Pride. Pride is the stupidest word in the entire English language. Pride got him into this mess and now pride was most likely going to get him killed.
Fsshhh.. *creak*
He tensed his shoulders at the sound and breathed through his nose, keeping his mouth closed to keep the keening wail he could feel in his throat from bubbling out. God, he didn't want to die but it seemed like today was going to be the day.
"Come one man, you can't seriously BELIEVE in that stupid story."
"Of course not! I just..don't want to be late for dinner. My mom would worry."
"Aww, does widdle baby Jack need his mommy to bwing him a baby bawddle?"
"I'm not afraid!"
"Then prove it. Go into the house! All you have to do is stay in there for an hour."
"Well..alright I'll go. But don't leave!"
"I'm not gonna leave, we have to make sure you won't cheat!"
He shivered and cursed himself as he couldn't believe he fell for that age-old trick. As many horror movies that he saw he should have realized-
Scritch scritch scritch.
Every hair on his body stood on end and terror made him freeze, locking his limbs into a deadly embrace around himself. It was at the door and there was nowhere for him to run. He couldn't help but let out a sob, and as the sound left his lips, a high-pitched screech pierced the air. It exploded into the room, breaking the door into flimsy pieces and he knew as he stared at it, that his last drawn breath was going to be his last.
ohai dere
omgiizards there’s a pedofile in the house!
WHERE *looks in the mirror* I FOUND HIM