So stay a while, baby smile.

By In Uncategorized

Yes, my titles are song lyrics. Theory of a Deadman <3

God, being sick sucks. And since I just spent the entire weekend being sick and doing nothing, I'm utterly bored out of my mind at 9 in the morning
So, time to make a blog!
..except I have nothing to write about. So I'll be thinking up stuff as I go o-o

A week ago, I was in the car with my sister and my mom, waiting for my grandma because she's very very slow and ALWAYS decides she needs to use the washroom/change/do anything else that wastes time right before we leave. I was just sitting there when I look down and see a fucking spider crawling up my leg.
I screamed a little, which made my sister look over and scream loudly. In my head I was going "Fuckcrapshithell A SPIDER ON MY LEG" until it crawled onto my bag, I opened the door and shooed it outside.
-sigh of relief-

Spiders are terrifying :/
Even though I know they're mostly harmless, and veryy tiny, they still scare me. They should stay outside, and not crawl onto ceilings right above peoples' heads while they're trying to sleep or onto legs D<

Moving on from spider rant, what's a social media panel? And why should it be hidden? Because I googled it, and Google failed o:

Link work now?

This comic is so good <3
The main character is a charming asshole idiot womanizer, who occasionally has flashbacks to his charming asshole idiot childhood. And it updates daily!

Scott Westerfeld is my favourite author right now. He wrote the Uglies series, and a few others. He has a series about vampires that actually makes sense, and explains a lot of the folklore stuff. Also his books have swearing, which is always cool
The first book in that series is called Peeps, so GO READ IT. And if you've already read it, then you can be my idol.

God, being sick sucks. I will make a lovely bulleted list to explain why:

There's nothing to do but sleep, read, and eat, being stuck at home all day.
I'm extremely tired, so I probably couldn't do anything else even if I was able to.
Coughing. Every few minutes, and my throat hurts
I'm alternatively too hot or too cold, so I can't get comfortable and getting to sleep is hard.
On the topic of sleep, I keep waking up for a few minutes and then going to sleep again.
Which probably doesn't help the tiredness :/
I have to stay home from school, which means missing classes and getting behind.
My head feels all stuffy and weird

Yes, wtf.

I have no one to talk to because they're all at school.


Gujju 16 November 2009 Reply

aww if you were still on msn, i would talk to you =(

get well soon Cyndaquil

Nass 16 November 2009 Reply

omg he just used his penis as a weapon.

-turned on-

Pirkid 16 November 2009 Reply


Least I Can Do AND Scott Westerfield?!


Hope you get better soon!

xXVEGGIEXx 16 November 2009 Reply

I love being sick, because all I do is sleep, read and eat 😀

Cynthia 17 November 2009 Reply
xXVEGGIEXx said: I love being sick, because all I do is sleep, read and eat 😀

I’ve done that for three days straight. I’m BORED D:

Rep 17 November 2009 Reply

The social media panel is right next to the paragraph that you asked the question about the social media panel. ._.

Cynthia 17 November 2009 Reply
Rep said: The social media panel is right next to the paragraph that you asked the question about the social media panel. ._.

Aha, thank you xD

MasterCheeze 17 November 2009 Reply

yo i thought u were dead

Wolfboy183 10 May 2010 Reply

hope you feel better

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