[Naz] CAMS Fanfic?

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What the FLIP?

It's the Nazgul again? Rising from the ashes? Breaking the hiatus? What the flipping eff?

Anyways, sorry for the long pause in VuTales. There have just been some stuff going on and now that Graduation is over with, (I'M FREE!!!), and that the summer's started, I guess I have a bit more free time since all I have left is work.

So I've been playing Combat Arms a lot, and started thinking to myself one day (Ok, it was today), what would happen if I combined Combat Arms and MapleStory into ONE FANFIC!??! Since I've written several MS fanfics dealing with the future (The LOST, and Lost in the Shadows), I guess it wouldn't be too bad. So I guess I'd be using guns from CA with the places and locals of MS.

Waitaminute, now that I think about it AGAIN, I dunno if it would be a good idea or not. Meh, what do you guys think?

And don't worry, Avril and Iro, I haven't forgotten about you!

"No living man can slay me…"

-=The Nazgul=-


Spade 12 June 2009 Reply


David 12 June 2009 Reply


Sounds good.

I think people might confuse it with something else though.


FunnyFroggy 12 June 2009 Reply

I’ve got an idea for the title! Maple’s LOST Story of Combat Arms! 😀 😀 😀

Aaron 12 June 2009 Reply

Lolwut? M14CQB <3

Spade 13 June 2009 Reply

Holy crap CQB is the cheapest gun ever.

Aaron 13 June 2009 Reply

I like it for the iTech scope, accurate as hell.

BlackNazgul 13 June 2009 Reply

You know what I hate? Noobs in fireteam that don’t put scopes on their rifles. Or better yet, people who bring shotties to firearm…

-=The Nazgul=-

Gujju 13 June 2009 Reply

I am a noob with guns and gun related things.

spygirl57 14 June 2009 Reply

lul wb.

dee32693 14 June 2009 Reply


You totally can’t forget to put ‘Lost’ in the title of whatever you write xD

btw, WELCOME BACK Vinne! =D

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