This is going to be a review of Halo: Reach. It's somewhat ironic, considering that I've never played it beyond the beta (natural forces, i.e. school, has diverted my resources). Still, I am hoping to straighten out what I've seen and heard. I do warn ahead of time that they may/will be spoilers.
The campaign looks adequately lengthy, significantly longer than Halo 3 and certainly longer than ODST. The presence of invincible AIs at your assistance seems to dumb down some difficult firefights, but not so much that you don't have to contribute your fair share of bullets/plasma. The difficulty settings do intrigue me, in that the difficulties do represent numerous challenges to the player, from extra enemies and higher ranks to longer burst fire and demonic accuracy. The campaign looks like it encompasses every piece of equipment that is seen on the multiplayer aspects of Reach, and more. From light and heavy weapons and armor abilities, to a low-orbit battle in space and a large cannon comparable to a magnetic acceleration cannon, it's got everything. I am looking forward to getting acquainted with the target locator.
A grim campaign, but the tragedy really brings out the heroism of the characters.
This time around, firefight has come with a few more switches and knobs. Of course, the prospect of infinite ammunition, health and shields has made "cheesing" a fairly common idea, not to mention an obviously easy way to get the firefight achievements, among others. Still, for anyone who is actually up to the challenge, or perhaps for anyone who wants to make up their own challenge, firefight provides a nice platform to duke it out with wave after wave of Covenant uglies. It is worth noting that Drones, also infamously known as buggers, do not exist in the confines of firefight. Perhaps I may intend to fight unlimited Hunters with a shotty-sniper configuration. Who knows?
If you're gonna play gruntocalypse on Legendary, bring an extra set of underwear. You'll face grunts like they've never grunted before.
And here is the crown jewel. Halo multiplayer has remained largely unchanged since the days of spawn-killing in an arid box canyon in the middle of nowhere. Of course, a few changes have been administered for the sake of enjoyable gameplay. Spawn-killing is more or less nonexistent (though I will have to see if that is the case on Hemorrhage); maps are significantly smaller than the Halo 1 maps, though slightly larger than the claustrophobic terrain of Halo 3; several new gametypes have emerged, including Arena and Invasion, while many older gametypes still persist, such as ol'-fashioned slayer and CTF, assault and race, infection and Grifball, oddball and KOTH.
Invasion was an exquisite work of large maps that is simply unparalleled for a game that only allows 16 players. Based on several gametypes, including KOTH and CTF, normal invasion requires the attacking team to take certain checkpoints before taking a core item and returning it to an extraction point. The teams are 6v6, although technically people work in tag teams. Although, for the most part people enjoy killing the opposing team. This is where Invasion Slayer comes in. Certain checkpoints can be taken, which, after a small amount of time, will reward anyone still standing there some equipment or vehicles, depending on what race you are, human or elites. The game is to 100 kills, and you better be prepared to make those kills and drag your own weight.
Headhunter is a nice new gametype, something like holding a rocket launcher you can't use. You kill others, and they drop a skull. You pick it up, and you have to bring it/them to a designated area, that periodically moves. You get killed, you drop a skull, and you also drop any skulls you were holding. It's essentially Halo-hoarding, which, oddly enough I find fun. It's one of those gametypes where YOU choose whether you want to win or not, whether you want to kill or go for an objective, more like oddball than slayer.
Frankly, I would post a more detailed review for Reach; it has many nooks and crannies that I havn't been able to spell out in this blog alone, but I cannot at the moment. Perhaps in the morn I will further detail my opinions of Reach.
Still don’t have Reach.
On a Reach-unrelated note, I just made a gametype:
Weapons and Vehicles
Primary Weapon: Plasma Pistol
Secondary Weapon: Magnum
Infinite Ammo
No Grenades
No Equipment use
No Vehicle use
Player Traits
Health: Normal
Shield: x4 Overshield
Shield Regeneration: -10% (Decay)
Vampirism: 100%
Spawn Traits (Basically what happens in the first second or so after spawning)
Health: Normal
Shield: x4 Overshield
Speed: 150%
Gravity: 150%
Marker and Radar
Radar: Off
Marker: Everyone
Basically, you’ll start out with x4 overshields, which decay slowly over time. To kill, you’ll mostly be charging your plasma pistol and taking out their shield (which pretty much transfers their shields to you) and then meleeing them really quickly.
Yahtzee’s review on Reach. It’s actually surprisingly… okay. Although his reasoning is kind of… bleh.
Edit: But the Campaign is cool, but kidna boring. The story just doesn’t seem as good as Halo 3’s was. And some of the noble Team members’ voice makes me want to shoot them, but owait, THEY CAN’T DIE!
Armor abilities add a new twist to Multi-player which is too hype and the “Psych Profile” can make your day if you get the right people.
DMR’s are amazing once you get used to them, not as good as the Battle Rifle though.
FireFight is SO MUCH FUN! Maybe because I didn’t play when I tired ODST but omg life changing shit right there. I JUST WISH WE COULD HAVE MORE THAN 2 LOCAL PLAYERS PLAYING AT ONCE THOUGH, THEN IT WOULD BE PERFECT!
I’m at the mission where you go into space, hopefully I get to flying soon.
As a spoiler (srsly)…
A lot of people die in this game.
i have no tv to hook to my xbox 🙁
@Nass: As Yahtzee said, they wouldn’t profile up so many characters if they weren’t going to eventually pick them off anyway. Regarding the DMR, it’s strong of course, but they scrapped the Battle Rifle because headshots were too easy… just click and “sweep” across the head area. At least one bullet should hit. That’s how I played through the Halo 3 Campaign… Plasma Pistol + Battle Rifle
Yo, I was playing Reach all day Friday and Saturday, and let me tell you this:
Everyone dies. Everyone. The end. The planet is glassed.
Yeah but with all the Elites having beast shields and over 9000 health. A battle rifle wouldn’t hurt…
Noble Six>Master Chief
@Dustin: Yeah, the opening cinematic is your broken helmet in front of a blazing mountain. Surprise surprise.
@Nass: Six is a foot shorter than Master Chief. He needs night vision too. Elites feel like they have epic shields and health because Six is weeeeeeeeak. Who needs a combat knife? You don’t see Jorge using one. Anyway, Master Chief could own six elites at one any day.
About the battle rifle thing… Have you ever used a plasma pistol before? Take out the shield, THEN headshot.
k no, Master Chief is a fucking noob. Six is actually skilled at the shit he does and at life in general. You know how many accidents he’s gotten into? 2. And one was in a fucking plane, AND HE STILL LIVED. His assassination? Knife kills and cracked necks. What was Chief’s cool assassination animation again? owait….
And that combo is for whimppppsss.
Got Halo Reach like a few days ago and it is great. Also got the Recon helmet but I’m pretty sure it’s not anything special, right? Anyways, great game and an awesome goodbye from Bungie to the fans.
There’ll Be Another Time indeed…
@Nass: Seriously, when I was playing the Beta Invasion, the first thing I would do is kill someone on the opposite team so I have Plasma Pistol + Magnum. If you’ve ever considered trying or tried to play any Halo campaign without a headshotting and a shield depleting gun combo, you’ll be very sad. Especially Halo 2.
Armor Abilities are fucking retarded.
Sprint and Roll are actually extremely fun. I find the deployable shields and armour lock bogus though. Jetpack is also okay.
You know what would make this game even BETTER?!
I didn’t have that much difficulty doing Halo 3 campaign though. Just use what I got.
I like Armor Lock. Ghosts boost towards me and I activate it to get a kill.
Ghosts weren’t imbalanced in Halo 3 for splatters. If you know what you’re doing, jump and shoot.