It All Starts 24.06.11

By In Uncategorized

It’s all in the title.

I have been going on about this for a while now, whether on Facebook, Youtube or somewhere else on the Internet. I am starting a new video project on game marathons.

Starting off with Pokemon Black from my only game console the DS, I’m going to start recording on that day and upload them to Youtube. (I hope there’s some Pokemon fans still around here)

But first off, I have a mountain of paperwork to clear up on my desk. Dang~

Just 3 more months before I complete my Service (like I said in my previous blog). And I’m going to complete this project before Feb 2012.

Please support me! 🙂


Gujju 19 June 2011 Reply

I wasted about a week just a while back playing old pokemon games. 🙂

NarutoHater 21 June 2011 Reply

i put 2x exp on pokemon white so i didnt have to grind xP

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