Well, I'm still playing Runescape, for anyone who's interested (frankly, I'd say no one is, but hey, it's still open). I've gotten a few good kills in PvPing, that is to say less than 100k value but fairly decent nonetheless. Too many range2h players. Range2h players are the type that, well… uses two types of combat: range, in the form of maple shortbows and usually adamant arrows, and melee, often to surprise people with a sudden rune two-hander uppercut for massive, supposedly endgame damage; some people also opt to use the more popular rune scimitar. There are a few reasons why I dislike them. One, is that I recently got 43 prayer, which means I can sort of defend against all types of damage, and decrease them significantly for PvP fights. Using two combat styles, naturally, circumvents prayer usage better, though there is still some deflection. Second, range is insistently popular in F2P, mostly because it is swift, and it is downright lethal at nearly any level. Third, there are so many of them that they consistently show up as my Bounty Hunter target, which automatically means I lose, because I use a Mac for this game, and my one-click mouse is more tricky to use in a two-click game, so I can't do those fancy eating and switching techniques so popular with PKers. Between Bounty Hunter and PvP worlds, I probably kill 1% of my opponents to decent avail (good loot), and the other 99% is junk or semi-decent. With 22 defence and 43 prayer, I'm officially PvP's worst nightmare, mainly because I embody so many characteristics that them PKers despise: 1-iteming, protection prayers, defence (though it's not that much of a threat, really), and not risking overall. Which means I can't kill anyone without running, be it s/he or me (trust me, I wuss out fast when I risk when my prayer goes kaput). If anyone's game for a little negotiation and manipulation of the game's system for some profit (26king, as we call it, and I sincerely hope the Runescape police don't arrest me for doing so), I'm all for it. If I do get 60 attack, and hopefully get some membership, I'm going to grab a set of dragon claws and noob it up like no tomorrow. I really hate the stuck-up nerds of the internet community, and some cheap and guerilla warfare would seriously blam the crap outta 'em.
How is it possible that I get an A+ grade on my midyear exam and it still brings down my grade? Simple: I'm just that good. And no joke; I do really excel in PreCalculus at the moment. But I think it's a load of bull, mostly because I havn't learned anything new except for parametrics and some tidbits of this and that.
My Physics exam was less frustrating. I could have gotten a full 100 on it, except I screwed up on a single measurement, and that's a chip off. No big deal, to be truthful, but the fact that it was nothing more than a calculation error that killed it still nags at me.
I really think my mental faculties are degrading, it's fairly likely. While it will probably be extraordinarily painful, I did hear that asylums have acceptable living conditions, the other psychopaths notwithstanding.
I have a small question: can one lessen the chance of being toasted by lightning by entering a car and closing the door? Many people I've asked said no, including one who said because the car would explode. Personally, I think it's a good protection source, if one is not nearby, because the metallic chassis of a car acts as a shield, taking the brunt of the energy, and also dissipating it into the floor. There is some question about the engine catching fire, but I think that the engine is isolated enough from the chassis that the energy transferred to the engine will probably not result in combustion or explosion, extreme conditions aside.
If Runescape issues a macro ban on your account, you can pretty much kiss it goodbye. For logical reasons, which I still detest, Jagex has the right to withhold the evidence of your discriminating action if you macroed. That means you can't devise a proper enough argument against it; it makes anyone wrongfully banned nearly impossible to clear it. Thus, R.I.P. mrhippies.
I had been neglecting Puzzle Pirates for a while, mainly because of my resurfacing interest for Runescape. A quick peek at it shows that inflation in the doubloon economy has ended, and prices are down from ~3000 to ~2000.
My poker skills still fail. But internet poker is never fair.
A new building, the trading post, paves way for chroma, essentially dye. The currently purchasable dyes are the more exclusive colors, such as sea green, atlantean and indigo. It finally gives trinkets purpose in the game: to be converted into dye. It may or may not be worth it, but it's a start on trinket use.
Many things in life makes me darkly bitter. Current event politics. My own failures and mistakes. School. Widespread financial corruption. Hysterical delusion.
But, given that it's February, one thing adds to the nagging pile: women (or girls or female teenagers or whoever they are formally called). It's not that I dislike girls or anything; puberty hormones really prevent a good lot of that anyway. But it's just that I see a lot of relationships here and there while going on my daily routines at school, and with my friends, and so forth. I'm grateful for them, for finding love (or lust, well, at least they're socially adept), and yes, there is the typical minute traces of jealousy or envy or whatever. It's not them I'm bitter at; I wish nothing of my doing to interfere with their relationships, which I have no reason to butt in anyway. It's me. I, being probably the most socially inept person in the school, not to mention am a scrooge at many things anyway, am not likely to score any time soon. Although my reason is surely impaired, my realism faculties do calculate with modestly accurate probability. My life is best described as a whirlpool into Hades; my doubt erodes me like sand-blasting. I see myself to an anchor to anyone that gets near me. My best chance of surviving in this society is probably to find an appropriate partner of the opposite gender, something to look forward to, but yet another part of me fears that I will merely impede that person in their road, and, unless I hate that person with a fury, in which it would be a wonder to hook up with her, I prefer to let people do their own doings/undoings.
Girls: you never know what they think. Then again, no one knows what I think.
Being an avid Halo fan, there are some things to be admired about it, as well as things to reconsider. I have nothing against the Call of Duty; in fact, Modern Warfare 2 looks and has the gameplay of pure insanity. But Halo's my blood, for reasons private and personal. Anyway, I got to thinking about it, and for reasons also personal, and perhaps unusual, I want to make a picture of a human skull with Elite mandibles in some way; the ultimate oddball skull, in a dim blue light. Thing is, it's only in my brain, and my drawing skills are… yea. I'd be grateful if anyone has the free time to burn to compose something like that, though don't expect anything in return, except your name on it, I suppose. If for some reason it does take off, then we may negotiate (but that's a longshot farther than the 7 kilometers of coldsnap).
And thus ends my blog.
Enjoy, and no cookies.
Edit: Finally! I got a kill on a PvP world! About 120k drop, including a rune scimitar, battleaxe, and 2-hander, as well as an artefact worth 10k, and 40 death runes. Score!
Just don’t bother with love.
It just gets in the way of things that actually matter.
Rubber from the tires insulate the car. Nothing happens to you if your car gets struck by lightning.
Elites remind me of Aliens.
HAHAHAHAHA. girls can make your life infifinitely better or tragically worse. find the right ones and youll be good =)