Well, a little Status Update

By In Uncategorized

Well, many of you probably have no clue who I am. Some of you may vaguely remember me, but I was an Alpha Tester of VuTales when it first started up. I was a pretty big member, but then my life sort of took a hit and I left. Now I'm trying to get back into VuTales. I just gotta say I love this community

Well, as I sit here listening to Party in the USA by the lovely Miley Cyrus, I find myself staring at the VuTales V2 and am shocked. It's beautiful. V, you have really pulled through. I could never have imagined it to be like this, and I love it. Very nice design mate.

So… My life has gotten a little more in order. My job is gettin' a little more under control, I don't have dozens of fight daily with my parents (Usually it's 4 – 5 fights a day now, instead of 12 – 15), and I'm starting to finally get back into relationships with the women. I got a MacBook Pro a couple of weeks ago, so I have taken up writing Applications for iPhones and iPod Touchs. Maybe you guys'll be able to test a couple (If you have iPod Touch/iPhones, that is )

Well yah. Just an update, for any of you that give a shit


Nass 31 October 2009 Reply

-looks for Vusys-

Don’t say “Apple” or “Mac” around here…

Blackboy0 31 October 2009 Reply

Why? He got something against it?

Vusys 31 October 2009 Reply

The plural of “iPhone” is “iPhones”
There is no such device as an “iTouch”
Apple products suck.

Arladerus 31 October 2009 Reply

Yo, I’m real happy for you, and imma let you finish, but I don’t like this blog because APPLE SUX.

k that was mean, imma like ot anyways.

tarheel91 31 October 2009 Reply

I used to like you Blackboy, until I found out you like Miley Cyrus.

Gujju 31 October 2009 Reply

Its a man to admit that. Here is a like

Arladerus 31 October 2009 Reply

My teacher said that Miley Cyrus was a warning to the world of what you can become.

Blackboy0 31 October 2009 Reply
Vusys said: The plural of “iPhone” is “iPhones”
There is no such device as an “iTouch”
Apple products suck.

I really think he likes me!

iPod Touch then, sorry
Meh, that’s what I thought ’til I tried them.

Pirkid 31 October 2009 Reply

-gives Like-

That song is annoyingly addictive and I has a iPhone so I’ll test out your stuffs.

dee32693 2 November 2009 Reply


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