We're Bound to Linger On

By In Uncategorized

This blog will cover a variety of topics depending on how long it takes me to write this. 😀


I kiss the violin of your zodiac eyes
The "O" of your mouth makes a sound of surprise
I love to see you in bridal white
But on second thought it's just not right
Red ribbons suit you much better you're told
An hour later, your body's stone cold

Gaming online and off


FIRSTLY, Ninja place isnt as cracked up as you'd think. Kinda lame actually. No thoughts on Hobgoblin PQ as I haven't met the level cap.

On a good note, I leveled to 55 on my cleric Bunnyismybf in Maplestory. I am very proud of that even though the deadline for my friend's bet is over i think…D: It was he gave me two years to get to level 120. For DERVD that'd be all well and good, he'd be 120 in 3 days rofl. But me? I'm alot more chill ^^ I bought a Z-Helm for 220 mil and it's IMMENSELY improved my damage and I am PERFECT at MP3 (Mysterious Path 3). It's just great to be a cleric 😀 At least until BigBang..*sigh*

I really want to level up my bowwoman AradiaMegido but she's only like…level 34..? I think and it's hard to stay MOTIVATED when I just want to have hurricane! D<

My aran I trained to lvl 41 by CPQ :3 I plan to train on CPQ al the way to lvl 51 with only a few breaks in between for wandering around Maple World.

Funnily enough, my bff Anna returned to Maple after a 2 year hiatus with a new account (her old one got server smacked and Nexon won't fix) and at level 29, she's already got maple dudes 8x+ wrapped around her little finger and helping her train xD It's like she has some sort of MAGNET lmao, they voluntarily follow her around! So fun.

Video Gaming

Hmm in GTA: SA I passed a couple missions 😀 But OMFG I hate the missions with OG Loc the freeaking gay(<-truesay) stalker of some dude from jail quest. You have to chase him down on a motorcycle in between all these buildings and curves. It's terribly hard 🙁 I'm contemplating finding some random gamers and making them beat it for me.

Dark Cloud. I didn't know that the pieces we had already collected before we left were georama pieces to WATCH lmao xD When I finally figured it out we had like, half of them already done. MORE than half actually! I watched the ones we had back to back and hmm that's a pretty interesting storyline so far. I forgot who he was for a few minutes though xD
I am so glad me and my bro spent countless hours Synth sphering a crapload of weapons, putting htem on the weapons we wanted to use, and Building them up. It's awesome cause when we came to the final level it turns out, we were actualy a bit overpowered! Especially Toan because we have the Chronicle sword hahaha xD He does like 4xx-8xx depending on the monster. Unluckily for me, I prefer using either Xiao or Ruby and Xiao needs some more powering up. Fatso (i forget his name) is lame 🙁 I do not look forward to the limited zone where you can only use him, same goes for Ungaga. Moon Bunny's (I forget his name too) weapon is leveled up quite nicely but I put a few ruby's (or was it garnet's?) on his weapon to build it up a bit more..

In Tomb Raider Legend I'm stuck at this one part but I don't feel like looking up a walkthrough 🙁 I want to figure out this BS myself! Dx

Real Life

In my drafts box on my cell phone I have alot of half finished Text messages :O It's really cool to recount them. I put dots where I didnt get to finish (names omitted):

You know what I dislike? when a black…
Because kitties are cuter…
Go ba…
Muy what? You forgot a…
No idea D: but…
i see lo…
Did you outgrow love…
Of cm…
I need…
Lol what? o.o…

If these were all one conversation LMAO xD


College is boring. Or maybe it's because I don't know how to work college correctly. But seriously I am so frigging bored =l The only fun parts are Anime club and Ice Skating.

I'm eating terribly and gaining a tiny bit of weight each day D: I think I'm sick but I don't know what to do about it because it's not any BAD symptoms yet..

My grandmother's union is on strike so even though I BADLY need to go to the dentist (found holes in my back teeth, I scream when Snickers or other sweet stuff get on my teeth, I can no longer eat granola bars because I can't bite down properly on my chewing side [Right]), we can't afford it. 🙁

We owe $2,000 dollars to the college because of a variety of things we didn't know about til 4-8 weeks into my semester. So basically, no I won't be getting any textbooks. My family only jsut managed to scrape and get me my Spanish textbook
Who the **** thought it was a good idea to make it so you can only access the Homework you need to do IF YOU HAVE A FREAKING BOOK KEY. WHAT THE ****. There were tons of complaints about people who tried to get the book elsewhere and their key didn't work, or people like me who couldn't/can't find the money to pay for the textbook and so now are stuck out on the Homework grade percentage.

