A blog about a depressed young man

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Hey guys. My name is Dest. Or you can call me Ken, for those of you who do not know who I am. I am a 16 year old Chinese American living in the United States. Nice to meet you. How about you grab a nice cup of tea and move your computer over to the fireplace so you can enjoy my blog the right way. Or…the DEST way. 😀

So, I haven’t blogged in possible a year or so, and I’m afraid I might have lost my magic touch…not that I had any. But anyway, I just wanted to blog about some things that have been going on in my life, and I told myself I was going to write a blog and post it eventually, so I guess it will be today. Whoopee!

First , let me tell you about my summer.

My summer started out wonderfully. School had came to a close, and my worries were gone for the next two months. I told myself, “YOU MOTHERFUCKER YOU BETTER FUCKING ENJOY THIS FUCKING SUMMER” and that I motherfucking did. I fuckin’, you know, smoked dat waaaeeeeeedddddd all daaay, muhhfuckin’ mac’d on bitches erry night, and muhhfuckin got pissfaced drunk erry morning. I sat at home and jacked off to 4chunz and played Call of Duty every day. It was a nice way to spend a summer! Aw man, you don’t know how excited I was when I got my Xbox 360 cable in the mail that allowed me to play on my monitor. Hoooooweeeee, it’s fucking boss.

So, I have been playing that for the past month.


“Ohshit, I wonder who will I have classes with?!”

-checks Facebook-

-everyone posts schedules-

Turns out that I had almost every single class with people from ninth grade. But you might say, “Ken, what is so bad about that?” And then I would answer: EVERYTHING! These people were the bane of existence. These people made my ninth grade year terrible. You see, I am a bit introverted in reality (although you might not realize that from talking to me on MSN on VuTales) and these people were extroverts. EXTREME EXTROVERTS WTF. Damn people never stopped talking and it annoyed the hell out of me.

I remember I had this one Biology class (one that I blogged about before) where they just said shit to me it was horrible! Although, I had said something wrong to one their friends, so they thought it was justified to give me an entire year’s worth of fuck to make me pay for it or something. And do you know what’s even worse? I even FUCKING apologized. FATHERFUCKERS DON’T FUCKING KNOW WHAT APOLOGIES ARE. I even tried to converse with them. I sat near them and they said, “WHY YOU SITTING THERE?”

“uhm uhm uhhhhmmm”



And I went back to my seat and sulked.

And that’s when I decided to start skipping that class. Aw man, those days were the best. I had some senior friends (who I am still friends with now) who went with me to go hang out and skateboard (this is back when I was a skatefag). Best days of my ninth grade life.

It’s too bad though. In ninth grade, I was a total arrogant, douchebag, immature fuckface who thought he was funny. These people showed me what was wrong with me, and my current friends have helped me change too. Unfortunately, other people besides my friends don’t know that I’ve changed, and whenever I walk down the halls of my school people give me those dirty looks and shit. Fuck me for being a dumbass in ninth grade.

10th grade year was alright though, they put me in some very nice classes with nice people. Loved 10th grade.


Now you may also be thinking, “Ken, people change!”

Not these motherfuckers. The dumb bitch who I aggro’d is still a bitch and is a fucking cam whore! I have noticed that she has started to develop some very nice breaststss.

Sigh, so now I am considering transferring to the original school that I was going to be sent to, the big magnet school about 10-20 miles from my house. Luckily, public transportation has never failed me! my dad is kind of enough to drive me.

But I don’t know though. Transferring schools would mean I gave up trying to work towards my goal of fucking conquering this damn school. Also, the other school has a shit load more assholes, but a shit load more people who I am friends with. I HAVE ONLY 3 FRIENDS AT THIS SHIT SCHOOL I AM AT, AND FUCKING 20+ AT THAT OTHER SCHOOL. THIS BULLSHIT, SON.

But I am highly considering it and my parents told me whatever makes me happy, you go and do it, young Ken. As long as you be doctor, you good in our book.

