Okay guys, here's the new system, it's much saner this way.
Stat Meanings
Statistics are now linear.
The average human statistic is 10 in any given category.
Therefore, if you have 10 intelligence, this means you have the average human IQ, 100.
By extension, if you have 12 intelligence, this means you have an IQ of 120.
10 speed equates to average human running speed, 10 mph.
For simplicity, we'll say 10 strength is "as strong as one physically fit human".
Core Mechanic
For all statistic checks, we'll follow this general procedure.
Roll one twenty sided die (1d20) against the stat in question.
Apply situational modifiers to the die, and skills/primes to the stat.
result = (stat + skills + primes) – (modified d20 roll + situational modifiers)
Situational modifiers are as follows:
+6+ very difficult
+3 difficult
+0 normal
-3 easy
-6- very easy
I decide which to use based on how difficult this task would be for a person of average skill in the given area. Additional situational modifiers include but are not limited to the following:
+2 untrained in specialized skill
+(2 to 4) unfavorable circumstances
-(2 to 4) favorable circumstances
The outcome isn't just pass or fail, it comes in shades of gray based on the value of the result:
6+ is a great success
3 to 5 is a moderate success
0 to 2 is a marginal success
-2 to -1 is a marginal failure
-5 to -3 is a moderate failure
-6- is a severe failure
When two players compete at any given task requiring a stat check, they both roll against the appropriate stat and then the one with the higher result wins. The difference between their results determines how badly one passes and the other fails.
New Combat System
When you want to declare an attack from now on, you should state your target, and what stat you'll be rolling. (Strength for melee or speed for ranged.*)
When responding to an attack, you may choose to dodge (speed) or block (strength). Note that characters caught by surprise cannot use a defending roll. The following explains how combat is calculated:
Using the core mechanic, roll attacker's stat. This is the initial result.
If defender is dodging, roll speed and subtract this result from the initial result if positive. (Or in the event of a severe failure, add +2.)
If the above result is positive, damage = base damage + result*2
Base damage is determined by the attacker's weapon or skill. If not explicitly stated, assume a default damage of 1d6 for melee and 1d4 for ranged.
If the defender was blocking, subtract their result*2 from the above damage.
* Cunning Strike: Any character who has 12 or more intelligence, or else an offensive intelligence prime or half-prime may roll intelligence minus two instead of strength or speed while attacking. Cunning Strike may not receive a beneficial difficulty modifier greater than 3, nor may it critical.
Critical Strike: When the roll to hit comes up a 1 (on the die), and is also a great success, final damage is doubled.
Damage: When a character's damage is equal to:
their strength (plus any offensive primes/half-primes) * 1.5, that character passes out.
At strength * 2, that character dies.
If you're confused about anything, don't hesitate to ask.
I thinkies I geddit.
Same.. .. ..
.. ..
The RP is going pretty well. 🙂
The new combat system…
Totally pwns the old.
Now Pains is godly.
Fear him.
*lol* The old combat system was a half-baked pile of rubbish.
I’m pretty happy with this one. In particular, how I managed to think up a way to make Intelligence good without it being overpowered.