As it is depressing everyone.
OMG PEOPLE CHEER UP! No one has eaten the last jelly doughtnut so there is still hope in the world!
How do you spell doughnut correctly? Donut or doughnut? Mozilla says:
Mozilla: It's spelled "doughnut" you imbecilic moron.
I kindly told Mozilla that the phrase 'imbecilic moron" is not exactly grammatically correct.
Mozilla promptly threatened to crash, and I conceded to it's infinite wisdom.
Also I'm pretty darn sure 'conceded' isn't the word I mean to use but I can't remember what's the right one. I need my concentration pills, my ADD is affecting me again.
I'm extremely horrified with my grades. I used to be the absolute straight A student and now look. Because of the combined grades of my sophomore and junior year, my GPA dropped to a 1.9
I'm going to be a senior this is not acceptable! How could I score so darn high on the ACT but then bomb totally in my irl grades?
Crazy, Teachers are crazy
Zomg my Spanish teacher has so many issues she can rival The New Yorker (pop culture reference FTW).
In one example, she told us how her sister or cousin had a heart attack and laughed because she told us she didn't like her.
In a separate incident, she also taunted and made fun of her fat sister behind her back because 'she looked so ugly in that dress' while they were at a Finnish dance.
In another, she frequently told us to our faces (we're first period btw) how much she hates being our teacher, and how much she wished she didn't teach at our school.
She repeatedly tells us the same stories of friggin Spain and her two Finnish towels that she bought and framed. She keeps forgetting that she already told us.
She also told us daily how much we depressed her and made her feel sick and ill and horrible.
What's the most crazy thing about this woman? She is an awesome teacher as far as the actual teaching goes.
Guess what her name is? Ms. Gross.
Yeah I was going to post some sadder blogs too but decided against it. Everyone is so gloomy, and right at the start to summer too =/
Yes. You guys should cheer up y’know.
But if you really wanna blog all gloomy-like go on ahead xD One more can’t kill us.
Though because I said that we’ll probably all get pwnt
Lol, Ms. Gross.
Not only is the mood in here gloomy, but also its much less active. ):
inorite? That name was just asking for it.
But surprisingly, her name wasn’t made fun of much. Her other…problems kmostly kept us occupied.
And hey you! Stop with the fatalistic attitude D<
And 1.9?!?!?!
What did you DO?
Upset? *Smashes Dest’s face into the wall*
I’m not upset, and I’m not depressed, either.
I have a bag of Doritos and I ate a Mama burger (that I stole from my rich rich brother) like 2 hours ago. With some Pepsi on the side.
I am content.
@spygirly I got No Credit (the dreaded NC) on all my college courses except one x___x;;
@Tar to the Heeel You guys are…really not chill. o-o Maybe everyone could post bad feelings on Anonymous? xO sort of like DeviantaArtSecret
@Nass Good job man.
Donut is American English, and doughnut is British English I think.
And concede is a word; it means to like, give up to someone else. Maybe the other word you were thinking of was conceit which is the same as narcissism.
Don’t say that.
Anonymous is everwhere…
… Even HERE!
@Tar to the Heeel You guys are…really not chill. o-o Maybe everyone could post bad feelings on Anonymous? xO sort of like DeviantaArtSecret
@Nass Good job man.
It was nothing personal. I just needed somewhere to displace my anger, and Dest was standing there so conveniently.
I’m sure Dest will understand.
If the brain trauma wasn’t too major.
If the brain trauma wasn’t too major.
That would be some medical fee if he lives.
He lives!
LOL, Speaking of teachers, my tech ed teacher was like “FINAL ROUND EFF-TEE-DOUBLE-YEW” when we were racing the Co2 cars we made xD
But emoticons are his only form of communication.
But emoticons are his only form of communication.
He’ll never be the same ever again… D:
I agree, the QoTW are so gloomy and depressing 🙁 Like:
“What have you stolen?” -> Are you calling us thieves?
“Who do you hate?” -> Going even deeper matters now eh?
Maybe V is depressed.
dude there is some MASSIVE glare on my screen…dam yo this is purrty trippy
Tarheel hurt my fake hubby? D:
I hurt you :[