Hey guys tis the Dragoon here, and well…
Merry Christmas folks!
Now our mandatory festivities are out of the way let's move on~
So whatsup VuTales how you been doing this holiday season?
Mine has been grrrreeeattt!
See I started playing Maplestory again to try out that new Aran class and well…
It's love, love love LOVE<3
I just love the Aran class so much, there's actual well maybe not actual but some paying attention you have to now! o:
Plus I mean, Polearms are pretty damn sexy.
so yeah here's some pics(no leveling pics or whatnot since I gotta fn+prt sc this stuff since theres no scroll lock on my laptop):
I touched that sky alright~
Combo smash damage
And my 5119 combo ;D
So anyways I'm level 46 right now and I started 3-4 days ago, along with a lvl 20 Aran in Galicia.
This one is in Broa btw.
Gotta love 2x exp.
Anyways Combo smash is a dream, I can train on Rombots in the CPQ rooms now with it.
Just get up to 30+ combos and WHAM!
5k+ damage to 4 of em.
Gotta love Arans no?
So anyways I joined a guild called iAran and it's an Aran exclusive guild.
100 Arans and I still had problems finding a cheap Scorpio, tells you something about the market atm, no?
So yeah…short blog because well, the last few days in my gaming have been a blur @_@
Managed to get to 46 but thas it.
Mainly all I remember.
Till next time.
~The Dragoon
Cool Juice.
I busted out laughing when I saw the title. Nice.
You ass, you stole the title from me, who stole it from my friend. D:
25/12/2009 12:25:18 AM [c=#E10000]andrea[/c] MERRY CHRISTMASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ! Kevin is Level 38 (CPQ) & 91 (Elderwraiths/Hime) [WILDFIREZ OMFG] MERRY KURISUMASU
25/12/2009 12:29:57 AM Happy Christmas! VuTales MERRY KURISIMASU
See, credit my friend 4 da title
So really, it should be Kurisumasu.
Depends on who says it. Some VAs say “su” others say “si.” There’s no exact way to say it.
I meant the source of the title was from my friend who said it as “KURISUMASU”, so it should be that way.
RAWR! *rages*
RAWR! *rages*
He got it from the way people say it in Japan. It sounds especially funny because they have issues ending words with consonants, so they add vowels on to the end of words to make them easier to say. They also have issues making the kr sound.
I’m lvl 34 and hitting less than 900 with max combo boosts. I seriously doubt I’ll be able to hit 3000, much less 4000 by lvl 40. Then again, I havn’t maxed triple swing, so we’ll see.
CPQ+Cleric+rm 3/4+Teddies+Cancel Weapon Attack=3k combo.
Tarheel. I’m just joking. You don’t have to be a complete smartass about something as small as this. It’s pretty obvious where the spelling is from. Plus, if you look at the dates, he made this on December 24, while my conversation dates are December 25.
And what’s that attack at the end of a Triple Swing where you like shoot a wave-thingy? That thing does a lot of damage.
Didn’t get any training done today… don’t plan to anymore.
hope your christmas has been as fun/funner than mine! =D
That’s combo smash, when maxed does 700% damage…purrty sexy
And I was going for a Korean/Japanese one…didn’t know the Japanese did the -u thing at the end too o:
Btw I’m lvl 50 now
And I was going for a Korean/Japanese one…didn’t know the Japanese did the -u thing at the end too o:
Btw I’m lvl 50 now
Just watch any Christmas episode from an anime. It’s hilarious. Also, lovey dovey is lovu-lovu (love + the eau from beauty).
labu labu*
Just like how boys love is boys labu
EDIT: Correction, I think “rabu” would be an even more accurate representation. XD
Lol, KissxSis Christmas part…lmfao xD