Hey, it's me again.
Given that I'm pretty much the only person that blogs exclusively about games (and less about my life, which I am at liberty to withhold. Trust me), this is another one.
I have a confession to make (and don't accuse me of being cliche). I hope no one will rat me out on this, though I'm not very concerned about it at the moment. And neither should you, in truth. I share an account with my friend on Runescape. Well, more like he shares it with me. He's a member, and I'm… well, a moocher. Though in a benevolent and helpful kind of way. We've been sharing the account for quite some, and in that time, he's done a lot, and as have I. He's done most of the important quests (Heroe's, Legend's, Desert Treasure), and I've done every other quests (and yet we still don't have enough for While Guthix Sleeps). He's the grinder, who recently was able to achieve lvl 99 in magic, and has tried to do the same with other skills such as woodcutting, while I mostly go about in combat-related skills, such as god wars and such. He makes money by grinding on something, flax, bowstrings, once snape grass, while I assist to profit from killing and treasure trails (more… satisfactorily rewarding, in my opinion).
In truth, that was not what I wanted to blog about, but it's a little prologue and background to understand the standpoint of what I'm getting at. Recently, the account was banned. I feared that Jagex caught whiff of account sharing, because, evident by recent actions, they seem to crack down on ne'er-do-wells. Upon further investigation (and lag), it was revealed that macro was the culprit for the ban. Not that I know what my friend does while he plays (and no, that's not what she said), but I can fairly confirm that he doesn't use a third-party program. Besides, he's wagered too much to make that kind of a slip-up. And I sure can't use any type of third-party program with Runescape; heck, opening one other window or tab causes it to lag like hell froze over. No, it couldn't have been macroing. Asides, the friends that I make and trust are pretty close and stuff (which explains my lack of friends in comparison to many people I know and my questionable paranoia).
The more I'm typing up this blog, the more I question why I typed it. It would seem that most players would merely reprimand me about either using a third-party program or sharing an account. And, well, I really can't make an argument against that other than the fact that most of us here have done something wrong, which I suppose that I may take some comfort in.
It's simply irritating because we've been accused of macroing before. We inferred that it was because of inactivity of speech, especially when he was grinding on something such as spawn-looting. But this time we couldn't have. I was on most of the time this time. My last action was fighting the giant mole (great stress relief, I suppose), and I doubt that my friend was on since then (though I probably should confirm that). On my part, I seriously doubt that fighting the giant mole was in any way possible with a third-party program that was anything but intricate and incredibly complex. I mean, there's a LOT of running involved to chase it down, and a lot of re-engaging in combat, since auto-retaliate doesn't work here.
In any case, we'll have to see what happens.
On a brighter note, on Maplestory, I'm level 34, and I beat most of the Mushroom Kingdom quests, which are very annoying to do. The first few aren't too bad, partially free exp, but some of the quests demand a great amount of grinding, which I detest. Nonetheless, I pulled through.
Feliz Navidad, and have a happy holiday!
I got banned too, which is why I turned back to MapleStory.
Bye David_8D
340th in Hunter rankings…
99 Thieving…
99 Fletching…
Almost 100 million…
W/e, level 46 Aran/157 Bishop = 🙂
wth Jagex BANS people now?
Well, they did scrap the old wilderness and arrest a man for some offense I don’t remember. Why not?
You need to add me in Broa, DonSinatra >O
do u know how many pewople have account shared at least once? there just being nubs =l
Mario Kart Wii > Runescape
No judgement here. I don’t care about third-party programs or account sharing, to me game devs are being complete bitches about this kind of thing nowadays.