Change? Change your Undies, that's wut.

By In Uncategorized

Lolno just kidding xD

Hmm, If there was only one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be and why? I'm pretty cliche in that respect, because I'd change my looks. It's really a myriad of things for different reasons. Here's what I would change.

Being black.

Maybe I'll get roasted for this, but it's true. In a way. For example, I meet guys on the internet all the time. Some on games, some on thigns like facebook or myspace, and some on things like omegle, or through friends. And maybe I take a fancy to one of these guys. We start talking and I'm liking him more and more and so we talk on the phone, or mic or whatever. And they're all "aww cute" or "aww you're so adorable" (its annoying from everyone but my friends and the person i like). And then…

They ask for a picture of me.

I'll show them and they'd be like "Oh." It's not like I don't TELL them I'm black. Cause I do. And I'm not that fat though I could lose a few pounds here and there. And it's not just internet guys! Guys who approach me and my group of friends would case out the girls (me, Allie[white], and Heather[mixed though light-skinned]) and usually pick Allie to talk to and sometimes Heather. It's like, HELLO!!!!? And it's not til I speak that they go "oh hey, she's [blah blah adjective]."

And you can't tell me the look/sound factor doesn't count. You guys said it yourself, I don't look the way I sound. T.T Actually I'd probably /wrist before meeting any of you guys besides Sneha irl. She seems less likely to either judge, or change opinion about me D8

So yes, I'm lame. Wanting to change my skin color because of how people pass over me. But if given the actual chance, I wouldn't. Black to White don't look good *coughMICHAEL JACKSONcough* But really it's not my skin color, cause I actually like it. NO FEAR OF TANNING/BURNING WUTWUT

But the whole "I can get seriously ghetto if I get mad enough. Plate throwing, degraded speech, and all included" thing scares guys I guess ._. And it isn't like my family is white-washed xD Everyone's pretty ghetto lmao. Culture clash maybe?

I dunno guys, sometimes I get sick of guys doing that. Though in all actuality THEY should change not me. Screw them if they can't suck it up and handle it! Why should I have to change for them to be comfortable??! They should love me regardless, if they really do >( SCREW YOU SHALLOW GUYS D< GO DIE!


Hm, guess I really DO like myself. xD Just need to lose a bit of weight and I'm cool. Man I just changed opinions in the space of one blog lol. Well, I can always adopt D;

Fin! =)


No I don't want to change skin colors or nationality. It's just how I feel sometimes,like kicking girls who assume about me before I even open my mouth.
"You like country? Not rap??"


Nass 6 September 2009 Reply

I was always scared of angry black women.

And I’m black myself.

FunnyFroggy 6 September 2009 Reply

I already saw you so I already judged you.
Doesn’t make a difference.

dee32693 6 September 2009 Reply

so?! seeing things up close and personal is different.

lolmike, they say now you haev to capitalize those letters xD Angry Black Woman or ABW for short lulz

Gujju 6 September 2009 Reply

ahah I already know what you look like <3
Sometimes i feel like that. Like there are totally hot white guys who wouldnt even look at me cuz i am Indian. But wht can ya do?

and im sure most of the vutalers wouldn’t judge. We all seem to be pretty self conscious about how we look.

Nass 6 September 2009 Reply
dee32693 said: so?! seeing things up close and personal is different.

lolmike, they say now you haev to capitalize those letters xD Angry Black Woman or ABW for short lulz

My mom is a ABW….

That fits.

dee32693 7 September 2009 Reply

cause we’re nerds Snesne D8 all nerds are self-conscious.

Well, you could counterattack ABW with WWW.

Pirkid 7 September 2009 Reply

…I’m insulted.

Chameleon 7 September 2009 Reply

What does WWW stand for? Wacky White Wangsters? o.o

I’m guessing it’s definitely not world-wide-web… >___>;;

dee32693 7 September 2009 Reply

why are you insulted pirky? o-o

and it stands for Weak White Woman. no im not making it up xD also, no, i dont use either.

spygirl57 7 September 2009 Reply

Hey, I saw your picture. YOUR FINE. I wouldn’t judge you. 🙁
Why would you think that?
Guys are idiots don’t worry.


True13lue 7 September 2009 Reply

God, I love you, DeeDeekins. <33

Pirkid 8 September 2009 Reply
dee32693 said: why are you insulted pirky? o-o

and it stands for Weak White Woman. no im not making it up xD also, no, i dont use either.

Blog said: Actually I’d probably /wrist before meeting any of you guys besides Sneha irl. She seems less likely to either judge, or change opinion about me


Elaine 8 September 2009 Reply
spygirl57 said: Hey, I saw your picture. YOUR FINE. I wouldn’t judge you. 🙁
Why would you think that?
Guys are idiots don’t worry.


I agree, guys are dumb.

dee32693 8 September 2009 Reply

<333333333 to the VuTales girls xDD WE NEED MORE GIRLS BTW >O

DarkDragoon 9 September 2009 Reply

id tap that o:

Nass 9 September 2009 Reply
dee32693 said: <333333333 to the VuTales girls xDD WE NEED MORE GIRLS BTW >O

What no, we need more gentleman.

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