, difficult to learn)
And Yet It Moves Demo
Empire: Total War Demo
Pyroblazer Demo
The Maw Demo
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
World of Goo
Shaiya (pretty MMORPG)
World in Conflict Demo
Portal (:D)
EVE Online Trial (must try)
Age of Conan
Sword of the New World (must try)
FlyFF (great MMORPG with friends)
Maple Story (lololololololol)

lahdeedah2 19 April 2009 Reply

At the moment,

La Tale

Blackboy0 19 April 2009 Reply

Pirkid… noice 😛

Mipsacri, I would’ve taken the Warrior. I got a 6-something Warrior, and I love ‘im. Boosting a couple levels by taking your Account wouldn’t have made any difference 😛

Lahdeedah… never heard of La Tale :O

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