Yep, it's that time of the year again. Nexon comes out with a *coughNEWcough* patch, people see new stuff (awesome!) and I get to rant about the game. I've done this many times in the past, but this is the only place where people can appreciate (let alone understand) what I'm ranting about.
First off, Nexon fails at security and community response. Their techniques of banning are wholly unorthodox, not to mention unfair. They have virtually little power over the actual gameplay itself other than personal/seasonal events. Why not? For one simple reason: they didn't make those patches; they just took 'em from KMS (or whatever version) and translated them. Any bug change comes from them; any change made by Nexon personally is like waiting for tech support.
Second, Maplestory is too dumb. EXP curves, gachapon, increased drop rates, buying your own lvl 30 character? What happened to half the fun's in the journey? What the hell happened to the game? 5 bucks and you can potentially get a couple billion mesos! Maplestory has made $ = fun; anyone playing for free pretty much suffers (MTS doesn't work as fast as spending $25). You can't make your own story without money.
Well, there's my short-end rant for anyone who still lives in Maplestory. (Being limited to computer games really has dumbed me down)
Wait, WTF!? Buying your own lvl 30 character???
Yeah, it starts out with perfect skills/AP distribution, and 100k mesos along with pots, equips, etc for only like 15 bucks. Say you were working retail, you’d earn $8 an hour, so about 2 hours of work, meanwhile – grinding that char probably takes like a day or two. :/
Yeah, it starts out with perfect skills/AP distribution, and 100k mesos along with pots, equips, etc for only like 15 bucks. Say you were working retail, you’d earn $8 an hour, so about 2 hours of work, meanwhile – grinding that char probably takes like a day or two. :/
That sounds like utter crap.
It’s fucking retarded. I just went on today, and I saw it. =.=
I don’t mind it.
Really, it’s a waste I can make level 30 + 1 mil mesars on my first day.
You don’t need MTS, that’s not true. I’m level 83 (leveled yesterday! :D) and I have never used MTS to get items nor sell for NX.
It’s really not hard to get mesos, and to save them either. Seriously, all you have to do is just know what to sell and when to sell it.
Nexon isn’t bad at community response, if you mean tickets that is. Almost every ticket I sent was closed+answered within the same day( or 24 hours) I sent it. Nothing bad there. This isn’t MSN.
@Nass: You still have to spend a full day grinding to get to 30. It’s ridiculous. This MMO is all about grinding, and maybe bosses after you spend about 500 hours grinding. If you skip the grinding, what’s left? I have a level 83 as well, Nass (and a level 58, and a bagillion 3x and 4x’s), and it took a ridiculous amount of time to get there. People can do it in about a tenth of it now. It’s really frustrating to see all your effort rendered pointless.
I liked it when Tiger was still there. 🙁
It’s like 3-4 hours if you Party Quest.
It doesn’t matter how fast you level. Just play the game as it’s supposed to be played. I’ve been insulted by “old-timers” because I got from 1-82 in about 3 weeks. While some people complain how “Back in the old days you couldn’t.” Sure, I’ve only been playing since Bera came out but updates happen for newcomers and to keep old ones here.
If you want to pull the old bastard card, I liked it when the only server was Tespia, we beta testers were fiendishly trying to recruit more people, and Tiger was the no-life that everyone hated and worshiped at the same time. But mostly hated.
Most people got to level 25, maybe level 35, and stopped trying, they were the old pros that everyone liked (probably because no one knew what perfect stats were, and had weaksauce stats, making it impossible to level up). I myself got to level 32 and walked down Kerning City in channel 1, with a bunch of people calling me no life and asking me if I’d went outside lately.
Also, if you Party Quest, you end up dirt poor. I’m level 23 on my shiny new GMS mage on Yellonde, and got to level 21 doing HPQ. Then, I realized I had a total worth of 2k mesos and decided to grind my way up two levels in an hour. Still in my beginner outift with the starter wand and a rice cake on my head, with a total of 30k.
I don’t understand you guys…
HPQ+ Bonus=$$$
Get to level 16-ish then add weaker people to your family. HPQ with them so you get rep points. Get enough to 2x drop. Go to Bonus leave the party so no one loots your items and kill. You’ll get equips pretty fast.
The family thing is kind of hard to get together on Yellonde, lol.
The upshot is that everything is really cheap in it, since it’s such a deserted server, and everyone just party quests.
Also, Nass, updates exist to make Nexon money. Nothing more, nothing less.
And how does NEXON make money? By people buying NX, so they have to keep people there and playing in order for them to buy.
The updates are then set so that it is almost impossible to enjoy the game with NX Cash. I’ve done it, but NX Cash is just so much easier. It’s like crack, folks.
It’s like 3-4 hours if you Party Quest.
It doesn’t matter how fast you level. Just play the game as it’s supposed to be played. I’ve been insulted by “old-timers” because I got from 1-82 in about 3 weeks. While some people complain how “Back in the old days you couldn’t.” Sure, I’ve only been playing since Bera came out but updates happen for newcomers and to keep old ones here.
Party quest gets you there in 3-4 hours? -_-;
It took 10 hours of grinding before.
Please tell me how you got from 1-82 in 3 weeks before Exp x 2, Onyx apples, and all that stuff. It took me almost a whole year.
You couldn’t, he got 1-82 in 3 weeks after all that, and after Nexon set up all those party quests and automatic perfect stats etc. etc.
I got there by the time CPQ came out.
Almost all kinds of entertainment loses its flame of popularity and authenticity due to business
I have beef with everything you mentioned EXCEPT the exp curve and the increased drop rates.
I like the EXP Curve…and the increased drop rates (which would ultimately lead to lower prices in MS’s INFLATED TO HELL economy)
Not The Apprentice. That one was ruined by celebrities.
You depend on us. 😀
Maplestory is for noobs.
lol @ main page title “Time to blow off some…”