So yeah I though I would take you guys on an adventure of immense proportions!
A regular DarkDragoon Monday!
So lol its a pic blog, so yeah.
Spoiler tags for length.
Note it was incredibly difficult to pull off the school shots because the teachers all said no.
So I had to be sneaky
A Nice breakfast of cinnamon wheat thins and orange juice.
Heres a random ass pic of my school
So first off on my school day is homeroom in the english class, then a block period(2 periods back to back) of Engrish!
After English its a trip across the hallways to World History! Say hi to Andrew btw :3
Then after World History I go to this next room for MicroEconomics and Calculus!
Subtract the little kids and you have what it looks like.(They're the mathcounts kids, pic taken after school)
so After that it's lunch
Knew I forgot a pic
After lunch it's a trek upstairs to Ap Biology!
Afterwards in 6th period it's comp sci.
Last period is Spanish a shitty way to end the day~
//Connie texted me throughout the day, happy?
And that's a wrap!
That's a Monday for the DarkDragoon~
You forgot to include that Connie texted you D:
😮 Gimme # 🙁
lolwut that is
what what.
Hi Andrew.
I meant, Connay’s #.
ifro? 😮
The camera quality is kind of blurry.
You have funny stairs o.o
They kinda look like those window blinds thing xD
Lee pl0x don’t give Froggy my number.
No, you don’t. 😐
I wasn’t talking to YOU Froggy :#
I know.
You don’t love Lee. :/
Well I don’t exactly love you either :S
Why’s it about me now?
Well I don’t love you either. :/
Denial is the first step.
lol @ traffic xDD but i have to tell ya, traffic in dallas is way worse!! D8 but then again, to get to school we had to go through three counties and the highway…
yup thas me
@Zappy, I fidled around with my camera some for the good pics and not for the others lolol
Got kinda lazy on the blurry ones.
Stair ones were entirely my fault tho
Whoa, I thought schools like yours with indoor hallways and those funky tables only existed in stories! D:
I wish we had those funky chairs, they probably feel so much better than the ones in my school.
lolwut o.o
dayum well uhh…no they’re very uncomfortable since half of em are broken >l