First of all, WHY THE HECK IS IT SO BIG?!?! It's like, 5 gigs now or something. That's ridiculous especially for a 2D game. Why is Mabinogi, which is 3D and all-around way better, so much smaller?
At any rate, I decided to install maple cause they've got some new perma pet for a limited time. So I went, OH WHAT HTEY HEY I CAN ALWAYS UNINSTALL.
Well It FINALLY finished downloading and it went to hte install menu. When it got to terms of services, I decided to scroll down and look at it for lulz. And I found this:
1.3 Username/Password. As part of the registration process, you will also be asked to select a username and password for your Account which you will use each time you access the Service. We reserve all right to refuse to grant you or to terminate a username that: (i) impersonates someone else, including, without limitation, another user, Non Playing Character or Game Master ("GM"), (ii) is or may be illegal or is or may be protected by trademark or other proprietary rights laws, or may cause confusionLOl whaaat???, (iii) is or may be considered vulgar, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise offensive, including any usernames which are sexual in nature, (iv) is comprised of or includes the name of a popular culture icon, persona or media personality (e.g., "SpiderMan" or "TigerWoods")Does making the character "God" count? or religious deity or figureOh I guess it does! or your real name or surnamexXKrissyXx for example? that was my friend's IGN, (v) is comprised of or includes the names (including "street" names) of any drug, narcotic or other criminal activityDoes representing the Crips count? Cause I totally made a char of that, (vi) includes or is comprised of partial or complete sentences (e.g., "Youwillnotsurvive")Does "iSuxBoys count? Or would that be the sexually offensive one?, (vii) is comprised of or includes gibberishHacks. That's all I need to say (e.g., "Akdnvprq"), (viii) is comprised of or includes "Leet" or "Dudespeak" (e.g., OMGnewb, xLOLx, AFKbotman)Seriously? …., (ix) is comprised of or includes any rank and/or fantasy titles (e.g., "MajorMark" or "QueenQiana")Now this is hte most retarded. MAPLESTORY IS A FANTASY GAME IF YOU CANT USE YOUR REAL NAME OR A FANTASY NAME WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO USE???, (x) includes any special characters (i.e., ASCII codes) and/or (xi) is otherwise inappropriate, regardless of our software's ability to disallow such usernames. You agree that you will not use misspellings or alternative spellings or take any other actions for the purpose of circumventing the foregoing restrictions.iSmokedeeW counts I bet.
I just want to say, they'd have to kill at least, 90% of all IGNs or characters made. Meh just thought it was funny x3
You agree that if you host or operate a private server of a Nexon game or host or operate a hack site that sells hacks to a Nexon game or if you distribute, disseminate, design, code, moderate and/or provide free or paid access to private forums that sell or distribute hacks, or assist in the design of any private servers or third party programs (such as hacks) that alter the game play of any Nexon game, you will have the unconditional obligation to pay Nexon America Inc. the sum of One Hundred Thousand ($100,000) Dollars for each such program (including patches) and versions thereof as liquidated damages.
They have alot of 'LOOK AT ME I'M SHOUTING BY PLACING ENTIRE PARAGRAPHS IN ALL CAPS PLUS WITH SOME WORDS BOLDED!' The Nexon agreement or whatever has given me a headache T-T;;
Rules were made to be broken
QFFT. <3
My folder is 1.3GB
But my whole NEXON folder is 6GB:)
Yeah, that’s been there as long as I remember. I’ve publicly nitpicked the ToS before.
Hey, it gives them an excuse to ban almost anyone they don’t like.
Rules are made to be broken, true. But the ones that make you pay a hefty sum aren’t xD.
-=The Nazgul=-
lol i doubt maple will hunt you down for using your name as a user though 😛
of course not. but if htey want to ban you, they have justification =0
the “May cause confusion” part really made me L-O-L xDDD
-=The Nazgul=-
Especially if you’re a debt-ridden college student. xD
Get a job you lazy kids >l
jk ;D
the people at nexon should be shot
Strange. I saw a similar post discussing this in Vusys’ blog 😐
Is that real?
I saw this on Vusys’ blog where he criticized Nexon’s lack of intelligence.
yeah it was. it just really hit me like, ‘wow they ACTUALLY put that in there’
Windia plz.
The TOS SHOULD say: “You cannot make a user name whatsoever as it violates all rules against usernames.”
“Solution” 1: if Nexon’s going to go that far they should just have a word scrambler system (including words from all languages. where you roll your name like stats.
[i]eg. /roll: kettle pan 139
/roll : kour rodit 22
/roll: 猫的女孩
/roll: яДым (Russian for iSmoke)
“Solution” 3: just make all names into something nobody can read.
“Solution” 4: Shoot somebody. That always gets attention.