I have a friend (yes, really) who likes to steal crazy and worthless things for the kick of it. Like clocks from classrooms and forks from the canteen. What have you, or your friends, stolen?
Hmm… Thanks for this one, Vusys.
Yes, I have stolen. No, I don't feel bad about it. Should I? Yes. I should feel guilty, but I lost my conscience so long ago…
Me and a friend that I work with who will remain unnamed used to go around and pickpocket. We got loads of stuff. We always had the option to return what we stole, and say that we "found it on the ground.", but I think we only did that once.
We've calmed down now. We're still stealing things here and there, but it's just small miscellaneous things.
So bad. 🙁
You’re not clean like the rest of us! :O
I wont even make a blog about this, mine would be short.
I only ever stole from work. Just once or twice. I worked at an amusement park, and I sold souvenir photos. One thing i “Stole” was a picture of me and co-worker that i printed out without paying for. I also stole a frame and a key chain, and a magnet frame.
A girl’s virginity.
How did I know someone would say that sooner or later.
It was gonna happen.
T’ was unavoidable.
lol 😉
well at least you tell no lies =O
Dont go all Oceans Eleven on us now xD
I’m stealing a girl’s this summer :>!
when I was 15 i was heavy into stealing keychains, N64 games when they were on the shelves at Game Stop, drinks, all kinds of cheap junk. I was addicted to the high I got off the adrenalines my body made when I pinched something and walked out. Course I don’t steal shit now and I don’t plan to.