1. Not get a F for a final grade (Failed)
2. Get an A for a final grade (Pass)
3. Get at least a 3.0 average (Failed)
4. Get a real girlfriend :sadface: (Working on it)
5. Make newer friends (Pass)
6. Distance myself away from some of my current friends (Pass)
7. Try out for a sport (Failed)
8. Actually make the team (…)
9. Be involved in a love dodecagon (wait no, this sounds painful…)
10. If having not accomplished joining a sports team, play a musical instrument
11. Actually commit to that instrument
12. Get a job
13. Blow off all my money on drugs
14. Become a druggie
15. Drop out of school
16. Become a baby daddy
17. Get arrested
18. Go back to high school at age 28
19. Almost graduate
20. Go to summer school
21. Disappoint parents
22. Have a child with a 14 year old at age 29
23. Have to pay child support for two women
24. Invest in an up and coming company
25. Get rich
26. Realize that the investment was part of a Ponzi scheme and head into bankruptcy
27. Fall into a deep depression
28. Become a hermit
29. Eat a bunch of sleeping pills
30. Die
31. Revive
32. Curse a God
33. Go back to high school at age 36
34. Miss graduation by .5 credits
35. Fail summer school
36. Repeat the 9th grade
37. Skip to the 12th grade
28. Invite family to my graduation
29. Realize that no one came to said graduation
30. Kill self while accepting diploma
What do you want to do (or have done) in high school?
sadly, and fortunately, i am done high school.
1) Go to school.
Make and maintain a good name for myself3.
Date a girl4.
Skip a class5.
Skip a whole day of school6.
Skip a week of school7.
Attend a house party8.
Get drunk9.
Get high10.
Get into a fight11.
Join a team (sports)12.
Join a club13.
Go to a girl’s house14. Be sober and sleep at said girl’s house/
Be 133716.
Date at least 8 girls17. Date at least 20 girls.
Probably more, but yeah I’ve done a lot so far. And I got 2 years to go 😉
3/4 of this list is joke 😛
Wait no, scratch that, I’m being completely serious about everything I wrote in this blog.
this is such a sad list, regardless of it being a joke or not.
This is a sad person, regardless of him existing or not.
LOL, #9.
lmfao at 29
How is that funny. Remember Louis from L4D? Yeah. He died from an overdose, with hundreds of thousands of zombies and witches and tanks.
And he fucking died from a overdose.
I find that not funny at all.
How is that funny. Remember Louis from L4D? Yeah. He died from an overdose, with hundreds of thousands of zombies and witches and tanks.
And he fucking died from a overdose.
I find that not funny at all.
Why is there no #69 ..