To LoL or not to LoL

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So due to several reasons, I feel motivated to write this:

1) League of Legends is down. wtf.
2) Procrastinating is the best way to tin-foil hat all the stress from an upcoming cs midterm.


So basically it’s a MOBA – a multiplayer online BATTLE ARENA. SOUNDS COOL AMIRITE.

So as of right now, pretty sure the known vutalers known to play this is Pirkid, Arladerus, Dustin, FunnyFroggy, Lithium, and like another person I can’t remember. :/ Oh and me. Which is pretty much all of vutales at this point.


But because it’s teamplay, on some bad days, you have to deal with crap like this:
Yes, a 9gag post. dealwithit.jpg


or otherwise, solo q (meaning you find games, and play by yourself) is real terror. Meaning you’ll get stressed out, flamed at, abused, slapped, kicked down, punched in the gut, kicked in the balls, or all of the above. It’s pretty bad.

It doesn’t mean that you consistently need 4 other people to play with. In fact, one other person is often the best result. Or 2 other people. I find that the chances of losing grows if you play in a premade 5, especially if one or two of your 5 is not up to par in terms of skill level.

Anyway, enough about that, let’s move on to the core mechanics.

The basic premise of the game is fairly simple, you select a champion, right click to move it to an area, left click to select any targets after pressing keys. This is usually the method to use skills, unless you smartcast, which means you hover your mouse button over the other person and press the skill, and it will automatically try to cast it for you, if it’s in range, etc.

As of right now, there’s 99 champions, with the 100th champion coming -soon-.

Champs are divided roughly into 5 distinct areas, but a champion may excel in more than one area.

We have the following:

AP Carry – Ability power carry, or mages, such as:

Ryze, a very standard mage.

In the current META-GAME (commonly accepted anyway), AP (Ability Power, in layman terms: magic) casters belong in the MIDDLE lane. Some may prefer to go top lane, although that’s rare in North America.

AP casters scale the best with levels – the stronger (more leveled up) their spells, the more damage they do. Items help with their damage.

The top lane is where you will usually see AD/AP bruisers. There are exceptions, but most are melee, with a gap-closer/escape, a crowd control skill, and some form of steroid. These champions are inherently/to be built tanky, and is meant to stick to the opposing teams heavy damage dealers, either the fed AP or AD carry.

Top lane: Renekton

AD carry, or Attack-Damage carry, belongs in the bottom lane. Because of the nature of AD carries, they scale the best with items. The more attack damage they have, the more sustained damage they deal, as opposed to AP casters, who can often deal high amounts of burst damage. Since AD carries are so squishy and often don’t have strong escaping skills, they usually lane with some type of support character. Support characters are exactly what they sound like – their job is to peel for the AD carry, disrupt the enemy team, and alert the team on objectives.

Example of a standard AD carry: Ashe

Supports ward/counter ward the map, giving vision of key areas, which prevents mostly plays made by the jungler. The support also -should- peel for the ad carry at all times, disrupt the enemy team with crowd control, support teammates with shields, heals, summoner spells, etc.

Janna, master support:

The Jungler is usually a melee bruiser that kills neutral camps of minions that won’t attack a champion unless engaged upon. There’s a jungle on either side, with 2 important BUFF camps that either grant mana regenration + cool down reduction, or basic attack slow + burn damage per second. These buffs usually decide early game. There’s also 2 major neutral monsters, each unique. There’s the Drake/Dragon, a neutral monster that, if killed, grants 190 gold +25 to the person that killed it, to each member of the killing team. Then there’s Baron Nashor, a monster that is very hard to kill, but once killed grants 300 gold/member and a buff that gives % based attack, armor, and mana regeneration.

A very good jungler: Lee Sin

There are towers on each of the lanes, and they get stronger with each tower. There’s 3 towers that must be destroyed before the inhibitor becomes “naked”, and can be taken down to buff all minions in that lane, as well as spawn super-creeps, minions that have very high hp and attack damage.

Goal of the game is to take down the inhibitors, then destroy the NEXUS turrets, and finally the enemy nexus to win the game.

