16 yr old Boy tasered by cops 19 times.
Relatives and Article
His aunt says he is undergoing major surgery for a broken back and broken heel. While he was lying on the ground, she wonders why Ozark police used an electric stun gun on him 19 times.
“I'm not an officer, but i don't see the reason for ‘Tasering’ somebody laying there with a broken back. I don't consider that a threat.”
His dad says the use of the stun gun delayed what would have been immediate surgery by two days.
“The ‘Tasering’ increased his white blood cell count and caused him to have a temperature so they could not go into the operation.”
“He refused to comply with the officers and so the officers had to deploy their Tasers in order to subdue him. He is making incoherent statements; he's also making statements such as, ‘Shoot cops, kill cops,’ things like that. So there was cause for concern to the officers,” said Ozark Police Capt. Thomas Rousset.
Person 1.
Fuck each and every piece of shit that wears a badge. The day will come when those badges will act as a bullseye on their chest.
They will be In my sights. I wont hesitate to pull the trigger.
Fuck All Cops
Person 2.
Did you hear what the police chief said? "“He refused to comply with the officers and so the officers had to deploy their Tasers in order to subdue him. He is making incoherent statements; he's also making statements such as, ‘Shoot cops, kill cops,’ things like that. So there was cause for concern to the officers,” said Ozark Police Capt. Thomas Rousset"
That's right, lets taser a 16yr old kid not once but 19 times to "subdue him"???? Am I missing something here or are the cops just being cowards here?
Person 3.
Fucking cops.
Are they not trained in how to physically subdue unarmed people anymore?
Person 3.
I watched all 56 minutes and 53 seconds. If possible, it made me hate the cops even more. They are disgusting pieces of shit. My only hope is one day their rotting stinking corpses will line the streets full of bullet holes. I have no pity on them. When they are killed in action the only thought that comes to mind is….where are the buried, I need to take a piss.
Person 4.
They put a stop to the "dancing bear" where the bear was tortured into obeying by electric shock. How is this any different? The cops are just hateful murderers left over from the military, prolonging thier sado-masochistic rush they get from their crimes against humanity.
Person 4.Read this one especially.
You know, my brother is a police officer and he would NEVER do something like this – he is responsible, respectful, and most of all understanding when it comes to serious situations. We've had many conversations about it before, and it just so happens that there are assholes who also wear the badge, and it is unfortunate.
That being said, I have had my fair share of run-ins with the police, and yes, each time I was frightened beyond belief that they were going to hurt me or do something terrible to me (as a young female). Why I felt that way, I'm not sure, but it definitely had something to do with the smug and aggressive attitudes they all had.
It's not fair of us to make such large blanket statements that ALL cops are assholes.
Why should the public be afraid of the very people supposed to protect them?
Person 5 says this:
People get who are constantly in trouble justify it by stating other things. That's one way to look at it. Another way to look at it is that someone creates their own "problems" so that they can hold on to their prejudices and justify them at every corner.
No one is always in trouble unjustly. That's impossible.
Is it?
Its sad to think you have to be scared of the law. It is supposed to protect us.
Makes me think of that scene in crash where the white cop was patting down that black women while her husband had to sit by and watch it all happen or face arrest.
Tasers are good weapons with really violent people. But like any good tool, there are ways to abuse it, and I think that is just what happened to this kid .
“Don’t tase me bro”
Because, you know, when you’re spamming, “Shoot cops, kill cops” while spazzing on the floor as 5000 volts surge through your nerves you’re definitely in a state where you can retaliate.
*nods* There may come a time when the normal police force is akin to the sturmabteilung.