When Your Family Embarrasses You…

By In Uncategorized

What do YOU do?

The Embarrassment in question

So we're in this huge store right. I'm with my mom, my two year old sis, my three year old bro, and my 11 year old bro. Today is Monday and eveerrry Monday they have a sale. So about a couple hundred people were in there getting clothes and crap. So we are in the kids' aisle and my mom was browsing, not meaning to buy anything.

And guess what happens?

No you couldn't. My two year old sister, without any warning at all, peed on herself. In the middle of two highly trafficked aisles. I of course being a teenager, looked on in horror and wished I were elsewhere. Seeing as the Gods laugh at the plight of mortals, we had to get it cleaned up and then we quickly moved away from both of the aisles. My mom was pretty nonchalant about it (moms….*shrugs shoulders*) but she said she was gonna get new clothes for her since we were in the store and to take her out and sit outside.

Then guess what happens when we get to the new aisle? (Men's btw)

No you couldn't guess.

My three year old brother, after giving us a half-second warning, peed on himself. Yes that's right. Both these kids choose NOW and TODAY to suddenly have bladder problems. And since he was wearing dark shorts, it showed even worse on him than it did on her. So my mom told me to take them both out while she got them new clothes.

Oh no.

But oh yes.

So I walked around through the huge centerfold of the store with people staring and looking at first like they were cute but then looking down and going "eugh.."

Yes I love my little siblings. But come on, I'm a 17 yr old female dressing to impress and I'm holding on to the hands of two small children that wet themselves.

Does this qualify as FML?

End Embarrassment. For today, at least.

Was this ever a QOTW? Idk xD



Nass 4 August 2009 Reply


A+++ Would read again.

Don’t feel too bad though. My family does stupid things too.

Must be a black thing.

dee32693 4 August 2009 Reply



Gujju 4 August 2009 Reply

I love you, but I giggled like a school girl reading this. Submit this as an FML. Its SOOO FUNNY

dee32693 4 August 2009 Reply

u so mean laughing at mah life! >xD

Aaron 4 August 2009 Reply

Cool story, br- sis.

MasterCheeze 4 August 2009 Reply

You’re not 17.

Lithium 4 August 2009 Reply

Yeah she is.

Nass 4 August 2009 Reply

I’m 17.

Aaron 4 August 2009 Reply

She’s 17 already and Nass is 4.

Dest1 4 August 2009 Reply
Aaron said: She’s 17 already and Nass is 4.

I’m 14 tomorrow!

Pirkid 4 August 2009 Reply

Awe. >D Everyone’s had their share of sibling embarrassment.

I once remember carrying Aarthi in my arms walking out of a flew market because she peed herself and started to cry. My parents were off somewhere and she wouldn’t budge so I had to take her out. Back in Scarborough when I was young. xD

Dest1 4 August 2009 Reply
Pirkid said: Awe. >D Everyone’s had their share of sibling embarrassment.

I once remember carrying Aarthi in my arms walking out of a flew market because she peed herself and started to cry. My parents were off somewhere and she wouldn’t budge so I had to take her out. Back in Scarborough when I was young. xD


irawk 4 August 2009 Reply

Aren’t younger siblings such pains in the…….*beep*

dee32693 5 August 2009 Reply

LOL aww poor Aarthi xP <3

Oh the drawbacks of being the almost balance out the awesome perks.

EvilStranger 5 August 2009 Reply

i think holding hands with two infants that peed themselves makes you look mature
cuz you’re able to deal with this kind of problem

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