A Few Things I’ve Learned From Games/Cartoons

By In Uncategorized

1. Pokemon taught me to SAVE. You never know how invaluable it is until your Word rage-quits on you halfway through your essay. Apparently finishing a paper is akin to catching a Groudon.

2. Kaiba from Yugioh taught me about 51%, the majority vote (shame; they could have probably gone on about the supermajority).

3. Countless vocabulary words. Haters will hate on everything from Dungeons and Dragons to Diablo 3, but you’ve got to admit there’s a ton of colorful language to go about. (And that’s excluding Grand Theft Auto and Saint’s Row.)

4. Efficiency is THE endgame: it doesn’t matter whether you’re playing Maplestory or Call of Duty, Starcraft or Minecraft. Grindscape WILL eventually set in. Casual gamers are usually the least efficient players, but they usually have the most fun. How I envy them.

5. NEVER go into politics. It can be important to follow them, but if anything can be said about Puzzle Pirates crew politics, mudslinging is the primary weapon (well, actually secondary, after cannons).

6. Idiocy pays: Let’s Plays agree.

7. Learn your economy. Runescape’s Grand Exchange is probably a great way to learn the basics of supply and demand (and possibly exploit the more complex concepts).

8. Reading, writing, math, logic and science is everywhere. If you want to play a video game, you’re going to need some understanding of the basics. Games like Mario only requires the basic understanding that 100 coins equal a life. In Halo, then, ducking, covering, and conserving ammo are not mutually exclusive acts. I don’t care how much of a lazy prick one is, who doesn’t want to learn anything, if you want to play a game, LEARN.

9. Security in the Internet is about as reliable as it is unreliable. First Runescape account would tell you, if it wasn’t still hacked and lost for all eternity.

10. Suspend your disbelief. No one likes a cynic or a critic. Enjoy the fireworks while they’re still firing; feel the adrenaline of the high-speed chase. Critiquing comes after the show, not during. Don’t be THAT douche. Watch the damn show!

One Comment

greenelf 3 December 2012 Reply

I’ve learned quite a bit from games as well, I guess that might be my next blog topic

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