Freedom Of Speech

By In Uncategorized

So, it's been a while since I posted (time is an eternity for me, so… yea).

First thing's first: Kings are AWESOME. No aces, no queens, not even jacks or deuces. Kings for the wins.

Next up, I'd like to rant about Maplestory. It's awful (and awfully addictive). The economy: sucks. Everything is fueled by gachaponed stuff. If not that, then all the other shiny stuff. The quests: suck. 90% of the quests are just straightforward killing or collecting. With the exception of boss hunting (which is more irritating than invigorating), the quests are pure crap, with the exception of the ones that give good stuff, which are too easy, and the harder ones give a bunch of mana potions. The society: sucks. As mature as the players that roam Vutales are, the rest of the society in the game leaves much to be desired. Everyone is territorial; if not of themselves, then of maps or FM spots or some other thing like that. And then there's the kill-steal wars and the defaming, trash talk (which I've been accused of in Halo. I actually don't trash talk THAT much, do I?), and so forth. I've been searching for a family member for a good few days, but no one seemed suitable for the spot. I actually prefer the trash-talking douchebags that play Halo than these Maple fellas; at least I could try to shut 'em up in game.

I just read a series of limericks about Halo. Creepy.

Also, I feel alone and isolated… I can't find friends at my school. So, now I officially hold an "I have no friends" title. Sorta makes you go… insane…


David 25 May 2009 Reply
Darkness said: The society: sucks. As mature as the players that roam Vutales, the society in the game leaves much to be desired.

Those be fighting words boy.

FunnyFroggy 25 May 2009 Reply

David, stop changing your avvies all the time!

Biter stole the kyuute widdle bunneh from the vid!


Kazoo 25 May 2009 Reply

totally agree with your take on Maple

that’s why I never looked back after quitting

Pirkid 25 May 2009 Reply

“First thing’s first: Kings are AWESOME. No aces, no queens, not even jacks or deuces. Kings for the wins.”

I don’t understand..

darkness 25 May 2009 Reply
David said:

Darkness said: The society: sucks. As mature as the players that roam Vutales, the society in the game leaves much to be desired.

Those be fighting words boy.

Ahem, the words of that quote may be a little bit more jumbled than what I intended; I typed this late, so there wasn’t proofreading.

spygirl57 25 May 2009 Reply

These three guys in my class are like :
I was so annoyed! I just kept saying shutup but they wouldn’t.

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