To help you on this quest, you must last-hit creeps/minions for extra gold. Gold allows you to buy items from the store, usually to to upgrade your base stats, or for unique passives/actives that you can use in teamfights.

1 more 9gag post on teamfighting

So essentially, most characters come down to their ‘r’ ability. R is an ultimate skill, a skill that can only be leveled up at 6, 11, and 16. Each iteration makes the ability more powerful, but level 6 is where an entire teamfight could change because an ultimate was used. Some are very powerful, such as the AP caster mage Karthas – whose ultimate deals a set amount of magic damage to all alive enemy members, a very powerful finisher and easy to land ultimate (impossible to miss unless you are disrupted while you are channeling the skill).

Oh, and when you kill other champions you get bonus gold. You also get bonus from assists (meaning you helped kill a champion but you did not deal the finishing blow).

If you die you get one death and contribute to the enemies gold count. Dying consecutively without killing any other champions will lower your bounty/worth – making it less and less worthwhile to kill you.

Good scores usually revolve around your role. Tanks/Supports should have few kills ~1-5, with a high ratio of assists and relatively as few deaths as possible. In the case of squishy supports, they often should have no deaths at all.

AP carries revolve around high risk high reward plays, and should have a high–kill but also high–death ratio. The same applies to bruisers. Unless you get fed early kills, in which case you buy enough items to snowball the effect and dominate the game.

AD carries should have very few deaths, but a high amount of kills as they deal the most consistent damage throughout the game.

Both AP, AD, and Top laners should have the highest amount of CS (creep score/minion kills) on each team. The jungler should follow, while the support should have the least amount of CS. AD carry takes most/all of the CS in bottom lane, supports in current meta rely on Gold-per-10 second items for income. Because they’re not item reliant, they usually just buy wards and maybe finish 3-4 items, even into late game. Wards are a big part of a support’s inventory, and a support should always have wards. Other team members as well, but into the late game where some characters have 6-item builds, they have no slots for wards.

That basically covers the basics (lol). The game is hard to get into at first, but quite addicting once you do, so beware.


greenelf 20 June 2012 Reply

Playing league was probably the most confusing gaming experience I’ve ever had. I watched a tutorial video, so I stayed in the middle lane, bought items and stuff throughout the entire game, but I never really understood what I was supposed to be doing. Attack minions, while I wait for my “power” things to recharge?

But I’ll probably give it another shot, now that’s its summer and stuff.

Dustin 20 June 2012 Reply

I don’t like Janna.

Her sustain just doesn’t match Sona’s or even Soraka’s. And her ult is much less clutch than Soraka’s and is worse at zoning than Sona’s ult. I feel like she’s just a subpar mix of the two with crazy harass. And with good players 9/10 times you’re going to miss most of your skillshots.

Only thing she’s got is her shield.

David 20 June 2012 Reply
greenelf said: Playing league was probably the most confusing gaming experience I’ve ever had. I watched a tutorial video, so I stayed in the middle lane, bought items and stuff throughout the entire game, but I never really understood what I was supposed to be doing. Attack minions, while I wait for my “power” things to recharge?

But I’ll probably give it another shot, now that’s its summer and stuff.

Yeah, it’s quite confusing at first. If you do actually want to get to know the game, you need to read some beginner guides, and just play a lot more games, maybe with some of us show we can show you what to do.

Item builds can be found on a lot of sites, such as, <- look for the ones with a lot of green thumbs, etc.

Dustin said: I don’t like Janna.

Her sustain just doesn’t match Sona’s or even Soraka’s. And her ult is much less clutch than Soraka’s and is worse at zoning than Sona’s ult. I feel like she’s just a subpar mix of the two with crazy harass. And with good players 9/10 times you’re going to miss most of your skillshots.

Only thing she’s got is her shield.

A lot of people play her wrong — in lane she’s excellent at harassing w/o the usage of her q, able to autoattack while taking relatively no damage with her shield, and if engaged on the AD carry could simply follow up while she uses q to disrupt the other AD. In teamfights, she’s really good at peeling, which is pretty much why you see her all the time at tournament matches, her win rate is above 60% if I recall correctly, but that number could be biased because TSM Xpecial literally used Janna every single opportunity he got, and they won most of their matches at both RoG, MLG, and GESL, so.

