This blog is an optional read. I'm not using this system after all, have come up with something much saner I'll post as a blog when I get around to it. [color=grey]You guys don't have to worry about the math, I'm handling it all myself. But if you're curious, I'm going to try and go about explaining how the mechanics of my system will work. This is still very much a work in progress and I'm not committing to any of the rules here. ISNCHULOL's intended purpose is to stress test and improve the rules before I host the real thing (my 'serious' RP).[/color]
Stat Meanings
Meh. I'm scrapping the quadratic model for stats, it's too extreme. I'm still figuring out what I'll be using instead.[color=grey]
One thing I've been rather unclear about so far is what the stats mean, in real world terms. Here's the way it is:
No stat can fall below 3, unless the character is under the influence of status ailments. 10 is average for a human being. There is no set value for one point, because the relation between points and their value is quadratic.
Average human running speed is 10mph. This means that at 10 points, a character should run 10mph. We'll also assume that at 0 points, a character should be immobile.
The quadratic function that fits this trend is y = (1/10)(x^2). Observe the test points:
10 = (1/10)(10^2) = (1/10)(100) = 10
0 = (1/10)(0^2) = (1/10)(0) = 0
Basically you just plug in your points for x, and calculate y, which is the real world value.
So if you have 14 speed, your character can move (1/10)(14^2) = 19.6 mph, Olympic running speed.
The other stats are done in a similar way.
I haven't got a statistic for average human strength. We'll do this instead: y = (1/100)(x^2). (Somebody with 10 strength is as strong as one human.)
Average human IQ is 100. y = x^2.
Saving Throws
This is really simple. All I do is roll 1d10 (one ten sided die), and compare to the appropriate save:
Roll is +2 or more above save = Failure. Something bad happens.
Roll is less than +2 above save = Minor failure, less severe consequences.
Roll is less than -2 below save = Partial success, minor consequences.
Roll is more than -2 below save = Success, no consequences.
There may also be modifiers based on skills applied or the situation at hand.
Never did finish this. It was around this point in the blog I realized how stupid the numbers were getting.
So it’d be more beneficial to be a specialist in one skill then be a jack-of-all-trades in order to maximize value.
Exactly. The more you focus on one skill, the more your points are worth.
But after awhile you become strong enough in one area that getting stronger isn’t useful anymore. This is known as DBZ syndrome.
At the same time, if you totally neglect two out of three of your skills, you’ll have alot of glaring weaknesses.
Neglecting just one skill is safer and smarter.
Lol DBZ syndrome.
I figured that all out already, I’m proud of myself. 😀 lol I tried to change my skill point to maximize the amount of saves I get.
*lol* Stop playing with the stats, we already did character sheets.
What, everyone’s gonna go by at sonic speed now? Maybe shooting down mountains? How about blowing up planets with a wave of an arm? 😀
Nah, apparently we’re limited by human movement. x.X
But the chase I have planned is going to be fun. ^^
Not me
My character is super slow.
like fo srs
Lol hungry for worms?
What is this I don’t even
Did you accidentally a whole Coke bottle again?
No, hungry for wordssss. Hahahaha.
(MGA reference =D)
Anywho, my character is literally 1.4 mph. 4 speed = 1.4
this sux
How do I shot web?
You take a crossbow and fill it with kitties, that’s how.
Paul got away! xD
Then you take a shotgun and fill it with monkey rounds. It’ll spreads the viral AIDS across your mo- err, humans.
Please refrain from spamming the thread.
And no, nobody gets to be supersonic. The current system is too screwy, I’m fixing it.
Kinda screwy. It’s really hard to save thyself now in a situation.
Yeah, I’m basically scrapping this system.
In the new one, stat points vs. real world point value will be linear.
Your character will also be able to get generous bonuses in specific specialty areas of your choosing.
I am confused. ^__^
I don’t get the prime thingy,
Me neither.
Although it has to do with the rolls so it doesn’t concern us immediately.
10 sided die thingy?