Blogging Resolutions for 2011

By In Uncategorized

So, this is my first blog post in VuTales after having not blogged for very long, but I'm going to make it quick since I'm not supposed to "play" at "work"! :S

Firstly, I would like to introduce myself (officially). I'm darkdelphine from Singapore, ex-member of the late website MMOTales known as darkdestiny. My game name is known as TwinDelphine (darkdelphine is to commemorate the old name I have at MMOTales), & I've been a gamer for many years, but my interests are in writing stories & making AMVs (which I hope to do during my free time, which was instead spent time on other stuff :/ ).

I have been a PC gamer for very long, but I've only played low quality games (cos I only got a laptop to play with & the graphics card is average). I used to play online games like SuddenAttack & MapleStory, but I'm now playing a online racing RPG game called RayCity (& working to be a competitive player).

Right now, my Resolutions for 2011 is to be able to do what I always dreamt of:

1. Complete at least a story
2. Do an AMV

Gotta go! It's short but bear with it! See ya!


AznRiceFan 10 February 2011 Reply

Singaporean, writer, and an AMV maker, eh? Interesting. I must admit I don’t remember you from MMOT at all though the name seems somewhat familiar.

DarkDragoon 10 February 2011 Reply

You musta been pretty old and then went awol, or was pretty late to the MMOT crowd.
Like ricey don’t remember you much o;
Welcome aboard officially with your first blog though 😀
We expect much more out of you<3

darkdelphine 10 February 2011 Reply

I was still in my mid-teens when I joined the MMOT community, but I’m pretty much inactive most of the time there. Struggling with work & inspiration from writing is really a pain in the brains back then.

EDIT: @DarkDragoon: That’s harsh. But no worries, I’m still young at heart. I’ll keep up as much as I can in here.

tarheel91 10 February 2011 Reply

Do not excite me with Racing MMOs and leave out the fact that they are arcade-y. Arcade racers = teh sux0rz.

DarkDragoon 10 February 2011 Reply

Ah, didn’t mean for it to be harsh D:
Just meant that you were on MMOT from near the beginning and then went awol.
Didn’t mean to say you were old…like really old ;-;

dee32693 10 February 2011 Reply

ohaidere 😀 are you a girl?

David 10 February 2011 Reply
dee32693 said: ohaidere 😀 are you a girl?

Clearly not.

Pirkid 10 February 2011 Reply

Hahahaha, poor Dee, another chance lost.

Welcome back, good to see new people, maybe we can get some more blogs up now that exams are near-finished.

Arladerus 10 February 2011 Reply

Adult Movie Video…? Kind of redundant, don’t you think

darkdelphine 11 February 2011 Reply

@Arladerus: Dude, please edit that out. & AMV is Anime Music Video, not what you assumed.

@DarkDragoon: Yeah, I already got a foot out of MMOTales because of studies & not a lot of interesting things to read. Then comes the closing curtains.

Nass 11 February 2011 Reply
Arladerus said: Adult Movie Video…? Kind of redundant, don’t you think


Ish porn

Wolfboy183 11 February 2011 Reply

You’re not supposed to play at work, but you’re supposed to work at play. Ask the WoW elite players, they’ll back up the claim 😛

darkdelphine 12 February 2011 Reply

Thanks for the reminder, but at that time I had no work to do at the office. 🙂

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