Okay, so. This is a woman thread. Let me start it with this delightfully long text conversation I had earlier today:
Her: Hi.
Me: Hey.
Her: What are you doing?
Me: Just hooking up the gamecube. (Yeah, we're both nerds. She's the pretty kind though. More than I can say for myself) You?
Her: Nothing, watching TV?
Me: Whatcha watching?
Her: Starstruck on Disney. Wish I wasn't alone.
Me: Why?
Her: I think too much when I'm alone.
Me: What's wrong with thinking too much?
Her: It makes me sad.
Me: If when you think too much you get sad, you need to start fixing some stuff.
Her: You can't really fix it.
Me: Well, what is it you're thinking so much about?
Her: You don't want to know. :/ It'll either weird you out or piss you off.
Me: Okay, then don't tell me. (I assumed she was talking about fucking her boyfriend which makes me mad. I sorta like her. Will be elaborated upon.)
Her: Well, I'll tell you if you guess.
Me: Why would I tell you something if it'll piss me off?
Her: Just guess.
Me: Does it have something to do with Jeremy? (her lover and my good friend)
Her: A little.
Me: Okay, then I don't want to know.
Her: Well, tell me what you think and I'll tell you if that's it.
Me: I don't want to know. Even if you told me different I wouldn't believe you.
Her: Do you think I lost my virginity, cause I didn't?
Me: Yeah, that's what I guessed.
Her: That'd piss you off?
Me: I don't like people doing stupid things. (Lame thing to say. Especially considering my sex history.)
Her: No, that's not it. It has to do with you.
Me: Okay, then just tell me.
Her: I thought it was obvious.
Me: Apparently not, I'm stupid.
Her: Nevermind, it's not important.
Me: No, tell me. (By now I know what it is. It's pretty obvious right?)
Her: It's seriously not important.
Me: What if I told you I KNEW it was important?
Her: Then you'd have to know what I meant. (Heh, slow)
Me: I might. It's pretty important.
Her: Well, then what?
Me: I have no idea. It's a lame situation.
Her: Well, then if it's lame it's not important.
Me: I meant, that there's no real way to fix it.
Her: To fix what?
Me: Whatever it is you want, or you could just leave it. That works too.
Her: Do you know what I want?
Me: No.
Her: Then how do you know it's lame.
Me: Lame situation. Not lame reactions.
Her: Sorry, what?
Me: Nevermind, Sarah. Forget it. Dancing around shit is annoying.
Her: Fine, it's about me and you.
Me: Oh, well I don't think it matters much because there's nothing we can do about it. I don't even know if you want to. You shouldn't want to.
Her: Why shouldn I? And do you? if we are talking about the same thing.
Me: Because that's kinda messed up towards him.
Her: I know. I'm just confused. I guess I'm just curious. I don't want to hurt him.
Me: You should know if you want to be with him. How you feel about me shouldn't be what you use to decide.
Her: But if I really loved him why would I feel this way about someone else?
I don't know what to say next… Help me. How do I work this out? My good friend's girlfriend. She's amazing. I don't know what to do. Shit.
Is he a bro? Never go with a Bro’s ex; if he’s with him right now, that’s even worse. That’s worse than killing him, bro.
It is a bro. Been a bro for 6 years. I mean, I understand the potential kickback and shit but, I mean she’s a grade A woman and yeah, they’re still together.
Like seriously, maybe love.
What I told her: If you stay with him, I’ll still be your friend. If you leave him for me, he’ll probably never talk to you again. Unless you think you’re not going to last anyway, go for it.
I don’t think I could walk around campus and such with her if she did leave him though. I’d probably wait til’ next year.
tbh with you actually nvm.
Just don’t do it.
I’ve read this twice, and I have no idea what’s going on. *slow*
What I understand;
Dussy likes girl.
Girl dating his friend.
Dussy doesn’t wanna hear about their relationship, as it angers him.
Girl likes Dussy but is still with friend.
Dussy is lost. Wants to grab the flower and carry back to base. But it’s his bro’s girl after all.
In a nutshell
I told her no, bro. Told her I’d still be her friend. That’s still weird though.
Too late for that.
Wow, you broke the code. You ain’t his bro
Nice robbery.
Looks like your friend needs to keep up his A-game
Nice, bro.
More like
Strangers + Talking = Acquaintances = Friends = Good friends = Obvious feelings for each other = Not wanting to risk friendship = “fuck, this is difficult.”
@Arly Bro, it was like a spur of the moment thing. I didn’t intentionally boink his woman. We didn’t even do it. She just kinda…I’m not going into detail. We just did inappropriate things.
@Nass Nu uh! I told her not to break up with him!
Good for you. Don’t step forward with her, you’ll both regret it and the initial feeligns of “Wow we did something about it” will change to “Wow…this sucks”.
Trust it.