Chaos, Spring Break and Grifball

By In Uncategorized

Hiya VuTalers! It's me again.

Anyway, the things aforementioned in the title is pretty self-explanatory; it's Spring Break, so all hell broke loose, and, well, Grifball.

It was Grifball weekend in bungie-land, and I couldn't wait to participate in it (I'm a fan of RvB, see). I picked up my controller, hooked up with 7 other random people, and off we went.

The first five seconds are relatively calm considering it's usually just the scramble for the Grifball. After that, however, it's swords and hammers EVERYWHERE. It's often frustrating when you get spawn-killed, but the savored reward for bashing that SOB into orbit is so sweet. While I try to stay defense when the ball is in our opponents' hands, it's hilarious how often the enemy neglects defense of the arming point; hell, once I ran straight across the field and met no opposition (until the bomb exploded, that is). I've always found it astonishing how far people could reach me with the melee weapons, but when I lunge, it doesn't happen, and that really pisses me off. Of course, there's always time for vengeance when you get an extermination for blowing the crap out of everyone with the Grifball (amazing what kills you get for the most random of things; for instance, I get a bulltrue when I respawned for some reason. WTF?).

Besides Grifball, I was also playing Lone Wolves, both to get my Spartan Officer achievement as well as any other ones I could pick up. Mongoose Mowdown isn't that hard if you play King on Isolation; just run around in circles and try to hit a wounded. Killing Frenzy can be a bit difficult to obtain if you can't avoid all of the guns pointed at you. Fortunately, camping in the sword room of the Pit is quite helpful, especially if one of your would-be killers leave behind a rocket launcher, and you brought a shotgun. The only thing to be wary of is suicide plasma stickers. I ended up getting a Running Riot before the SOB stuck me as a tribute beyond the grave. Two For One, however, can be painstakingly difficult to obtain. It's not that there aren't enough opponents to actively obtain a double kill with (plenty, I say. Plenty), it's just that there aren't enough maps with a Spartan Laser on it (High Ground NEVER comes around, Construct is somewhat uncommon, and Snowbound just really doesn't cut it for long-range weapons such as the laser, and I havn't seen Last Resort anytime soon). Slice 'n' Dice is easier than anticipated, largely due to Swords game (in which everyone gets to be a knifing-happy ninja!).

Well, that's all the time I got.


spygirl57 13 April 2009 Reply

Lol i’ve never heard of Grifball. x]

David 13 April 2009 Reply

Me neither, in the wish, I said he became a grifball. lol, my bad. ><;

Arladerus 13 April 2009 Reply

Grifball is fun! =D Like the video of Red VS Blue says…

Grifball always dies. 1. People either slaughter Grif to get the ball, or 2. Score and the ball explodes.

It’s win/win for sarge!

Nass 13 April 2009 Reply

You kids are so weird, Spring Break in April?

dee32693 14 April 2009 Reply

inorite nass?

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