Well up yours language department :l Up yours.

Checked out

Ew some black ghetto guys were checking me out while I was trying to wash my clothes Dx I know I was dressed kinda…yeah. Tight skinny jeans and a wife beater that is 2 or more sizes too small (thanks mom for buying Jrs wife beaters)
BUT, I was ONLY wearing it because the skinny jeans were the only ones I hadn't worn and so weren't dirty. All my shirts WERE dirty (and my bras) so I had to put on a too small for me swim suit top and the said wife beater.
I felt violated from afar 🙁 Also ghetto guys tend to be stupid and GOSH DARN I CAN'T STAND STUPID GHETTO PEOPLE

Internet Life

I promised I wouldn't but dangit it if I don't wish I weren't a woman of my word (promises at least). Shiz…
My computer is on it's last legs of life. I don't know what I'll do if it fails before I have a chance to back my stuff up..
Talking outside of the VuT chat is hard D: I don't know how we managed it before group lmfao.
I want to draw a webcomic. It will be fail, but I want to do it.

So That's it then?

Yeah. That's it. *melancholy look on face* I thought life would be more exciting…


tarheel91 5 October 2010 Reply

I love my high metabolism. See, I’ve eaten terribly all through high school and into college and never had issues with weight. Mean while, all the people who’re more normal suddenly started eating shit when they go out on their own and the freshman fifteen comes into play.

College is romanticized just like every other portion of western life. Nothing’s as rosy as you think it is. Still, it’s all about finding friends and having fun, no matter where you are in life. Gotta know how to take advantage of what’s there.

Books suck ass. I found that I never use 3/4 of them. I got a scholarship that paid for half of my tuition (which is already low), so thankfully the whole money thing was never an issue.

Spade 5 October 2010 Reply

I have a high metabolism as well.. I both love it and hate it. Although I appreciate that I can eat a lot without gaining weight, it’s EXTREMELY difficult for me to gain muscle mass. :l I’ve been lifting for about half a year now and I’ve only gained 3 pounds. (I’ve been eating right; I KNOW what to do at the gym; and I take supplements)

Anyways.. Yeah don’t worry about it Dee. Just jog it off!

Nass 5 October 2010 Reply

I’m fat.
Dark Cloud is a worst game I’ve ever bought besides DMC4

Arladerus 5 October 2010 Reply

… DMC4 is bad? WHAT THE FU YOU SMOKIN. Well it is hard.. Capcom hard.

Also… Zhelm for 220M? Are they honestly that high now, or did you get totally ripped off?

Nass 5 October 2010 Reply
Arladerus said: … DMC4 is bad? WHAT THE FU YOU SMOKIN. Well it is hard.. Capcom hard.

Also… Zhelm for 220M? Are they honestly that high now, or did you get totally ripped off?

Bro seriously?
You get more combos/skills, use them TWICE MAX and then never use them again.
Nero is the dumbest/weirdest guy I’ve ever seen.
Dante has no voice crack and his “fighter” form sucks so much ass
Devil Hunter or w/e mode is a JOKE
The cost of stars raising with each purchase is stupid.
Game cover looks like shit
Bonus disk is depressing
I can’t trade it in.

tarheel91 5 October 2010 Reply
Spade said: I have a high metabolism as well.. I both love it and hate it. Although I appreciate that I can eat a lot without gaining weight, it’s EXTREMELY difficult for me to gain muscle mass. :l I’ve been lifting for about half a year now and I’ve only gained 3 pounds. (I’ve been eating right; I KNOW what to do at the gym; and I take supplements)

Anyways.. Yeah don’t worry about it Dee. Just jog it off!

Not related. High metabolism doesn’t mean much in regards to making muscle mass. How much Type I and Type II muscle you can gain is based on a lot of things (age, where you are in your body’s development, heredity, etc.). It just happens that a lot of people who have a high metabolism also have issues creating muscle. I have no problems creating muscle or maintaining it. I gained 15 pounds of muscle in 2 months when I started working out and all I need to do is a few push ups once a week and it stays like that.

