By In Uncategorized

Yeah. Eff titles. Titles are overrated.

Anyway. Let's get it on like d- Oh wait, that's trademarked.

… Damn you Nintendo.

Let's start at the beginning shall we? This week's Wednesday was a epic snowday for us, meaning I was bored for the next 12 hours. Being the complete idiot that I am, I decide to go give MapleStory a try – considering Big Bang was out and there were 2 new classes, one of which had an excellent leveling hack, I decided to go for the Wild Hunter.

So that was Wednesday.

This is after er, 3 days:

So basically what this is, Wild Hunters has this skill called "It's Raining Mines!" Well, once you record the position of the mine dropping, you can spam it.

If you spam it across the map, map goes Kaboom, all the exp is yours to take, making leveling extremely easy, especially with the new EXP curve.

Overall reaction: Meh.

In Vindictus news, that was a lot more exciting. Someone published an external console, that can be used in conjunction with commands. This was never intended, but what resulted was this:



1hko, gravity hacks, super speed, equipment that hasn't been released yet, and warping to random maps. How naise.

Oh yeah, I'll probably make a compilation of all of that once the console's patched – don't want too much overexposure now do we?

Anyway, if any of you play those games and want to do that, I'll be glad to send you all the materials I use. Granted, I'm not advocating for breaking games, but just do it for giggles.


Gujju 15 January 2011 Reply

Why is Mabi always about a giant spider?

DarkDragoon 15 January 2011 Reply

I wouldn’t mind some MS hex o;
Been bored lately

Wolfboy183 15 January 2011 Reply
Gujju said: I give them kudos for not just going with dragons 😀
tarheel91 15 January 2011 Reply

Would’ve been better if it was a Giant Enemy Crab.

SirPainsalot 16 January 2011 Reply

Anyway I refuse to play that heathen of a game.

Dest1 16 January 2011 Reply

Like a sooooooooooooooooommmmeeeboooodeee direct me to da NEEEGAAAAAAAAAH departuhment

Ganzicus 16 January 2011 Reply

Total derp with the first Vindictus screenshot.

Pirkid 17 January 2011 Reply

Lol @ half the pictures broken.

David 17 January 2011 Reply

o.o it’s fine here, idk wut u tlkng abut

Pirkid 18 January 2011 Reply

Fixed it. Another lol @ Maple. It’s so goddamn easy now.

Back in my day, we used to fight for Ant Tunnnel channels, meng.

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