I have two sets of equations that may (or may not) assist you in life.
1. Pythagorean Theorem
Ever wondered whether a triangle was right or not? No? Well, I made a set of equations anyway that will point out the sides of a right triangle.
Apply a counting number to x and the ys will give you the smallest side, the perpendicular side, and the hypotenuse, respectively. This will give you triangles whose smallest side is odd.
Want an even number set of equations?
Apply a counting number greater than 1.
2. Girls.
Girls take time and money.
Girls = Time x Money
Everybody knows time is money.
Time = Money
Girls = Money^2
Money is the root of all evil.
Money = Root(Evil)
Girls = Root(Money^2)
Girls = Evil
sawz dat girls mabobber everywhere
old news bro
Your formula is incorrect.
Girls = Time + Money, not Time x Money.
Unless you can show me proof that it should be a multiplication function, then you has no proof.
Money is an exponential value of time. Thus, the correct equation would be,
f(girls) = {girls | (Total Time – (Time @ Work + Leisure Time)) >= 4/Day && (Time @ Work x Salary + Other Income) >= $120,000 USD/Year}
Even if you follow the equation, it does not guarantee that you will get one.
f(girls) = {girls | (Total Time – (Time @ Work + Leisure Time)) >= 4/Day && (Time @ Work x Salary + Other Income) >= $120,000 USD/Year}
Even if you follow the equation, it does not guarantee that you will get one.
Does not comprehend.
-Brain is fried-
I has easier theorem:
Lee’s theory of life states that no matter how awesome you get be there is always going to be someone higher up the societal chain then you. Therefore fuck trying.
Just plugging the numbers into the Pythagorean formula is easier. If the sum of the two sides’ squares equals the hypotenuse squared, tada, it’s right. If the sum of their squares is greater than the hypotenuse squared, it’s acute. If the sum of their squares is less, it’s obtuse.
Being right has nothing to do with the lengths of the sides, just the angle between them. Don’t get me wrong, your formula work is cool and stuff, but it only gives the right triangles with integers for all lengths. In reality, there are an infinite number of right triangles with a shortest side length of 3. That formula doesn’t really show that. Again, cool, but not practical.
@DarkDragoon: How is that relevant to girls? I’m assuming you don’t only see them as a status symbol.
That is not the Pythagorean Theorem I learned 😐
@Tartar it applies to life in general, so if you apply it to girls hrm, revision~
Lee’s Theory-“No matter how awesome you get there is always going to be someone higher up ‘the chain’ then you, therefore fuck trying.”
The chain in this case is the metaphorical ladder on which all things and people are rated.
Lee’s theory of life states that no matter how awesome you get be there is always going to be someone higher up the societal chain then you. Therefore fuck trying.
There has to be a top.
Infinity complex. <3