Flood ARE zombies.

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Given my prolonged history of gaming, I have finally come to a conclusion to what a zombie should be defined as (wow, took me long enough).

A zombie should be defined as: a parasitic being, often, but not always, on a microscopic level, that destroys a host and replaces the host's mind with its own, giving it the functions of the victim. The zombie is the infected host, not the parasite in question, by common knowledge, but may be for some people. The parasite has the opportunity to augment the body with its own abilities, if need be/ if possible.

Therefore, while infection forms may be zombies, combat forms, carrier forms, and pure forms are absolutely zombies.

This definition may be applied to other types of parasitic life forms as well, though I do not have an extensive (nor a cursory, for that matter) list of them.

Enjoy this tidbit of brain food.


David 17 May 2009 Reply


Not necessarily. A zombie could be simply a dead person reanimated by gamma-ray exposure or something else that destroys advanced brain function and gives aggressiveness to the “shell” in question. A parasite isn’t exactly needed. 😉 Parasites are often just the middle-man.

For example, viruses in movies like 28 days later are used. Viruses aren’t parasites (which are living organisms), since they are essentially nucleic acids with a protein coat. Zombies might actually LOSE functions.

The flood origin is NOT a zombie, those little tiny things aren’t zombies, since they are not controlling anything. The huge flood thing isn’t a zombie either, because it has 1) advanced intellect 2) formed from other pure forms of the flood.

The combat form is absolutely a zombie.

The carrier form? might not be a zombie, depending on whether a host was originally used, or it was formed from asexual reproduction.

Blackboy0 17 May 2009 Reply
Darkness said: (wow, took me long enough).

lol, your welcome? 😛

Lithium 17 May 2009 Reply

Just further proof that Dave has no life. =P
Just kill the zombies, don’t debate their existence. = =
There’s a borderline between intelligent, and just plan geeky.

Blackboy0 17 May 2009 Reply
Lithium said: Just further proof that Dave has no life. =P
Just kill the zombies, don’t debate their existence. = =
There’s a borderline between intelligent, and just plan geeky.

We all crossed that line loong ago 😛

Arladerus 17 May 2009 Reply
Blackboy0 said:

Lithium said: Just further proof that Dave has no life. =P
Just kill the zombies, don’t debate their existence. = =
There’s a borderline between intelligent, and just plan geeky.

We all crossed that line loong ago 😛

Agreed. I’m Rick Rolling my school for the talent show we have this year. 20 seconds of the beginning of Aqua Timez – ALONES, and then the rest of the song Never Gonna Give You Up.

I plan on doing the Hare Hare Yukai dance next year.

Nass 17 May 2009 Reply
Lithium said: Just further proof that Dave has no life. =P
Just kill the zombies, don’t debate their existence. = =
There’s a borderline between intelligent, and just plan geeky.

Wait wut?

Aw man, that’s means I’m no where. :'(

darkness 17 May 2009 Reply
Lithium said: Just further proof that Dave has no life. =P
Just kill the zombies, don’t debate their existence. = =
There’s a borderline between intelligent, and just plan geeky.

Technically, finding the definition of a zombie isn’t at all that geeky; zombies, vampires, mole people, and many other mythological creatures (or not…. for you enthusiasts out there) come in many variants… to find a general point of which to compare them can be helpful in the long run, if not simply as a pastime hobby.

People dive WAY too far into the bible, but they’re not geeks. You’d be surprised how wacky tidbits of information can cause a global pandemic (ehehe…).

Grimno 17 May 2009 Reply

A zombie was originally a reanimated corpse that ate people’s brains, and later everything.
Thats how the idea was originally concepted.
Flood are not zombies… heck, the creatures in “Left4Dead” are also not zombies. (They are infected… describing that the disease turns people into that, and that they are still living, just “beast-like” )

Flood is the name for the parasite that enters people.
In the books about the flood, you learn that when a person is killed (sometimes they may even still be alive) , the flood cuts open the chest, and deflats itself, then fits between the person’s heart and lungs. From there, it shifts its feelers throughout the body and taps into the person’s spine and nervous system, allowing it to take control of the corpse.
The corpse is not a “zombie” but more or less and weapon to be used to kill more people, and allow the flood to spread to those. If the body takes too much damage, the flood creature ejects from the body to move onto a new one. In another chapter, you learn that there are times that when a flood enters a person, the person may not die.
In one case, we find out that Jenkins, the marine from the first game when they first introduced the flood, did not die. And still had 50% control over his body.

darkness 17 May 2009 Reply
Grimno said: A zombie was originally a reanimated corpse that ate people’s brains, and later everything.
Thats how the idea was originally concepted.
Flood are not zombies… heck, the creatures in “Left4Dead” are also not zombies. (They are infected… describing that the disease turns people into that, and that they are still living, just “beast-like” )

Flood is the name for the parasite that enters people.
In the books about the flood, you learn that when a person is killed (sometimes they may even still be alive) , the flood cuts open the chest, and deflats itself, then fits between the person’s heart and lungs. From there, it shifts its feelers throughout the body and taps into the person’s spine and nervous system, allowing it to take control of the corpse.
The corpse is not a “zombie” but more or less and weapon to be used to kill more people, and allow the flood to spread to those. If the body takes too much damage, the flood creature ejects from the body to move onto a new one. In another chapter, you learn that there are times that when a flood enters a person, the person may not die.
In one case, we find out that Jenkins, the marine from the first game when they first introduced the flood, did not die. And still had 50% control over his body.

🙂 So you’ve read the book.

DarkDragoon 18 May 2009 Reply

Flood are just annoying…
especially if they take over brutes then it’s just a pain in the A

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