VuCast Episode 3.5

By In Uncategorized

I don't even know what this is.

Concerning JB getting a movie deal for back to the future: disregard that. It was a rumor that has now been dismissed.

I cut out 80% of the actual length we were talking, so my apologies if you have no idea what's going on.

You're not supposed to know what's going on.

This is not an official episode.

Therefore, it does not follow the proper format.


Although we might keep the intro. The intro's pretty nice. IMO.

episode 3.5


Dest1 23 January 2011 Reply

from the bawlsack

SirPainsalot 23 January 2011 Reply


Gujju 23 January 2011 Reply

thanks for putting me saying ballsack. really

Pirkid 24 January 2011 Reply

When does this stuff even happen? 🙁

Lithium 24 January 2011 Reply

David stutters a lot, lolol

David 26 January 2011 Reply
Lithium said: David stutters a lot, lolol


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