VuCast Episode 01

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I totally forgot about segways. My bad. Next time I'll try to transition it through every topic so we don't talk about random stuff. This week, we didn't have a limit on the # of participants, which turned out to be a bad idea. We had Spade, Froggy, Arly, Dest, Pirkid, Connie, Sneha, and me on it…

However, if you are a panelist next time, you must think of two topics to talk about.

Put your topics up HERE:
Panelists should have received the link by now.

Also, please ensure your equipment is in proper working order. Date of recording is January 8th, 2011 @ 10:00 PM EST. Make sure you're on Skype by 9:45 PM EST.

episode 01

Again, there is explicit content, including mentions of sexual organs, so viewer discretion is somewhat advised.



Dest1 3 January 2011 Reply

I’d like to secure a spot. And stuff of interest include predictions for 2011 (electronics, VuTales stuff, etc) and like, memes or something.

MasterCheeze 3 January 2011 Reply

I’d like to secure a spot. A couple of topics I’d be interested in are Mortal Kombat 9 (the newest one coming out in April) and the 3DS (I think you mentioned this in ep. 0, but I’d like to talk about it if we can).

Wolfboy183 3 January 2011 Reply

I’d like to be on…but i just moved and don’t get stable internet till the 12th. neighbor’s router keeps cutting out

FunnyFroggy 3 January 2011 Reply

I already put two suggestions on the typewithme page.

DarkDragoon 3 January 2011 Reply

I’d like to be on, Topics include Tokyo Youth Ordinance Bill and the future of anime…maybe scratch the last one out considering panelists

snowhamster 3 January 2011 Reply

Oh. Lee got a good topic 😮

I said 4 things in this episode. I ARE PROUD. YEE BOY.

And why is there no Shania Twain? D:

David 3 January 2011 Reply

No spoilers pls for next episode intro.

dee32693 3 January 2011 Reply

I’m in 😀 I want to talk about terrible movies!

Gujju 3 January 2011 Reply

if spots are filled w.e but if not, count me in. I plan on getting a better mic this week -.-

Anime 🙂
going green craze

David 3 January 2011 Reply

Panel’s filled, so sign-ups have ENDED. If anyone changes plans, you can continue posting below to have fill-in spots. I’m planning to have a 5 people on at once, any more and it’ll be too much talking over each other.

Dustin 3 January 2011 Reply

The girl, I’m assuming is Gujju, is amazing and funny.

Pir made it funny too.

The random Asian guy laughter and stuff was cool too. You guys did pretty well.

DarkDragoon 3 January 2011 Reply
David said: Panel’s filled, so sign-ups have ENDED. If anyone changes plans, you can continue posting below to have fill-in spots. I’m planning to have a 5 people on at once, any more and it’ll be too much talking over each other.

Well hurry up and update the panel then >l
I skipped over your comment the first time I read through the comments you know

Arladerus 3 January 2011 Reply

I’ll do next next week when I figure out how to make my mic stop poking at itself

SirPainsalot 3 January 2011 Reply

I will never. Ever. Go to Skype/VuCast.
u silly vutalianz

Nass 3 January 2011 Reply

The 8th?

k I give this thing like 2 months before it gets boring/dies.
And I’m being generous here.

SirPainsalot 3 January 2011 Reply

That’s the problem with VuTalians.
We can’t keep organized nor keep interest of anything (I’m looking at you, VuMS).
This is probably because all of our interest are NOT based around gaming; in fact, they are very diverse.
This should stay up for for a while as it’s pretty much talk whatever the fuck you want.
EDIT: By the way, suggestion for next podcast would be: What would you name the podcast? Simple, eh?

Nass 3 January 2011 Reply

That’s because we’re mostly teens/young adults. Fuck being organized

David 3 January 2011 Reply
Nass said: The 8th?

k I give this thing like 2 months before it gets boring/dies.
And I’m being generous here.

Most podcasts don’t even last a few weeks, so, that’s actually really good. 😀

Nass 3 January 2011 Reply
David said:

Nass said: The 8th?

k I give this thing like 2 months before it gets boring/dies.
And I’m being generous here.

Most podcasts don’t even last a few weeks, so, that’s actually really good. 😀

Yah. But I figured, you know we do well with things that are easy (Like our RPs for example.) and can easily involve everyone.

Gujju 3 January 2011 Reply

This shouldn’t be too hard to organize, most of us have each other on msn and skype anyways. For those who dont, its easy enough to drop David or any of the other podcast people a message with an email address 🙂

Lithium 3 January 2011 Reply

I’ll sign up for the 15th.
I’ve got some topics ready to roll.

Vusys 4 January 2011 Reply

All those people, and you missed me out?

David 4 January 2011 Reply

If you wanna be on, just tell me, I’ll add you anytime. Considering Vusys Rants will probably be the most popular segment. 😮

Vusys 4 January 2011 Reply

Of course.

Spade 5 January 2011 Reply

Maybe next time you should put the names of who’s talking.

MasterCheeze 5 January 2011 Reply

UH OOOOOOOH!!! Can we maybe do the next episode this Thursday? I gotta head back to college either Friday or Saturday, and the stupid dorms don’t allow Skype.

BlackNazgul 6 January 2011 Reply

I miss this site / you guys lol…

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