The problem in SoloQ and low elo is that most people that play Janna don’t zone, don’t get bush control and uses her ult wrong.. so yeah in that scenario a soraka or sona, supports that require way less effort will definitely roll faces. The only benefit here would be the 3% movespeed bonus, which is pretty much one of the most imbalanced passives in the game…

As of right now my favorite support is definitely Leona. Kit too stronk.

darkness 21 June 2012 Reply

I still have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. I’m just going to assume it’s like Nexus Wars, with a lot of fancy stuff added in, wrapped in an RPG format.

Dustin 21 June 2012 Reply
David said:

greenelf said: Playing league was probably the most confusing gaming experience I’ve ever had. I watched a tutorial video, so I stayed in the middle lane, bought items and stuff throughout the entire game, but I never really understood what I was supposed to be doing. Attack minions, while I wait for my “power” things to recharge?

But I’ll probably give it another shot, now that’s its summer and stuff.

Yeah, it’s quite confusing at first. If you do actually want to get to know the game, you need to read some beginner guides, and just play a lot more games, maybe with some of us show we can show you what to do.

Item builds can be found on a lot of sites, such as, <- look for the ones with a lot of green thumbs, etc.

Dustin said: I don’t like Janna.

Her sustain just doesn’t match Sona’s or even Soraka’s. And her ult is much less clutch than Soraka’s and is worse at zoning than Sona’s ult. I feel like she’s just a subpar mix of the two with crazy harass. And with good players 9/10 times you’re going to miss most of your skillshots.

Only thing she’s got is her shield.

A lot of people play her wrong — in lane she’s excellent at harassing w/o the usage of her q, able to autoattack while taking relatively no damage with her shield, and if engaged on the AD carry could simply follow up while she uses q to disrupt the other AD. In teamfights, she’s really good at peeling, which is pretty much why you see her all the time at tournament matches, her win rate is above 60% if I recall correctly, but that number could be biased because TSM Xpecial literally used Janna every single opportunity he got, and they won most of their matches at both RoG, MLG, and GESL, so.

The problem in SoloQ and low elo is that most people that play Janna don’t zone, don’t get bush control and uses her ult wrong.. so yeah in that scenario a soraka or sona, supports that require way less effort will definitely roll faces. The only benefit here would be the 3% movespeed bonus, which is pretty much one of the most imbalanced passives in the game…

As of right now my favorite support is definitely Leona. Kit too stronk.

Even in tournament play, her usage is equal to that of Sona’s. I think you’re forgetting one of the most important uses of a support and that is enhancing lane sustainability. She’s by no means more viable, even in higher level tourney play than Sona or Soraka. Or even Alistar.

I’m not low ELO by any means (team ranked, not solo-q) and I see her misused all the time. Even when her ult is used correctly, you’re rolling the dice. To get the correct positioning is really up to the other team and where they are in proximity to you. And you shouldn’t be shielding yourself too often. You’re there to enhance the AD carry. If you’re going to harass as an early game Janna against a Sona, you’re going to end up on the losing end until your shield is around level 3~ and even in that instance she has nearly as much sustain.

She’s definitely viable, just no more so than Sona, Alistar, or Soraka.

David 21 June 2012 Reply

I suppose. It’s just that recently in tournaments you rarely see Sona being played, I think CLG was the only team that went with Sona/Vayne bottom and managed to still win.

I just feel that Janna’s passive and abilities make teamfights often go in her favor. Like Sona can pull off a clutch ult, but Janna can peel/chase down with a knockup, slow, and displace.

And there’s different types of lanes, you have sustain, and then you have kill lanes. Sustain lane in the current meta just seems too boring. This is why Graves is picked so often, it’s that he can just snowball bottom lane, and one of the best supports graves can get is Janna.