So, what do you guys think? Should I transfer and be back with all my old friends from middle school and work less, or stay with the harder workload and tolerate the asshole to friend ratio of almost 5:1? I should also mention friends I had back in elementary school go to the school and I go to, and boy, have they changed. They’ve changed quite a bit. They don’t hang around me because they think that the friends I’m with affects me on the social ladder and in turn would bring them down if people say him hanging out with me.

More of a reason to leave!


Dest1 18 August 2011 Reply

Fuck my shitty grammar. Too lazy to fix. Get at me, Tarheel.

Gujju 18 August 2011 Reply

you mad?

Dest1 19 August 2011 Reply
Gujju said: you mad?

David 19 August 2011 Reply

Know that we all still love you Dest. No matter what, we will still love you.


MasterCheeze 19 August 2011 Reply



Nass 19 August 2011 Reply



Dest1 19 August 2011 Reply
Nass said: “Hoooooweeeee”



MasterCheeze said: Transfer.


lolwat where is that?

Dest1 19 August 2011 Reply

MasterCheeze 19 August 2011 Reply
Dest1 said:

MasterCheeze said: Transfer.


lolwat where is that?


Dest1 19 August 2011 Reply
MasterCheeze said:

Dest1 said:

MasterCheeze said: Transfer.


lolwat where is that?


You can come to George Washington!

greenelf 19 August 2011 Reply


Dest1 20 August 2011 Reply
greenelf said: Transfer!

Yeah, since my address isnt in the school boundaries, I can’t transfer just yet. I have to wait till January to apply then transfer for 12th grade. QQ

greenelf 20 August 2011 Reply
Dest1 said:

greenelf said: Transfer!

Yeah, since my address isnt in the school boundaries, I can’t transfer just yet. I have to wait till January to apply then transfer for 12th grade. QQ

It’s worth doing, 12th grade is the last year before college, so you might as well enjoy it

David 21 August 2011 Reply

…………………………………………………………………………………… why would you transfer during high school ………….. suicide unless you do it between years, and even then, less time for you to meet counselor, teachers, people that help you in the college process…………… megalulz.

Nass 21 August 2011 Reply
David said: …………………………………………………………………………………… why would you transfer during high school ………….. suicide unless you do it between years, and even then, less time for you to meet counselor, teachers, people that help you in the college process…………… megalulz.

ya. not that much of a point switching on your last year lol.

Dest1 21 August 2011 Reply
Nass said:

David said: …………………………………………………………………………………… why would you transfer during high school ………….. suicide unless you do it between years, and even then, less time for you to meet counselor, teachers, people that help you in the college process…………… megalulz.

ya. not that much of a point switching on your last year lol.

I guess. But the school I’m at is making all Seniors of 2013 to do a humongous project, like a 20 page paper along with a 10-20 minute presentation ALONG with an internship throughout the whole year while managing a combined total of 7 classes per week.

MasterCheeze 21 August 2011 Reply
Dest1 said:

Nass said:

David said: …………………………………………………………………………………… why would you transfer during high school ………….. suicide unless you do it between years, and even then, less time for you to meet counselor, teachers, people that help you in the college process…………… megalulz.

ya. not that much of a point switching on your last year lol.

I guess. But the school I’m at is making all Seniors of 2013 to do a humongous project, like a 20 page paper along with a 10-20 minute presentation ALONG with an internship throughout the whole year while managing a combined total of 7 classes per week.

Yeah, fuck that. Transfer now.

Nass 21 August 2011 Reply
Dest1 said:

Nass said:

David said: …………………………………………………………………………………… why would you transfer during high school ………….. suicide unless you do it between years, and even then, less time for you to meet counselor, teachers, people that help you in the college process…………… megalulz.

ya. not that much of a point switching on your last year lol.

I guess. But the school I’m at is making all Seniors of 2013 to do a humongous project, like a 20 page paper along with a 10-20 minute presentation ALONG with an internship throughout the whole year while managing a combined total of 7 classes per week.

idk. I mean I’d still stick it out cuz I got that far already but, wtv u want I guess.

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