So I’m at anime club and during one of the breaks someone puts on this Hatsune Miku cyberpunk something. The title was all in characters except for like 2 letters so i doubt i can re-find it but holy sh- it was the most disturbing thing ive seen so far this year and including last year (including Cows). Maybe it wouldn’t be like that to other people but…hory shiiiiiiiii D:
Maybe the reason the video and Cows Cows Cows was so disturbing to me was because they manipulated “bodies and flesh” in terrible ways x(
I actually like Nass’ blogs ^^. He seems so chill and worry-free, well not lately, and i WISH i could be like that. Seriously, I’m kinda jealous! Not of the drug thing though D: *Above the Influence* but yeah. If I could jsut chill somewhere with no worries…I’d be cool with that.
I really wish I could’ve knew my dad better :/ I didn’t know…that he was on deathrow so by the time I went to visit him, it was too late. One person trying to get attention when there are 38 other people trying to also get his attention. I wanted him to know all sorts of random shiz..I love animals, I can spend an entire afternoon staring at clothes, drawing is a fun pastime, i love watching anime reading manga meeting people online, i wanted to become a vet. Just all sorts of random crap i just wanted to blurt out. I just wanted him to know me and now…too late. 🙁
I know QoTW is over, but something that is annoying me is the HUGE FONT in some places. It’s just weird to me, my grandmother makes her comps default font the same size and it makes me feel like an old lady even though Sneha’s the old lady here AMIRITE OR AMIRITE?!
Still, it’s a really spiffy update 🙂 Looks all cool and stuff.
Well that’s it then. Talking about my dad depressed me so now I don’t even feel upbeat. I feel bad about telling Fireleo I’d be on mabinogi later and I forgot i wouldnt LOL! woops D:
The trick is to have a big comfy bed.
stupid unversities and their company made beds rofl
HATUR. you are literally a year younger than me
Your problem was going to an anime club.
listened to miku.
i fell in love.
i fell in love.
If I could +1 a comment, I would of.
LOL sorry sneha :3
OH AND I FOUND THE VIDEO! well its not the one i watched because that one had better quality but…*shrugs*
That’s Miku and Gakupo.
Wasn’t that great either.
Try some Append Sweet,