Vindictus (3)

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4th day of Vindictus CBT – and sadly, my last (maybe, not 100% sure if I'll find the time to play). I have finished the entire thing (CBT content only) :< Lots of screenies to show you guys. In total, about 40 hours of gameplay for now. I finally reached level 12, which is pretty much the last level you can go on the CBT without starting to farm, so.

I wanted to expand on some sections and show you guys some more interfaces, as well as elaborating on some stuff.

Where to start.. where to start.. okay, some more images to display how cool the graphics can look at times. Reminder, this IS A FREE GAME, and it looks better than a ton of PAID games. That's saying something.

Awesome sword is awesome.

Now that we got that out of the way…

Here's the interface for throwing stuff, it's fairly simple:

Now, you may be wondering what I'm shooting at – well, it's a giant worm.
More pictures of the worm:

Odd angle shot mentioned in 2nd blog:

Just to elaborate a bit on expeditions, I think I mentioned this in my first blog, how each expedition always starts with a boat right? Well, here's a boat on fire:

You can use unlimited amount of equipped consumables – so fire kits, bombs, spears, grappling hooks, etc, can be spammed here, leading to the destruction of the ship. You can also throw spears at other people while they're doing their intro thing, which is pretty funny.

There's also these dice on the ship – I donno what they're for exactly, but:

you can cook them apparently. o_o

As stated in the previous blog, your armor breaks as you go on, unless you repair it either near a campfire, or using a repair kit that you have to buy. Here's an example of a broken top:

Here are the anvils to repair equipment on:

And the healing power of the fire if you sit down:

Healing while letting others do all the hard work and reaping the loot afterward >:D

Also to elaborate a bit on skills – contrary to my belief, skills do not stop at rank A. Once you're rank A, you have to go up to Rank 9, 8, 7 … 1. I'm not even sure if there's skills that are past rank 1. But I can't get rank 9 because you need to be level 15 for that, and that'll be insane to farm and pointless on CBT. I think every class gets unique skills, but also share general skills that can be purchased from shops. That's what I think anyways.

Surprisingly, the armor at level 10 is already very cool, this is my current setup:

With sword:

Armor is not bought in shops, but rather crafted. It places a huge emphasis on gathering materials and crafting your own stuff. This does add a certain element of farming that wasn't there before. But it's an MMORPG – what else can you expect?

There's also MINING in the game. It's not like RuneScape, where it's a specific skill, but you can bring along mining bombs instead of spears, and if you encounter ore rocks along the way, you can blow it up, "mining it." The frustrating thing is that if you're in a party, the ore gets shared, so sometimes the two ores that you "mine" might not even be able for loot to you, the miner. >:

-kicks Nexon-

Btw, that's a duck sign. When you hit it, it makes a funny 'quack' sound. First time I heard that I lol'd.

Target practice:

Oh, and there's actually two types of expeditions now. One is just a normal expedition, or battle expedition. The other one is a raid. A battle expedition can be up to 4 people, while a raid can be up to 6. Cool, huh? Provided the host isn't laggy, it's really fun with 6 people if you're all working together.

Said expedition pictures (GIANT POLAR BEAR):




I didn't get a screenie of us killing it. >: I killed it twice though, and I made new gloves that I showed in that picture where I was standing. 😀

Anyways, this is the last boss in CBT, it's basically like any other game of boss waves. There's 4 waves, the final wave ending with this particular baddie:


Well, that's about it for CBT from me. Maybe someone could start playing Lann and get pictures from his point of view. o_O I'm done for now. Until Open Beta!

EDIT: Oh, one more thing I forgot to mention. Each expedition takes about 30-40 minutes. Tokens recharge every day at 10 PM PST, or you can trade in stuff to Tieve for tokens. 50 tokens = 15 expeditions * 30 = 450 minutes of pure dungeon play, not counting the beginner dungeons that you could do/questing in town/making armor/trading. So I would say that it's completely fair so far. That token amount might go insane in higher level stages, but I rather doubt it.


David 14 August 2010 Reply

Not a single comment.

I am despress.

Nass 14 August 2010 Reply

I decided not to comment after seeing big butt polar bear.

FireLeo86 14 August 2010 Reply

Sir, when you put items into a camp fire that aren’t enchanted, you basically burn them for exp. Or in case of a certain item, invincibility and 100% wound rate.

David 15 August 2010 Reply
Nass said: I decided not to comment after seeing big butt polar bear.


@FireLeo, orite.

FireLeo86 15 August 2010 Reply

Also what the hell is with the violence to the Polar Bear? You can make one your pet in Mabinogi and increase it’s size by feeding it tofu! Magic tofu.

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