So anyway, that's when the laxative kicked in-
Oh, wrong story.
Anywhat, I have been perusing this site for a while, and thought that it was about time to make another blog.
World of Warcraft
Yea, I have no idea what that's all about (not a WoW junkie). Cataclysm's making a whole lot of hubbub. All I know.
Big Bang. 'Nuff said.
I havn't had the chance to log into the new world, but it sure sounds like people are pissed about some of the experience ratios. Others are getting pissed about the new Resistance class, typical of oldies. Whatever the case, the constituents of Maplestory are surprisingly taking it well.
Yes, I still linger around that old antique.
The highlight of Runescape is that Jagex is considering (or planning to, more likely the latter) the return of the old Wilderness. That's right, they're bringing back free trade, staking, and ol' fashioned PvP. None of that statuette stuff or the randomizer drop things, the real deal, pre-07 style. There has been an understandably incredible amount of traffic on this issue, both on the forums and literally online. And, of course, I've already come across some select folks who are female-dogging about it. Geez, these kids have got to eat more of that hormone-laden meat.
Halo: Reach
STILL havn't played this game yet, and I'm itching to try it! I hope I get around to during the holidays (oh wait, that's now). Still wish they kept the Brute Shot; that thing looked badass.
Call of Duty: Black Ops
As the adversary of Halo: Reach, it's only fair that I try both games, right? I might get that chance as well. I have nothing against Call of Duty; in fact, during the times in which I have played it, I enjoyed it quite well (of course, I'm the one trying to snipe with a light machine gun, but that's my style). I just prefer Halo because of the science (fiction, but science nonetheless).
Had a foot of snow dumped right here. That sucks, because it isn't a school day.
Been reading the ToaLS recently. Heads up to you, AznRiceFan, don't stop makin' those fanfics!
So cheers, happy whatever holiday you celebrate, and do not lick the pole in subfreezing temperatures. Please.
I went to sleep, and woke from my nightmare…
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Hmm, reminds me I have a new chapter done, but still in the edit queue.