Alistar is good, but banned very often in tourneys/high elo, so is Soraka. So you’re left with Sona and Janna and between the two, Janna seems more enjoyable/powerful to me. Alistar jungle also outshines alistar support in some ways.

David 21 June 2012 Reply

[…wow, hate clicking the quote button when I meant to click edit. >_> …]

darkness said: I still have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. I’m just going to assume it’s like Nexus Wars, with a lot of fancy stuff added in, wrapped in an RPG format.

It’s really different. You can think of it like Nexus wars, except there’s a set amount of stuff streaming down from both sides, and you only can control one of the champion units, i.e. Thor/Kerrigan

Dustin 21 June 2012 Reply
David said: I suppose. It’s just that recently in tournaments you rarely see Sona being played, I think CLG was the only team that went with Sona/Vayne bottom and managed to still win.

I just feel that Janna’s passive and abilities make teamfights often go in her favor. Like Sona can pull off a clutch ult, but Janna can peel/chase down with a knockup, slow, and displace.

And there’s different types of lanes, you have sustain, and then you have kill lanes. Sustain lane in the current meta just seems too boring. This is why Graves is picked so often, it’s that he can just snowball bottom lane, and one of the best supports graves can get is Janna.

Alistar is good, but banned very often in tourneys/high elo, so is Soraka. So you’re left with Sona and Janna and between the two, Janna seems more enjoyable/powerful to me. Alistar jungle also outshines alistar support in some ways.

Alright. I’ll agree with your premise.

So…how about that 3v3 meta?

DarkDragoon 21 June 2012 Reply

Hi Davey, I think you might have forgot about me ;-;

And Ryze is not an AP caster. Shame on you. Unless they patched him already…ohwait they probably did

David 21 June 2012 Reply

Oh yeah you’re the guy.

And what of course Ryze is AP caster, he’s the most distinct AP caster after Ahri. Like no one looks at Ryze and goes, oh, he can bruiser/jungle, or oh, he can support, or AD.

Liek, even Annie can be used as an AD carry – but ryze? no.

Like the same way AD ahri doesn’t work.

As for the 3v3 meta, fuck the 3v3 meta no one likes twisted treeline anyway. :3 :3 :3

DarkDragoon 22 June 2012 Reply

I meant as in he builds Mana not AP. Silly Davey.
Veigar is anti-AP carry/best AP carry…besides LeBlanc

David 22 June 2012 Reply

Pft, we call mages ap, Ryze builds Mana because he gets AP from Mana from his passive, hence, AP caster. 8D

Also, anti-ap would be actually Talon, cuz he’s designed that way, but ap casters are squishy in nature and so if focused, dies.

Veigar not too successful these days in soloq, gets raped often unless godmode veigar.
Lb falls off too hard, but still soloq terror.

Like you’ll often see really good ap casters that can be played decently by a good amount of people, ahri, vlad, kennen, all very powerful ap casters.

DarkDragoon 22 June 2012 Reply


Dustin 22 June 2012 Reply


But you do build Vlad AP. Never seen anyone build him straight HP. Hextech/WoTa/Rabadons/etc.


I like and play on a ranked 3v3 team 🙁

David 22 June 2012 Reply

LOL. 3v3 is like.. iono, the map just seems like for occasions when you have 5 other friends and can’t q normally.

Liek.. the jungle in treeline is too random to me…

@Lee NOBODY BUILDS HP ON VLAD BRO, only hp item is rylai’s, he just gets bonus hp from AP, the other way around is inefficient.

Dustin 22 June 2012 Reply
David said: LOL. 3v3 is like.. iono, the map just seems like for occasions when you have 5 other friends and can’t q normally.

Liek.. the jungle in treeline is too random to me…

@Lee NOBODY BUILDS HP ON VLAD BRO, only hp item is rylai’s, he just gets bonus hp from AP, the other way around is inefficient.

Heh, there’s a science to it. It’s a lot more dangerous to jungle in 3v3. Though, currently, in the meta, you do have a jungler, a bruiser and a caster.

It’s fun. You need to try it. 🙂

Pirkid 23 June 2012 Reply

Never build HP on Vlad unless it’s a Rylais.

