Call de Farce cuatro~pt1?

By In Uncategorized

So yeah.
I've been playing this game.
It's called.
Call Of Duty…Cuatro~

It's like eating 20 woohoo bars at the same time WITH TRIPLE THE FAGGOTRY

Jesus christ it gets annoying and I'll explain on every single map!
(That I normally play on)
Btw I normally snipe with my 50 cal or use my AK 47 with red dot…you'll see why it gets annoying.


Gayest map…EVER
Basically you're on a ship.

Ok semi basic outline of the map, two taller things are the ships front and back where people CAN snipe from.
Middle bumps are like catwalks on top the go over the width. and theres about a billion different boxes dotted everywhere which some you can hide in.
Did I mention it's REALLY dark?
So yeah mainly playing on this it's just a nade, rpq, and close range cluster fuck where if someone is gay enough to bring out a helicopter…it's GG.
Sniping doesn't work well because of all the boxes…rails…and general darkness and obstacles…
And everyone fucking rushes like bitches.
Enough of this map.


Ok this map I admit I like…half the time.
It is the absolute WORST map EVER to play S&D on(sides wetwork) because the bomb sites are at A&C on that handy dandy map…
Smack dab in the middle of the map WIDE open to sniper fire.
And on deathmatch…the rushers…and glitchers…frigin suck…bawls
Mkay, sniping is relatively easy cept if the two teams go
"Hey let's have an all out street/house brawl where the snipers are rendered useless!"


So yeah, it's a nice dual map.
On the streets you have sniping and you're a complete retard to run out on it because 9 times out of 10 someone is going to snipe you…hard
And in the buildings(mainly the bottom row that follows the curve in the street) you have an all out brawl/sneaking.
Sniping is done primarily from any building with ledges and has a second story.
Nuff said…well not my favorite due to its small size and it almost forces you to snipe half the time since the teams mainly stay at either the bottom or top of the hill.
Hell just look here for maps

Yeah so thas part 1 I'll be back later I guess.
Let's see
Atm i'm 53 No prestige(whoopdedoo) but thas because I don't play for exp…just snipes lolololol
Got mai 50 cal and raping…I got the acog scope on that gun at least 5x faster then any other sniper/gun I have o:
Yeah thas about it for now…
Till next time~
Happy Hunting~



Pirkid 13 August 2009 Reply

Cuatro, Smooth.

Anyways, I hated snipers in this game purely because they just laugh in your face everytime you run into a good one..
But I like playing it local at my friends house. Great times when we have knifing matches.

Zappy 13 August 2009 Reply


Lithium 13 August 2009 Reply

I kinda wanna get CoD Cuatro now, but I figure ill wait for the second one.

DarkDragoon 13 August 2009 Reply

I want modern warfare 2…buuut there’s gonna be so many hardcore modern warfare 1 faggots on the first day its gonna be hell on any of the matches

Nass 13 August 2009 Reply

I didn’t know what you were talking about until the pictures loaded.


DarkDragoon 15 August 2009 Reply


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