I thought about borking

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Woohoo I'm back yes indeedy…
ok so like I was at the mall the other day and I just saw this awesome game!
Guess what it was? And guess who's been living under a rock for the past year or so.
It was Call of Mother fucking Duty cuatro.
Jesus christ ive been misisng out on a lot.-.-
anyways yeah it's awesome and I love it, can't get enough of it.
I love search and destroy on that game iz so fun :]
Especially if my team is full of jackasses then I just shoot an rpg at the ground when we spawn…priceless
So yeah I basically rush with my mp5 with silencer till I pick up either a)m40 or b)dragunov, then I just camp in the back taking potshots at random people ;D
I'm like one rank away from getting mai claymores at the moment so I'm excited…can't wait till I get those mofos then I can camp all day sniping <3
So yeah
In other newsss

Other happenings

I JUST GOT A GIRLFRiEND!!!111!11! Not reallyz but seriously…no
-ahem-self esteem meter dropping rapidly
On Cross Fire I got my effing AWM ^_^
I get to rape entire teams on S&D with ease by running up to them, sticking the barrel up their butts and clicking ^_^
So much fun, especially the 2 for ones cause then they all think I hack like a mofo…which I sometimes do but anywhoooo
I just had my early bday party xD
turning 15 June 20th go me?
I made 76 bucks off my friends and ima get a new phone from daddy, getting a memoir HELLZ YEAH
so…I'm thinking of buying platinum but I aint really sure =/
Might just get the orange box and microsoft points but who knows? Me
So on Haloes nowz
I rock
No lie
Sniping is so easy
I stood on the Hill in the center of Valhalla(A lil north of the big 11) and got a killatacular extermination on social slayer…god I love noobs they kept rushing me<3
And don't get me started with the BR holy crap I got a running riot with sniper and br on that much but I got ownt because they all rushed me when my sniper ran out =/
so yeahz…I'll take you all on on halo gamertag is Dakchee!
So hmm


So yeah this is almost wrapping up my little week.
Oh yeah stubbed my finger playing footballl…got tackled then sit on by my really buff friend who weighs about 50 more pounds then me…got into a grapple fight but lost cause he kept jumping on my back and getting me into a chokehold but it was fun.
Hmm…well I did play maples
sadly yes.
But anyways yeah I did get on but did nothing
so anyways I'm going to be gone for a week >_<
And maybe a lil longer cause see
My parents are going to Italy for 2 and a half weeks on Monday.
I'm going to summer camp for a week on Sunday…
so yeah one week fo sho then maybe for another week and a half, which means no compy, no xbox, no ps2, no gamecube, no sex, no nothing
Just thought I'd let you know that and-


Pirkid 7 June 2009 Reply

Grammar Issues but at least it was funny. 😛

Spade 7 June 2009 Reply

Cross fire, 1v1, now.

I’ll use default sniper against your AWP.

DarkDragoon 7 June 2009 Reply

Ahahahahahahaha can’t gonna have to wait a week spade :3

dee32693 7 June 2009 Reply

man i feel sorry for you xD

no computer…the horror!!

DarkDragoon 7 June 2009 Reply

All errors were on purpose and therefor were not errors :3

Reve 7 June 2009 Reply



spygirl57 8 June 2009 Reply

Lol errors were funny.
Oh, and the story was tooo….. !

lahdeedah2 26 June 2009 Reply

I beta test for Crossfire. That game is so friggin easy. lol

I’m gonna download it again.

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