Arladerus 5 October 2010 Reply

@Nass: I’m sorry, did you say cost of stars raising in price? I am foreign to this, as I don’t need to heal. Also, have you played Dante Must Die mode? Monsters have Devil Trigger/purple aura thingy that makes them stronger, if you don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m also hoping that you don’t play Automatic AKA God of War mode, which is just button smash.

Nass 5 October 2010 Reply
Arladerus said: @Nass: I’m sorry, did you say cost of stars raising in price? I am foreign to this, as I don’t need to heal.

Cuz you play on Human mode lol.
And no, I didn’t feel like beating the game AGAIN. Plus, Manual or Auto, when in a sticky situation you’re just gonna use combo A,B or C with your sword (Maybe mix it up by a move(, and then using that stupid dash move or your claw hand shit.

I only play to fight the last boss again, because it’s funny to see a possessed statue.

Arladerus 5 October 2010 Reply

No, I actually never played through Human (still too lazy to get the achievement for it). There’s no such thing as a sticky situation of you know how to play the game properly. I prefer to use Nero. Have you never noticed that ability called “Max-Act”? Do you have any idea what it’s used for?

This guy does it 2 seconds in.

Ganzicus 6 October 2010 Reply
Spade said: I’ve been lifting for about half a year now and I’ve only gained 3 pounds. (I’ve been eating right; I KNOW what to do at the gym; and I take supplements)

You need large amounts of vitamin A, and not in carotene form. Cod liver oil is a great source.

Spade 6 October 2010 Reply

Im an ectomorph ):

Nass 6 October 2010 Reply

It costs a shitload of Proud Souls tho, and also not something you can just depend on until you actually get the timing.

Nero is so stuuuuupid, and he cries like a little bitch.

Gujju 6 October 2010 Reply

I eat waaay less once school starts. But that might be because i dont live on campus. But i have been hitting the gym lately just because while i may be thin, i am by no means physically fit.

dee32693 6 October 2010 Reply
Arladerus said: … DMC4 is bad? WHAT THE FU YOU SMOKIN. Well it is hard.. Capcom hard.

Also… Zhelm for 220M? Are they honestly that high now, or did you get totally ripped off?

My zhelm was STR plus 26, INT +27 WITH a potential of +6 or 7 more INT, and better than avg luk and dex. this was good 🙂 i think i underpaid the guy haha

@Tar and Spade – you suk 🙁

@Nass – that’s cause it’s a game only some could love. I am in that group 🙂

@snehahahahahhaha – yeah…ill exercise when i get an mp3 player

Arladerus 6 October 2010 Reply

@Dee: STR is useless. If Zhelms inflated, the price sounds about right.

@Nass: You’re right about the voice actor for Nero. His balls haven’t dropped yet. About the Max-ACT, I only mentioned it because I can do it. I’m not gonna boost (LOLOL). You probably don’t care anyway, but you have to press the Rev button right when the attack connects.

dee32693 8 October 2010 Reply
Arladerus said: @Dee: STR is useless. If Zhelms inflated, the price sounds about right.

Of course STR is useless, but the INT was so good i couldnt pass it up! xD i think dude really shouldve charged more. he didnt really make a good profit

Wolfboy183 10 October 2010 Reply

it took me a long time to get sick of MS and linger on lol

dee32693 11 October 2010 Reply

Lmao. the title wasn’t for MS tho :O it was for the disappointment i felt for not having as much fun as i thought i would D:

snowhamster 24 October 2010 Reply

“Muy what? You forgot a…”

That one was directed towards me. I forgot to write “muy bien” when you asked como esta because I didn’t want to be caught texting in class 😀

Aaru 13 November 2010 Reply

oh man.. you just reminded me of my Aran… i think she’s like : 50+ lol I started over the summer and left when my MS playing partner ei. my brother left to go back to school XD

dee32693 13 November 2010 Reply

roflmao! xD im mad now because my computer cant play maplestory so any hours i had for maple playing are useless and boring D; so BOOO that!
cheeze plays alot though (of course right when I cant play D<) so if you ever feel the want to play hes there :O

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