I don't need to be spoon-fed, thank you!

By In Uncategorized

It's really infuriating when you're doing something that you can't really stop instantaneously (such as playing Halo 3 or initiating a plan of world domination or welding) and somebody just interrupts out of virtually nowhere and starts shoving food into your face. For instance, there was some new food in the house (don't ask for details, I prefer to keep me to myself) and my sister had the bright idea to start feeding me some of it while I was playing Halo 3. With the mike. In a game.

For one thing, some of it spilled over me, so I had to spend a few seconds cleaning up a mess that I didn't make before she screwed up at least 3 of my laser shots (and I missed a tank! Tell me, how do I miss a tank by mere centimeters!?).

If you think I'm making a big deal over a game, well, it's one of those special things that still belong to me (sadly, a girl ain't one of them 'til I can actually get one…). Y'know, one of those special things that a person loves or has because of some special reason (some old trinkets from the war, a T-shirt that survived a tornado, a trophy for drinking enough beer to keel you over permanently, etc, etc, etc…).

And me growling about the food being splattered everywhere sure ain't pleasant to anyone within spitting hearing distance from my mike (which is to say, the whole team).

On another note, I get emotional sometimes when I play a game (I mean, who doesn't cheer when you're winning and rant when you're losing?). But my mother is always like, "Stop getting all worked up over this kind of stuff! Stop getting angry!"


I mean, she yells at me all the time, sometimes for the most ridiculous matters, such as what I'm looking for when she sees me looking for something (so nosy, sheesh, just looking for a remote or a sock or something), or the newly installed line between my router and my 360 (the cord cuts diagonally past a hallway. Normally this is a cause for concern and tripping, but there have been a multitude of lines that have crossed that path, just removed, and pretty recently too). And also, if I can't get angry at a game, then what else will I be able to get angry at? Where will all of that displaced rage go to? (and for the record of a worst-case scenario, you REALLY don't want to know). I think that displaced range is already causing a bunch of health problems already anyway, and she doesn't let me let it go. In fact, at one time she told me to let out that rage or the results could be bad.

This is why I have to study paradoxes, conundrums, and oxymorons.

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