Lithium 24 June 2012 Reply
David said: Pft, we call mages ap, Ryze builds Mana because he gets AP from Mana from his passive, hence, AP caster. 8D

Like you’ll often see really good ap casters that can be played decently by a good amount of people, ahri, vlad, kennen, all very powerful ap casters.

yeahno. I play a lot of Ryze whether normal or ranked, and Ryze does not at all get any AP from building mana. All his skills scale off of mana AND AP, but in no way does his mana affect his AP. Ryze is more of a DPS Mage. His strength comes from his ability to spam spells, or deal the most amount of damage over extended periods of time.

edit for clarity: Ryze’s passive reduces all cool downs by one second whenever one of his skills connects with a target.

greenelf 24 June 2012 Reply
David said:

greenelf said: Playing league was probably the most confusing gaming experience I’ve ever had. I watched a tutorial video, so I stayed in the middle lane, bought items and stuff throughout the entire game, but I never really understood what I was supposed to be doing. Attack minions, while I wait for my “power” things to recharge?

But I’ll probably give it another shot, now that’s its summer and stuff.

Yeah, it’s quite confusing at first. If you do actually want to get to know the game, you need to read some beginner guides, and just play a lot more games, maybe with some of us show we can show you what to do.

Item builds can be found on a lot of sites, such as, <- look for the ones with a lot of green thumbs, etc.

Alright, I’ll go check those sites out, and hopefully have some time to play more games

David 24 June 2012 Reply
Lithium said:

David said: Pft, we call mages ap, Ryze builds Mana because he gets AP from Mana from his passive, hence, AP caster. 8D

Like you’ll often see really good ap casters that can be played decently by a good amount of people, ahri, vlad, kennen, all very powerful ap casters.

yeahno. I play a lot of Ryze whether normal or ranked, and Ryze does not at all get any AP from building mana. All his skills scale off of mana AND AP, but in no way does his mana affect his AP. Ryze is more of a DPS Mage. His strength comes from his ability to spam spells, or deal the most amount of damage over extended periods of time.

edit for clarity: Ryze’s passive reduces all cool downs by one second whenever one of his skills connects with a target.

Yeah right misspoke, I meant his skills scaled off AP and mana, which is why even if he builds Mana he still deals massive amounts of damage late game.

With the recent ratio nerfs, building him as standard AP works, but he’s not as overpowered as he was, and therefore he’s not seen as often.

Lithium 26 June 2012 Reply
David said:

Lithium said:

David said: Pft, we call mages ap, Ryze builds Mana because he gets AP from Mana from his passive, hence, AP caster. 8D

Like you’ll often see really good ap casters that can be played decently by a good amount of people, ahri, vlad, kennen, all very powerful ap casters.

yeahno. I play a lot of Ryze whether normal or ranked, and Ryze does not at all get any AP from building mana. All his skills scale off of mana AND AP, but in no way does his mana affect his AP. Ryze is more of a DPS Mage. His strength comes from his ability to spam spells, or deal the most amount of damage over extended periods of time.

edit for clarity: Ryze’s passive reduces all cool downs by one second whenever one of his skills connects with a target.

Yeah right misspoke, I meant his skills scaled off AP and mana, which is why even if he builds Mana he still deals massive amounts of damage late game.

With the recent ratio nerfs, building him as standard AP works, but he’s not as overpowered as he was, and therefore he’s not seen as often.

As an AP based champion you don’t fully utilize Ryze’s ability to spam the hell out of his skills though. Without building all the mana items a healthy Ryze build should have, you’re leaving yourself at the risk of mana starvation once a team fight rolls around.
This is much the same way as how AD Kennen works, but is not as effective as an AP Kennen.
Also, Ryze is still very powerful. The change to his ulti made him less of a burster but much easier to sustain himself in lane as well as out. This is a huge factor when it comes to playing against Ryze, as most AP champs can drop their combos 2-3 times before having to B or get a blue buff, whereas Ryze can keep his health, AND mana up at the same time. He’s sadly under looked now that he’s not stupidly powerful anymore though.

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